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A.G.M West Lothian voluntary group

A.G.M West Lothian voluntary group . 1 March 2014. AGENDA. Treasurer’s Report Chair’s Report Election of Committee The Year Ahead Report on Diabetes UK Family Weekend Lunch!. TREASURER’S REPORT. RECEIPTS – 1. Group Activities . Group meetings Phoenix Cards Coffee Morning/

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A.G.M West Lothian voluntary group

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  1. A.G.MWest Lothian voluntary group 1 March 2014
  2. AGENDA Treasurer’s Report Chair’s Report Election of Committee The Year Ahead Report on Diabetes UK Family Weekend Lunch!
  4. RECEIPTS – 1. Group Activities Group meetings Phoenix Cards Coffee Morning/ Xmas Fairs Total 20122013 £360.39 £462.33 687.13 - £1234.24 - £2281.72 £462.33
  5. Receipts 2a - Donations 2012 Collection cans - £247.86 Coin box - £6 Sponsored run - £247.70 Phoenix donation - £100 TOTAL - £601.56 2013 Collection Cans – £339.30 Piggy Banks - £147.09 Parachute Jump - £150 Silver Wedding - £500 Ruby Wedding - £500* Funeral donation - £10 Xmas Quiz - £25 Blackburn Talk - £20 TOTAL - £1691.39
  6. Receipts 2b – Donations (grants) 2012 West Lothian Council Robertson Trust Bausch & Lomb TOTAL 20122013 £700 £500 £750 - £300 - £1750 £500
  7. Receipts 2 Summary Donations Grants Total 20122013 £601.56 £1691.39 £1750 £500 £2351.56 £2191.39
  8. Receipts 4 – Diabetes UK Sales 2012 - £0 2013 - £189.99 Polo shirts/ Rain jackets - £150 Diabetes equipment - £26.99 Diabetes branded goods - £7.00
  9. Payments – 8 Running Costs Phoenix Cards Print/post, stationery etc AGM Gifts DIAT Meetings Voluntary Gateway fee TOTAL 20122013 £453.38 - £1505.85 £1064 £124.06 £164.35 £139.24 £94.89 £101.71 £333.99 £423.85 £651.66 - £20 £2748.09£2328.89
  10. Payments to Diabetes UK 16 & 17 - Donations Collection cans Coffee Morning/Xmas fairs Piggy Banks Ruby Wedding Xmas Quiz TOTAL TESCO Can Collection Overall Total 20122013 £237.86 £338.96 £1234.30 - - £147.09 - £250.00 - £25 £1472.16 £761.05 - £4516.55 £1472.16 £5277.60
  12. Aims of West Lothian voluntary group Continue to provide support and information to all our members Raise awareness of diabetes and how the group can help Raise funds for Diabetes UK Scotland and for the local group
  13. Membership 2013 Start of 2013 - 145 After Data Protection Exercise - 108 End of 2013 - 127 Source of new members
  14. January Evening News – Diabetes Time Bomb – quote from May + Donal’s story DIAT table - Howden
  15. Diabetes Information &Advice Table – DIAT (1) 64 DIATs at St John’s Diabetes Clinics GP Surgeries Flu Clinics TESCO Various events (2012 – 40 DIATs)
  16. DIAT (2) GP Surgeries Bathgate Howden Craigshill (new) Blackburn (Strathbrock from 2014 + contacted East Calder) Flu Clinics Craigshill Winchburgh
  17. DIAT (3) More than 300 people given advice and information. 17 members volunteer Star volunteer – Marylin Boland Organised scheme + 42 tables
  18. February First Meeting at Inverlamond- Grace Bathgate – Who wants to be a Millionaire – Heathy Eating DIATs – St John’s Bathgate Primary Care Centre
  19. Attendance at group meetings Average Attendance 2013 =28 (2012 – 26) Total no of members attending = 68 (2012 – 60)
  20. Feedback from Group Meetings 2013
  21. Feedback Comments (50 received) Excellence of speakers Timing of meetings Different layouts Microphones Audience questions Audience chatter
  22. March (ctd) Susan Macfarlane – Your Pharmacy & You. DIAT’s St John’s Bathgate Primary Care Edinburgh Patient Seminar West Lothian Council
  23. Walking Group
  24. May James Walker – Conditions related to Diabetes + Newcastle Diet £500 donation from Silver Wedding Livingston Diabetes UK Roadshow – 13 volunteers Polo shirts /rainjackets subsidised for volunteers Voluntary Group Review Workshop DIAT – St John’s, Howden
  25. June Harry Day – Personal Best – Exercise & Diabetes Walk for Diabetes round Linlithgow Loch DIAT – St John’s Craigshill Bathgate Tesco South Queensferry – Step up
