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Fourth Meeting of the NFSM Executive Committee Presentation on performance and crop situation Sri. Sunil Sharma., I.A.S., Commissioner of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh. Introduction. AP’s food grains production recorded an average annual growth rate of 8.98% for the period 2004-09.
Fourth Meeting of the NFSM Executive Committee Presentation on performance and crop situation Sri. Sunil Sharma., I.A.S., Commissioner of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh
Introduction • AP’s food grains production recorded an average annual growth rate of 8.98% for the period 2004-09. • The State has recorded the highest ever food grain production of 198.17 lakh tonnes in 2007-08 and 204.74 lakh tonnes during 2008-09 as against a Normal of 173.73 lakh tonnes. • However, due to adverse seasonal conditions during Kharif 2009, the expected production of food grain is 68.39 lakh tonnes as against the normal of 97.10 lakh tonnes. • However, we plan to compensate this loss during Rabi 2009-10 by enhancing the area under cultivation as well as productivity. We estimate food grain production of 97.46 lakh tonnes in Rabi 2009-10, as against the normal production of 66.90 lakh tonnes.
Effect of Drought - Kharif-09 • Erratic rainfall, resulted in poor sowings. • Prolonged dry spells during growth period caused severe damage to rainfed crops. • As against as a normal Kharif area of 79.07 lakh ha only 63.91 lakh ha was sown i.e. a loss of 19% in area sown. • 981 mandals have been declared as drought affected. • A cropped area of 13.56 lakh ha was damaged in 19 districts. Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Effect of Floods (Sep-09 – Oct-09) • Due to low pressure developed in West Central Bay of Bengal and adjoining areas from 29th Sep to 4th Oct-09, 13 districts in the state received heavy rains. • It led to unprecedented floods and caused inundation of crops. • A cropped area of 1.85 lakh ha was damaged. Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Production Estimates Kharif-2009 • A total food-grains production of 68.39 lakh tons is estimated as against the Normal of 97.10 lakh tons i.e. about 30% decline over Normal and 35% decrease compared to last Kharif (105.69 lakh tons) Source:- Department of Agriculture
Prospects of Rice production during Kharif-2009 The Kharif rice production is estimated at 52.80 lakh tons as against the Normal of 72.58 lakh tons i.e. 27% decrease over Normal and 37% decrease compared to last Kharif (83.81 lakh tons). Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Prospects of Pulses production during Kharif-2009 N:B:- Erratic rainfall and also unprecedented floodsin the state resulted in poor sowing of pulse crops and the yield level reduced (except Redgram) during Kharif-2009. Source: Dept. of Agriculture
The following strategies are adopted for increasing the Rabi Rice & Pulses production. Increasing the area under Rice & Pulses during Rabi Efficient and timely input delivery. Effective extension out reach. Providing access to the information by the farmers through AGRISNET. Weather based fore warning of pest and diseases and timely control. Farm Mechanization for improving efficiency in farm operations and reducing cost of cultivation. Intensive training of farmers on improved crop management practices like INM, IPM, PHT and water management. Adequate credit with specific reference to pulse and tenant farmers and crop insurance.
RABI CROP PLANNING Crop-wise Projection for Rabi-2009-10: Rabi Crop sowings: 19.12 lakh ha has been sown so far as against the season normal of 37.68 lakh ha (51%). Further sowings are under progress. Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Water levels in major reservoirs Projections for Rabi-09-10 Food-grains Production • With the receipt of heavy rains there is enough water in the major reservoirs under Krishna basin i.e. Nagarjunasagar, Jurrala, Tungabhadra & Srisailam. • Poor inflows were recorded in major reservoirs in Godavari basin i.e. SRSP, Nizamsagar and Singur etc. As such the paddy area will be decreased under these commands. • A total Rabi food-grains production of 97.46 lakh tons is estimated as against the Normal of 66.90 lakh tons ie 45% excess over Normal. (98.35 lakh tons last year). • The Rabi Rice production is estimated at 53.50 lakh tons as against the Normal of 43.40 lakh tons ie 23% excess over Normal. (58.26 lakh tons last year). • The Bengalgram production is estimated at 10.49 lakh tons as against the Normal of 5.99 lakh tons ie 75% excess over Normal. (8.57 lakh tons last year).
Subsidy Seed distribution during Rabi-2009-10 PADDY (Qty in qtls) as on 01.12.09 Distribution is in progress Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Subsidy Seed distribution during Rabi-2009-10 PULSES (Qty in qtls) as on 01.12.09 * Distribution is in progress Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Increasing Pulses Area under Irrigation Source: Dept. of Agriculture
Statement showing Credit provided for Pulses during 2007-08 & 2008-09 (Rs in crores) Source: SLBC • Department has taken up a drive in coordination with banks to enroll new farmers including tenant farmers and facilitate credit availability based on individual farm plans. • Identify pulses growers, prepare individual farm plans and facilitate crop loans for pulse farmers. • Full credit as per the scale of finance • 20% of crop loan as consumption loan • Credit flow to increase in less absorbing districts. • Updating scale of finance, Reshedulement and fresh loans being arranged.
Statement Showing Releases, Expenditure and submission of UC Under NFSM - Rice & Pulses (As on 30.11.09) The entire allocated amount of Rs. 14223.111 lakhs will be utilized before 31.03.10. An amount of Rs. 271 lakhs is yet to be released under publicity
Impact of the Mission - RICE - 2008-09 • Area under Rice increased by 10.49 lakh ha out of which NFSM districts contributed 6.06 lakh ha i.e. about 60% • Production increased by 44.46 lakh tons out of which NFSM districts contributed 25.93 lakh tons i.e. about 56.37%. Source:- Out line of Agricultural situation 2008-09
Impact of the Mission Bengalgram - 2008-09 • Area under Bengalgram increased by 2.40 lakh ha out of which NFSM districts • contributed 2.26 lakh ha i.e. about 94% • Production increased by 4.22 lakh tons out of which NFSM districts contributed 4.12 lakh tons i.e. about 97.63%. Source:- Out line of Agricultural situation 2008-09
Input Consumption in NFSM districts • Paddy seed distribution increased by 22 % During 08-09 compared to 07-08. • Bengalgram seed distribution increased by 29.4% during Rabi-08-09, compared to Rabi-2007-08. • The NPK consumption in NFSM districts increased by 10.68% in Rabi-08-09 compared to Rabi-07-08.
Status of Baseline, Concurrent Evaluation etc. • Benchmark Survey – NFSM Districts (Submitted vide Lr.No. NFSM / B. Survey / 26 / 08, Dt: 02.01.09). • Concurrent Evaluation Status(Submitted vide Lr.No. NFSM / C.E / 26 / 08, Dt: 22.12.08 & Dt, 18.03.09). • Results of Demonstrations and Minikits (Submitted vide Lr.No. NFSM / 41 / 09, Dt: 04.06.09). • Success Stories (Submitted vide Lr.No. NFSM / 16 / 09, Dt: 22.05.09). • Perspective Plan up to 2011-12 formulated.
Innovative Actions • Promotion of Redgram in irrigated areas during Rabi-2009-10. • Organization of Farm Mechanization Exhibition at ANGRAU. • Value addition in SRI system grown Rice.
Visits by GOI representatives Kharif-09 • Dr. Shanker Lal, National Consultant (seeds). • Dr. A.K. Singh from Dir. Oil. Seeds, Telhan Bhawan, Hyderabad.