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10 Survival Phrases Survival Answers 3/6. With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face. Hello I am the angry potato-head. I have already taught you ten survival phrases. Here are some answers.
10 Survival PhrasesSurvival Answers 3/6 With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face
Hello I am the angry potato-head. I have already taught you ten survival phrases. Here are some answers.
Hello. I am the mildly angry carrot-face. I am going to teach you answers to the survival phrases.
Woistdernächste McDonald’s? Where is the nearest McDonald’s?
Es gibtkeinen McDonald’s in derNähe. There is no McDonald’s nearby.
Woistdernächste McDonald’s? Where is the nearest McDonald’s?
Die nächste links und dannfürfünfMinutenimmergeradeaus. Take the next left and head straight on for five minutes…
DanngehenSieüber den Platz und an derAmpelvorbei… …then go across the square and past the traffic lights…
…und McDonald’s ist auf derrechtenSeite, gegenüber des Supermarktes. …and McDonald’s is on your right, opposite the supermarket.
Was genauist in diesemGericht? What exactly does this dish contain?
Nüsse. JedeMengeNüsse. Nuts. Lots of them.
Was genauist in diesemGericht? What exactly does this dish contain?
Schaafsaugen. EineörtlicheDelikatesse. Sheep’s eyeballs. It’s a local delicacy.
Was genauist in diesemGericht? What exactly does this dish contain?
Es istfürVegetariergeeignet. It’s suitable for vegetarians.
Was genauist in diesemGericht? What exactly does this dish contain?
GuteörtlicheZutatenwiezumBeispielWurst und Sauerkraut. Good quality local ingredients, including sausage and sauerkraut.