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This meeting discusses the progress and challenges of farmer welfare and agriculture development in Madhya Pradesh, specifically focusing on the production and productivity of pulses, wheat, and rice. The financial position and implementation of e-pest surveillance under the NFSM program are also highlighted.
8th Meeting of National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSM-EC)on 16.01.2012Farmer Welfare and Agriculture DevelopmentM.P. Bhopal
Area, Production and yield of Pulses in M.P.Area ‘000’ ha. ,Production ‘000’ tonnes, Yield – Kg/ha * Programme on Pulses under implemented from Rabi season. * * Reason for shortfall production and yield is the occurrence of drought in 17 districts out of 20 districts ofNFSM Pulses * * * The reason for shortfall in yield is due to incidence of frost during Rabi and partially due to drought in 37 districts out of 50 district.
Area, Production and yield of Wheat in M.P.Area ‘000’ ha. ,Production ‘000’ tonnes, Yield – Kg/ha * Beginning year of NFSM for Wheat * * Shortfall in areais due to occurrence of drought in 24 districts out 30 NFSM districts of Wheat. * * * 22 districts out of 30 NFSM-wheat districts were affected due to drought. Also some of the NFSM-wheat districts were also affected due to occurrenceof frost.
Area, Production and yield of Paddy in M.P.Area ‘000’ ha. ,Production ‘000’ tonnes, Yield – Kg/ha * * Beginning year of NFSM for Rice * * * Decrease in area and Production is due to occurrence of Drought in all 9 NFSM districts of Rice * * * * Eight districts out of nine districts of NFSM-Rice were affected due to Drought
National Food Security Mission Financial Position(31 Dec. 2011 ) (Unit - Rs. In Lakhs)
NFSM A3P Year 2011-12Physical & Financial Progress Report Dec-2011 Unit - Fin. In Lakh Total Available fund 3368.00 +1143.66 = 4511.65 Lakh Required Amount (4640+207.42) – 4511.65 = 335.76 Lakh
Status of implementation of e-pest surveillance in A3P units of 2010-11 and 2011-12 1- e-pest surveillance in A3P units has been implemented in the state during 2011-12. 2- At district level D M group constituted in all the A3P districts. 3- Only few master trainers have been trained by the NCIPM, however training programme for the master trainers has been organized at state level. 4- Second and third tier training programme organized at district level in collaboration with the scientists of KVKS and SAU. 5- At District level nodal officer and farmer scouts have been identified and started working as per the directives.
Integrated Development of 60,000 Pulses Villages in Rainfed Areas Physical & Financial Report 31 Dec. 2011-12 Unit - Fin. In Lakh
State experience in implementation of A3P * Based on feed back the experience is very encouraging. * A3P has been very effective in increasing the yield of pulse crops. * INM and IPM based block demonstrations motivated the farmers to adopt the demonstrated technologies. * e-pest surveillance under A3P promoted the IPM technology among the farmers. * The seed minikits of improved varieties had good impact in popularizing these varieties. * The farmers of adjoining villages have also been benefited by these block demonstrations.
Status of Wheat Minikit Allocation and Distribution 2011-12 Unit – Nos. District wise deficit in distribution (1) Damoh HI-1544 (-) 130 by MSSC (2) Shahdol HD-2932 (-) 20 by SFCI
Status of Online Submission of Progress Report at State/. District level.
Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) in NFSM Unit – Nos. Note - The process for filling of vacant posts has bean completed and the appointment orders are likely to be issued very soon.
Brief over view of NFSM and A3P 1- The impact of NFSM under Paddy, Wheat & Pulses is very encouraging. 2- Production & Productivity of NFSM crops has been considerably increased. 3- The increased in productivity is as below. Pulses - 17.6% over normal Wheat - 18.8% over normal Paddy - 31.6% over normal 4- Farmers have adopted improved package of practices as demonstrated. 5- Under A3P an area of about 1,94,000 ha. has increased under Pulse crops. 6- Other farmers of surrounding area are also influenced with new technologies and have started adopting them.
Specific issues & Suggestion * In pulses except gram there is lack of improved disease resistant varieties. * Shortage of certified seeds of improved varieties at proper time. * Unavailability of notified hybrid varieties of rice from resource institution. * Lack of interest in seed production programme of early duration pulse and paddy varieties by the farmers due to their low yield potential.
Cont. … * The farmers belonging to the category of small/marginal/SC/ST could not get the desirable benefit despite of the subsidy (50%) because of the poor economic condition. Hence there is need to increase the subsidy up to 75% * A new intervention of seed storage facility need to be included in NFSM crops. * It is suggested to increase the rice district to the extent of 15 districts. * To overcome the problem of availability of gypsum from IFFCO and PPL. some more companies should also be authorized.