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Local Government Reference Architecture

Local Government Reference Architecture. What is it and why do we need one?. a definition. A  reference architecture  in the provides a template for an architecture for a particular domain .

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Local Government Reference Architecture

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  1. Local Government Reference Architecture What is it and why do we need one?

  2. a definition • A reference architecture in the provides a templatefor an architecture for a particular domain. • It also provides a common vocabulary with which to discuss implementations, often with the aim to stress commonality.  • It’s a template or schematic for our domain, i.e. a Scottish Council

  3. Why would it be useful? • We aren’t going to meet demands under our own steam! • Commissioning separately is NOT Best Value • IT must move up the food chain – and add value! • An LGRA for Scotland will add to your service proposition at a Council level • Think on PSN…….collaboration has been good, but focus and a common point of reference has been lacking

  4. What does a complete architecture contain? A high-level representation of Council Services - Fife has counted 286 external-facing services and how they interact with other services …plus many more internal!

  5. What does a complete architecture contain? A map of key Council processes which support these services

  6. What does a complete architecture contain? The key information held by the Council to support these processes

  7. What does a complete architecture contain? The applications which process that information and automate those processes

  8. What does a complete architecture contain? The technology – compute, process, storage and transport layers which host those applications

  9. Scope of the reference architecture The Reference Architecture would focus on the service, process and information layers at a high level Initial target would be the “top layer” view

  10. Scope of the reference architecture

  11. Scope of the reference architecture Councils could then “build in” their unique process, application and technology layers to this model.

  12. Key QUESTION – How would this be used? • Analogy: • We are all car manufacturers – Ford, Vauxhall, Mercedes, Hyundai. • New EU regulations mean we have to switch to hydrogen fuel • We want to quickly get to the point where we can start designing and building – or else we won’t get cars on the forecourt • We want to only differentiate where needed and keep our prices competitive – we can share the same bolts, belts and brakepads…….

  13. How would the LGRA BE useFUL? Change or reform? We know the fuel system, ignition will change – but not the brakes!

  14. How would the LGRA BE useFUL? OK, now Ford knows where to focus their attention – what do they need to do? High-Level Impact Analysis (Services, Processes and information) COUNCIL-Level Impact Analysis (DETAILED PROCESS, ApPLICATIONS, TECHNICAL)

  15. How would the LGRA BE useFUL? We could use the same standard ignition module and get it 50% cheaper! COUNCIL-Level Impact Analysis (ApPLICATIONS, TECHNICAL) ENABLE PLANS CouNCIL CROSS-COUNCIL SECTORAL OpPORTUNITIES? SHARE, COLLABORATE, COMMISSION?

  16. How would an LGRA bE USED?

  17. OTHER Key Questions • How could this be built? • Ice on a pond….piggyback on change from all interested Councils? • Utilise (and grow) EA skills in place already? • How would this be verified? • By CIOs/Heads of ICT? • Governance and sign-off of LGRA at a sectoral Level? • How would this be maintained? • LGRA Group • Collaborative platform/ cloud-based toolset for all Councils?

  18. AN OCEAN TO BOIL…? • Start high-level – Top level architecture & common vocabulary • Build as we go using existing Council change projects • Get the governance and engagement right • No presumption that all Councils will want to consume this the same way or take part…….but • …recognise how this will enable a “new business-enabling IT” which adds real value to your Council.

  19. NEXT STEPS • Establish a Sectoral Architecture Board to oversee and direct delivery • Agree scope of initial LGRA and governance mechanisms • Establish an Architecture Working Group of practitioners to take this forward • Should that include private sector help? • Publish a high-level plan (summer 2014) detailing • Delivery of initial draft LGRA • Undertaking any “skilling, funding and tooling” required – resource planning • Future development phases beyond initial draft.

  20. Thanks • Questions?

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