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Interfacial Physics and Thin-Film Processing. A7. Basics of Thermodynamics. Fall, 2013. Instructor: J.-W. John Cheng Mech. Engr. Dept., Nat ’ l Chung Cheng Univ. Outline. 1. Thermometer and Zeroth Law 2. Heat (Enthalpy) and 1st Law 3. Entropy and 2nd law
Interfacial Physics and Thin-Film Processing A7. Basics of Thermodynamics Fall, 2013 Instructor: J.-W. John Cheng Mech. Engr. Dept., Nat’l Chung Cheng Univ.
Outline • 1. Thermometer and Zeroth Law • 2. Heat (Enthalpy) and 1st Law • 3. Entropy and 2nd law • 4. Gibbs free energy and equilibrium • 5. Chemical potential • References • [BS99] Bowley, R. and Sanchez, M., Introductory Statistical Mechanics, 2nd ed., 1999, Ch 1 & Ch 2 • [MS95] Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd ed., 1995, Ch 6 & Ch 14
Temperature • First, we postulate existence of temperature through experience • In fact, we have T = f(P, V) • “This is a very powerful mathematical statement: it says that the temperature has a unique value for any choice of pressure and volume; it does not depend on any other quantity.” (p. 4, BS99) • Thermal equilibrium • When 2 systems A and B are brought into contact and there is no long a flow of energy between them, • A and B are said to be in thermal equilibrium. • The apparent observation for thermal equilibrium is that A and B have same temperature.
Zeroth Law and Thermometer • Zeroth law • If systems A and B are separately in thermodynamic equilibrium with system C, • then systems A and B are in thermodynamic equilibrium with each other. • Thermometer – an implication of Zeroth law • If we want to know if A and B are at the same temperature, we do not need to bring two into contact • It can be answered by observing if they are individually in thermal equilibrium with a third body. • This third body is usually a thermometer (溫度計)
3 Aspects of Thermodynamic Equilibrium • Thermal equilibrium (defined previously) • Mechanical equilibrium • A condition of balance maintained by force balance • Chemical equilibrium • See next page for description • Thermodynamic equilibrium • A system is in thermodynamic equilibrium when thermal, mechanical, and chemical equilibria have been reached. • At thermodynamic equilibrium, the system has well-defined temperature, pressure, and chemical potential.
Chemical Equilibrium • Chemical equilibrium concerns systems where the # of particles can change • E.g. a chemical reaction C + D CD • If there are too much C and D, the reaction proceeds to form CD • If there are too much CD, the reaction proceeds to form C and D • In chemical equilibrium, there is a balance between these two rates of reaction, so the numbers of #’s of C, D, and CD remain constant. • E.g. phase changes • Water and ice co-exist at a temperature around 0oC
Thermodynamic Coordinates (States) • Thermodynamic Coordinates/States • When in thermodynamic equilibrium, properties of the system only depend on thermodynamic ‘coordinates’, • such as the pressure and volume; • E.g., • consider a pure gas with no chemical reactions between gas particles and having constant number of particles • T = f(P, V) • Thermodynamic coordinates are more commonly referred to as thermodynamic states
Functions and Equations of States • Function of States and Equation of States • When a quantity only depends on the present value of thermodynamic coordinates • such as the pressure and volume as that of the temperature T = f(P, V) shown above • we say that the quantity is “a function of states” and • the governing equation “an equation of states.” • Generally, equations of states are very complicated and do not give rise to a simple math formula. • The ideal gas is an exception. PV = nRT T = (PV)/(nR)
Some Definitions • Theory of thermodynamics • Is concerned with systems of a large number of particles which are contained in a vessel of some kind. • Adiabatic wall • An ideal heat-insulating wall • Thermally isolated • Referring to a system is surrounded by adiabatic walls • Diathermal • Referring to a system which allows energy to pass through its walls
Some Definitions contd • Isothermal • Any two systems in thermal equilibrium with each other are called isothermal to each other
Exact Differential (A Math Tool) • Consider a function of states, G = g(x, y) • The total derivative is defined dG as • Expressing dG = A(x,y)dx + B(x,y)dy, we have • Conversely, a change dG =A(x,y)dx + B(x,y)dy is called an exact differential if we have
Inexact Differential • Inexact Differential • When a change dG =A(x,y)dx + B(x,y)dy with • The change is called an inexact differential • To differentiate from exact differential, we will put a bar on top of it
Application of Exact Differential • Consider a 2-D force field • Q. When does there exist a potential function u(x,y) s.t. Hint:
First Law • Internal energy U is a function of state. • It includes potential energy, kinetic energy, and others • First law • Energy is conserved if heat Q is taken into account. • U = W + Q • U: internal energy, W: external work, Q: external heat
Enthalpy (焓) • Consider a system • Under a pressure P, a change dV implies that external world does work to the system by -PdV • Resulting in an increase in internal energy of the system. • This change in internal energy is described as follows Note the bar on top of Q reminds us that dQ is not an exact differential • Enthalpy (under constant pressure) • Above deduction from 1st law of thermodynamics implies a new useful variable, the enthalpy H = U + PV (for isobaric process)
Heat Capacities • General concept of heat capacity • The amount of heat absorption dQ required for dT increase in temperature of the system • Note that dQ is condition dependent; different condition gives rise to different value of C • Cv: heat capacity at constant volume • CP: heat capacity at constant pressure • Note CP CV • The difference is small for liquid and solid in comparison to that for gas because gas expands significantly with temperature increase
Motivation for Entropy • 1st law states • Note that external heat change is an inexact differential • It is interesting to know that • by multiplying an integrating factor an inexact differential can sometimes become exact • E.g. * * Performing a path integration of eyzdf along a particularly chosen path
Motivation for Entropy contd • A quest • “Can we find an integrating factor which multiplies dQ and produces an exact differential? • If we can do this then we can construct a new function of states and call it the entropy.” (p.25)
Entropy of Ideal Gas • Ideal gas is • A collection of n moles of gas molecules whose internal energy is the total kinetic energy of the gas • and satisfy the following equation of states • 1st law says
Entropy of Ideal Gas contd • Consider an integrating factor, 1/T Independent of process path!
