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Section 504

Section 504. Clarkstown Central School District Office of Pupil Services Dr. Carol Gannon, Associate Superintendent 845-639-6442 Barbara Auriemma, Office of Special Programs 845-639-6440. Table of Contents. General Purpose.

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Section 504

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  1. Section 504 Clarkstown Central School District Office of Pupil Services Dr. Carol Gannon, Associate Superintendent 845-639-6442 Barbara Auriemma, Office of Special Programs 845-639-6440

  2. Table of Contents

  3. General Purpose A broad civil rights law which protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.

  4. Who is Covered? • Children who have or have had a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity and is regarded by others as disabled. • Major life activities include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, caring for oneself, and performing manual tasks.

  5. IDEA verses Section 504 A student with a disability has greater rights and entitlements under the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) than under Section 504.

  6. Comparison Chart

  7. Eligible Students Examples of students who may be protected by Section 504, but who may not be eligible under the IDEA: -students with communicable diseases -student with asthma or allergies -student with juvenile arthritis -students with attention deficit disorder (ADD)

  8. Identification And Evaluation • Evaluation draws on information from a variety of sources in the area of concern. • All tests and other evaluation materials must be: -validated for specific purpose -administered by trained personnel

  9. 504 Building Liaison • A CST which is knowledgeable about the student, evaluations, and placement options develop an accommodation plan. • The 504 Building Liaison, Child Study Team (CST), and school administrator, comprise a school’s 504 team.

  10. Parental Notice and Consent • Parents must receive prior notice and give their approval before the district can conduct a Section 504 evaluation. • Parents should receive, sign, and return the child’s 504 plan to the school’s 504 Building Liaison.

  11. Placement Procedures When interpreting evaluation data and making placement decisions, the law requires: • Draw upon information from a variety of sources. • Assure that all information is documented and considered. • Ensure that the eligibility decision is made by a group of persons including those who are knowledgeable about the child, the meaning of the evaluation data, and placement options. • Ensure that the student is educated with his/her non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate (least restrictive environment). • A meeting is not required for any change in placement

  12. Reevaluation • Requires periodic reevaluations. • Reevaluation is required before a significant change in accommodations.

  13. Due Process Requires districts to provide impartial hearings for parents or guardians who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or placement of a student.

  14. A Section 504 Coordinator • “Section 504 Coordinator” is the name generally given to the district official who is charged with coordinating district efforts to comply with Section 504. • The Coordinator for Clarkstown is Barbara Auriemma in the Office of Special Programs 639-6440.

  15. Office of Civil Rights (OCR) The OCR is responsible for enforcing Section 504 and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R.Part 104, prohibiting discriminating on the basis of disability in programs and activities by all entities receiving federal financial assistance, including private, elementary, and secondary schools.

  16. Clarkstown Procedures

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