1. 15. Elementary Internet Presented by
Timon LeDain
2. Topics Covered What is the internet?
Basics of connecting to the internet.
The web browser.
Using the web.
Using e-mail.
Instant messaging.
Safe surfing.
Healthy computing.
3. The Internet. Phone and home address analogy.
Phone number and street address are used as locators.Phone and home address analogy.
Phone number and street address are used as locators.
4. Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses Four numbers separated by a period identify all computers on the web.Four numbers separated by a period identify all computers on the web.
5. Domain Names We have a much easier time remembering names rather than numbers.
Directory assistance example with telephones.We have a much easier time remembering names rather than numbers.
Directory assistance example with telephones.
6. Domain Names Domain names are translated into the IP address of the computer.Domain names are translated into the IP address of the computer.
7. Domain Name Examples. www.redcross.org (The American Red Cross)
www.redcross.ca (The Canadian Red Cross)
www.disney.com (Walt Disney Company)
www.macleans.ca (Macleans magazine)
www.princeton.edu (Princeton university)
www.waterloo.ca (Waterloo university)
8. Universal Resource Locators (URLs)
9. Connecting to the internet.
10. Things you can do on the internet. Send letters to friends and family (e-mail)
Do research for homework, school projects, and hobbies
Play games
Communicate with friends and family
Instant messaging
Video conferencing
11. E-mail addresses. mickey@disney.com
12. Internet Search Strategies Natural language query:
Where can I find the best chocolate chip cookie recipe?
Boolean language query:
chocolate -chip cookie recipe
Advanced boolean language query:
”white chocolate” -chip -nut cookie recipe
13. Instant Messaging
14. Safe Surfing Tips It is OK to share some information on the Web
your username (SkaterGrl99, SnowboardJoe87)
(never give out your real name)
your favorite food, movie, band, hobbies, etc…
Information you should never give out
your real name
your home address
your phone number
your passwords
(You and your parents are the only people that should know your password!)
15. Healthy computing posture Keep your back and neck straight.
Keep your thighs horizontal with a 90° bend at the knees.
Upper arm and forearm should form 90° bend at elbow.
Sit back at least 2 feet from screen.
16. Good Computing Habits Active Breaks.
Get up from your seat and move around at least once an hour. This helps your circulation and ensures that you do not stay in the same position for too long.
Eye refocusing.
Look away from your screen every five minutes or so. Let your eyes refocus on something far away.
Blink Often.
Blinking lubricates your eyes.
Clean Screen.
17. Good or bad? What is right or wrong with these pictures?
Extract from an ergonomics slideshow prepared
by children for children at Blackwell Elementary
School, WA.
18. Good or bad? What is right or wrong with these pictures?
Extract from an ergonomics slideshow prepared
by children for children at Blackwell Elementary
School, WA.
19. Good or bad? What is right or wrong with these pictures?
Extract from an ergonomics slideshow prepared
by children for children at Blackwell Elementary
School, WA.
20. Questions and Answers
21. Good or bad? What is right or wrong with these pictures?
Extract from an ergonomics slideshow prepared
by children for children at Blackwell Elementary
School, WA.
22. Good or bad? What is right or wrong with these pictures?
Extract from an ergonomics slideshow prepared
by children for children at Blackwell Elementary
School, WA.