Entropy of Ideal Gas contd • Above integration result implies existence of new function of states, S • Entropy S of ideal gas at temperature T & volume V w.r.t. a reference entropy S0
Formal Definition of Entropy • Definition of Entropy (unit: J/K) • For a reversible process, the entropy S of the system is defined to be • Thus, the 1st law for reversible processes can be expressed as Note this equation is only valid for reversible processes * “A reversible process is defined as one which may be exactly reversed to bring the system back to its initial state with no other change in the surroundings.” (p. 16) * The subscript rev in dQrev is to remind that the underlying process is a reversible one.
2nd Law of Thermodynamics • Clausius inequality as 2nd law of thermodynamics* • For a general process, reversible or irreversible, we have • And cycle = 0, when process is reversible; • cycle > 0, when process is irreversible • cycle“is a measure of the effect of the irreversibilities present within the system executing the cycle.” • or as “the entropy introduced by internal irreversibilities during the cycle.” (p. 203, [MS95]) * In most textbook, the 2nd law refers to the principle of entropy increase and derive Clausius inequality as a corollary. But in some books, the 2nd law starts with Clausius inequality and derive principles of entropy increase as a corollary.
Entropy Balance Equation • Entropy balance eq. • The first implication of the Clausius ineq. • Consider a scenario of a cycle consisting of • a forward path, either irreversible or reversible, from state 1 state 2 and • a reversible return path from state 2 state 1 • From Clausius inequality, we have entropy balance eq.
Entropy Balance Equation contd • Entropy balance in differential form • 1st term of RHS • entropy transfer accompanying heat transfer; • positive value means transferring into system • 2nd term of RHS, cycle 0 always • entropy produced within the system by the action of irreversibilities • Interpretation of entropy balance eq • (An entropy change) = (entropy transfer due to heat transfer) + (entropy induced by action of irreversibilities)
Principle of Increase of Entropy • Principle of Entropy Increase • Another implication of the Clausius inequality • System under consideration • Consider an enlarged system comprising a system of interest and that portion of the surroundings affected by the system as it undergoes a process. • Since all energy and mass transfers taking place are included within the enlarged system, • The enlarged system is considered thermally isolated, i.e., dQ = 0
Principle of Increase of Entropy contd • Entropy balance of enlarged system gives • which implies • Since 0 in all actual processes, the only processes that can occur in nature are those with entropy increase of the isolated system • The above is the so-called the principle of increase of entropyfor thermally isolated system
Themodynamic Equilibrium of Isolated Systems • Implied by the principle of entropy increase, • the entropy of an isolated system increases as it approaches the state of equilibrium, and • the equilibrium state is attained when the entropy reaches a maximum
Microscopic Definition of Entropy • Above discussion is the phenomenological definition of entropy, the classical way • Modern statistical thermodynamics gives the following microscopic definition • Let denote the total number of possible microscopic states available to a system • the entropy of the system is defined as • Principle of entropy increase implies equilibrium is characterized with max disorder, i.e., largest
Why Is Gibbs Free Energy Necessary? • Principle of entropy increase tells that • An isolated system reaches its thermodynamic equilibrium when its entropy is maximum. • Limitation of principle of entropy increase is that it is applicable only to isolated systems • How to describe thermodynamic behavior of a more general system?
2 Balance Eq’s of Thermodynamic Sys • (1) Energy balance equation (1st law) dU = dW + dQ • U: internal energy, W: external work, Q: external heat • (2) Entropy balance equation (2nd law) • Gibbs free energy is a clever application of these two balance equations
Predicting Process Direction • 1st law for isobaric (恆壓) process (1) • Entropy balance in differential form (2) • (1), (2) the only process allowed must satisfy (3) • (3) can be used to study direction of process change • i.e., the system will change with the direction which would result in negative value of LHS of (3)
Gibbs Free Energy • Above inequality suggests a new function of states, the Gibbs free energy • Definition of Gibbs Free Energy, G
Gibb’s Criterion for Equilibrium • Inequality of slide 35 in terms of Gibbs free energy (4) • For isothermal and isobaric processes, we have • Thus, the process proceeds to state with lower G, and • the equilibrium state occurs at min Gibbs free energy, i.e., when
Dependence on Size of the System • Intuitively, when the number of moles of the particle increases, G also increases. • Specifically, we have (without proof) and • Any function of states is linearly proportional to the size of the system, like G, is called an extensive property • Extending to multi-component system, we have and
Chemical Potential, i From last slide, • Taking partial derivation w.r.t. gives • Define chemical potential as
iBeing Independent of Size • Note that our assumption of extensiveness on G will give for single component system • iis independent of the size of the system • i.e., chemical potential is a so-called intensive property of the system
Chemical Potential of Ideal Gas Mixture • Consider a binary mixture as an illustration • Let n1 and n2 be the numbers of moles of gases 1 and 2, respectively • From previous discussion related to the ideal gas, we know • Gibbs free energy of binary mixture of ideal gases is • Note • By comparison, we will obtain i
Equilibrium Criterion in Terms of Chemical Potential • As noted before, equilibrium criterion of an isothermal and isobaric process is • Thus, this equilibrium criterion of an isothermal and isobaric process can be reformulated as