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HOW DID IT START? The Stability Pact Anti-corruption Initiative (SPAI) was adopted in Sarajevo, in February 2000, as an intergovernmental mechanism to address corruption as one of the most serious threats to the recovery and development of SEE countries. SPAI mission to curb corruption is based on the following five pillars of the Initiative: 1. Adoption and implementation of international anti-corruption instruments; 2. Promotion of good governance and reliable public administration; 3. Strengthening of national legislation and the rule of law; 4. Promotion of integrity in business operations; 5. Promotion of an active civil society.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPAI Regional Secretariat Liason Office (RSLO) • Launched 2003, operational six months later • Main goal – to promote regional ownership of the Initiative and enhance regional capabilities to lead the fight against corruption in SEE Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI) • Since October 9, 2007 • Complete transformation of the Initiative to full regional ownership and leadership
RAI INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK • RAI Chairman – overall coordination • RAI Steering Group – the decision making body • RAI Secretariat – the executive body • Head of the office • Anti – corruption expert • Executive Assistant – BiH resident • Outreach and Fundraising Assistant • Interns
RAI ACTIVITIES Supporting the process of adoption and implementation of the UN Convention against corruption • Regional Conference on implementing the UN Convention against Corruption – Chapter 2 – Preventive measures in Tirana, Albania, on April 03–04, 2007. • Regional Conference on curbing Corruption in SEE, Romania, Bucharest, May 03–04, 2007. • RAI Secretariat updates and will further develop a compliance matrix to address the Chapter on law enforcement.
RAI ACTIVITIES… Supporting the process of developing and implementing regional and national anti-corruption programs for raising public awareness • International events • Dissemination campaigns – SPAIgrams, folders, leaflets, posters etc. • Updating official web site: www.spai-rslo.org
RAI ACTIVITIES… Sharing best practices in investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating high level corruption • Twining type activities • New training modules for training junior experts – summer school for junior experts in Sovata, Romania • Internship programs
RAI ACTIVITIES… Assessment of the regional anti-corruption needs and specific requirements • Strategic planning meetings – the last one took place in Sarajevo on June 21-22, 2007. • The new Work Plan for 2008 – 2009.
RAI ACTIVITIES… DEVELOPPING AND MAINTAINING AN ANTICORRUPTION RESOURCE CENTRE www.spai-rslo.org Including 4 components: • Legal library(international standards, national strategies, relevant legislation, studies, progress reports…) • Anti-Corruption Network(relevant stakeholders and links) • Anti-Corruption Project Database (Publications, Country Resources) • Regional Calendar of Activities(Events) Launched officially in May, 2005, during the SPAI Ministerial Meeting.
RAI ACTIVITIES OUT OF WHICH B&H BENEFITED DIRECTLY • Summer school for junior magistrates – participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina took part in the event twice, in 2006 and 2007. • Twinning type activity - SPAI RSLO and ABA CEELI in Sarajevo coorganized in cooperation with the Slovenian Agency for Preventing Corruption in Ljubljana a twinning type activity for anticorruption prosecutors and investigators from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who are at the same time members of Working group for drafting the Law on Anti-corruption Agency.
The achievements of RAI • All the RAI member countries approved National Anti-corruption Strategies and Action Plans. • The member states’ legal framework have largely been harmonized with European standards set by international conventions. • In each RAI member country specialized anti-corruption bodies have been created or are in the process of being established.
AFTER 7 YEARS…STILL A LONG WAY TO GO Current challenges for the countries of SEE: • reform of judiciary and public administration; • the negative perception regarding the levels of corruption both from public and business community; • lack of sound projects dealing with education and raising public awareness; • understaffed anticorruption structures and low salaries; • role of the prevention is still underestimated, while the repression is seen as the only feasible solution.
The future of the Initiative Under the political coordination of the newly established Regional Cooperation Council, the Anti-corruption Initiative and its Secretariat in Sarajevo will continue, for a long term, to provide a regional framework for cooperation among the SEE countries, as a prerequisite for achieving the overall goal of European and Euro – Atlantic integration. The recently initialled Stabilisation and Association Agreement is a major step for BiH towards full membership in the EU. In the process of preparation for EU membership each country should cover a scope of preconditions. Dealing with the chapter concerning Justice and Home Affairs, BiH authorities should apply the EU anti-corruption standards, in which the experience and the resources of the RAI Secretariat can be very helpful.
QUESTIONS ? THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION For further information about RAI Secretariat and its schedule of activities please do not hesitate to contact us: Edmond DUNGA Stanislav ALEKSANDROV Head of Office Anti-corruption expert dungae@lol.ba alexandrovs@lol.ba Tel: +387.33.550.220 Fax: +387.33.550.221 www.spai-rslo.org