  26. July (1) Richard Lane – President of Diabetes UK Edinburgh Evening News – Val Steward’s story Shona – parachute jump Douglas Taylor joined committee as treasurer Improving Diabetes Care in Scottish Hospitals DIAT – St John’s Howden TESCO – Bathgate
  27. July (2) Jenny Spraggon arrived! Kyle and Shona got engaged!
  28. August Social Evening DIAT – St John’s Bathgate Craigshill
  29. September Question Time chaired by Karen Adamson Personal Best Survey DIAT St John’s Howden
  30. October (1) Depression & Diabetes – Carol Haxton WISH
  31. October (2) - TESCO Tesco – Big Collection Bathgate, Linlithgow, Falkirk, South Queensferry, Grangemouth 13 members 10 non—members + children Total £4516.55 Tesco Bathgate Halloween – raffle and Tombola
  32. October - DIAT West Lothian Council Tenant’s Day West Lothian Equality Day St John’s Blackburn Craigshill Flu Clinics – Winchburgh Craigshill
  33. November Stuart Ritchie – What’s New in Diabetes Voluntary Group Review Workshop LDRG Patient Seminar Humming Bird Ball Awareness Talk to Craigshill Neighbourhood group Risk Assessment Training Family Weekend Donal
  34. December Xmas Party Volunteer’s Xmas Lunch Ruby Wedding donation £500 DIAT – St John’s Bathgate Craigshill May got MBE!
  35. Star Volunteer – Hilda McNeish Supports at group meetings Raises awareness at DIAT Fund raises - raffles, coffee morning etc
  37. 2013 Committee May Millward – Chair Douglas Taylor – Treasurer Marylin Boland – Secretary Ian Millward – Membership Secretary Val Williamson Isabel Taylor Sandie Harley Shona Murray Kyle McKinnon
  39. Aims Continue to provide support and information to all our members Raise awareness of diabetes and how the group can help Raise funds for Diabetes UK Scotland and for the local group
  40. Diabetes UK New Group Agreement – from September 2014 New Name - West Lothian Diabetes UK Group Training Programmes for groups Volunteer liaison officer for groups New Group Agreement Online Handbook Improved links to group on Diabetes UK web-site Maximum £3000 reserves Must provide six-monthly report on activities Prior agreement from regional office for partnerships/contracts Office holders restricted to six years (from September 2014)
  41. Aim 1 - Continue to provide support and information to all our members Monthly meetings Newsletter Walking Group Personal Best fitness proposal Sponsor Family Care Events
  42. 2014 Programme 4 February – Exercise and Diabetes 5 March - TESCO and fund-raising for Diabetes UK, Kirsty Doran, Diabetes UK National Account Manager for the TESCO partnership in Scotland. 2 April – Dr James Walker, Diabetes Consultant, St John’s Hospital 7 May - Professor Roy Taylor, Newcastle University – Research into Low calorie diets and diabetes 4 June – Dr James McCallum – a GP’s view of diabetes 2 July – .TBA 6 August – Social Evening 3 September - Diabetes Question Time chaired by Dr Karen Adamson, Diabetes Consultant, St John’s Hospital 1 October – Living it Up 5 November – Complementary Therapies 3 December - Christmas party
  43. How can you help support our members? Help with group meetings – Put up posters at Inveralmond on night Reception and badges Set out and repack leaflets Raffle tickets Tea and coffee Operate powerpoint Operate microphones Need to arrive by 6.45 .
  44. Aim 2 - Raise awareness of diabetes DIAT Adopt a Surgery Risk Assessments Edinburgh Voluntary Group Seminar - 8 March 2014 LDRG Seminar – November 2014 Provide information packs to DESMOND and DAFNE Press releases Improving Diabetes Care in Scottish Hospitals Website, Facebook, Twitter
  45. How can you help raise awareness Volunteer to help with DIAT Put up posters Hand out cards about the group Talk to family and friends about diabetes and the group
  46. Aim 3 - Raise funds for Diabetes UK Scotland and local group TESCO – Big Can Collection 13 – 15 June 2014 Walk for Diabetes – 7 September 2014 Swim 22 Race Night? Piggy Bank collection Jewellery collection Apply for appropriate grants for – Personal Best programme Risk assessment equipment Running costs
  47. How can you help raise funds? Contribute raffle prizes Buy raffle tickets Volunteer for TESCO and other can collections Sponsored Activities
  48. Any Questions?
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