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SECTION 504. Overview for School Staff. Section 504 Contacts. WCSD 504 Coordinator, Trish Shaffer. 380 Edison Way Fax # 861-4496. Zones 1 & 2 Patricia Carroll Zones 3 & 4 Sky Sessions Home & Hospital Dana Spencer. Section 504. Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 504 What is it?.
SECTION 504 Overview for School Staff
Section 504 Contacts WCSD 504 Coordinator, Trish Shaffer 380 Edison Way Fax # 861-4496 Zones 1 & 2 Patricia Carroll Zones 3 & 4 Sky Sessions Home & Hospital Dana Spencer
Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504What is it? • A civil rights or equal opportunity law. • Prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities, both students and staff members, by school districts that receive federal financial assistance. • Regulations require a school district to provide a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability who is in a school’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability.
Who is Disabled under Section 504? • Three prong assessment is used for those between the ages of 3-21to determine eligibility: • 1) Mental or Physical Impairment • 2) Substantial Limitation • 3) Major Life Activity
Section 504 and IDEA? • Section 504 is the umbrella for both special education law (IDEA) and section 504. • Any student qualifying for services under IDEA automatically receive the same protections as students under Section 504. • In contrast, students who qualify for a section 504 plan do not necessarily meet the eligibility requirements for IDEA. • Critical difference: * Section 504 is a general education initiated process. * IDEA is a special education program process.
Student Identification What is the process?
How are students identified? • Two Pronged Identification Process: • 1) Student or guardian has the right to request consideration of a 504 plan. • 2) School’s “Child Find” responsibility.
In regard to the identification process: Section 504 evaluations do not have to be comprehensive, but it is imperative to the process that appropriate data and insight of people that are familiar with the disability in question as well as the student in question, are involved in the eligibility.
Writing the Plan What’s an appropriate accommodation?
Appropriate Accommodations • 1)Individualized, not generic accommodations • 2)What the school is going to do, not the student or parent • 3)Health specific accommodations belong in HCP, not 504. • 4)Behavioral goals are not accommodations • 5)Needs to be specific • 6)Remember, “accommodations”, not “modifications”
Home & Hospital Services What is it and how is it accessed?
Who is Home & Hospital services for? • When a physician decides a student is incapable of attending school. This might be due to a physical or mental disability.
How are these services obtained? • Physician’s note • Note must indicate duration of need • Release of information • 504 is completed • Home & Hospital Application • Physician’s note, Home & Hospital application, and 504 is sent as a packet to the 504 office (ATTN: Dana Spencer) • Home & Hospital teacher is assigned to the student
Other Considerations • Only core academic subjects are taught • Intended as a temporary placement • Coursework and grading provided by school • 5hrs. a week in-home instruction • Once services are no longer needed, the 504 plan is adjusted to reflect new accommodations, or is terminated
What about related services? Transportation? Assistive Technology? Occupational Therapy?
Transportation • Under Section 504, students may receive transportation services if it is determined that this would be needed for a student to benefit from his/her education. • If traditional transportation is a barrier to students having access to the same education as their peers, a student may qualify.
Transportation Procedure • Student is found eligible for a 504 plan • Special needs transportation is deemed necessary • 504 support person is contacted to ensure appropriateness • Transportation accommodation is written into the 504 plan • Both the 504 is forwarded to the 504 office. • 504 office makes transportation arrangements with transportation office. • This must be repeated annually to continue services.
Assistive Technology • AT is a device and/or service that is determined to be educationally necessary for a child to receive a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE). • AT equipment, whether low tech or high tech, is provided to allow a child to complete an educational task he/she would not have otherwise been able to complete. • Framework for consideration includes asking, are they necessary? Are they educationally relevant?
What kinds of AT is available? • WCSD provides a continuum of supports. Some examples are: • * Literacy • * Math • * Teacher Resources • * Communication Devices • * Organization / Behavior • * Access to Educational Materials / Activities • * Co-Writer currently available at all sites
What is the process for requesting AT services? 1) Contact your 504 zone coach to discuss your need for AT assistance. a. Complete the 504 Request for AT Assistance and attach all necessary supporting documentation. b. Submit request and 504 plan to you zone coach. 2) 504 Dept. will review the request. 3) If request is determined to be appropriate for student, WCSD AT team will be asked to assist with a consultation in determining a match in services to student needs.
What about Occupational Therapy? • Typically, Occupational Therapy (OT) is not delivered through a 504 plan. • OT services are generally delivered through an IEP through Special Education Services. • If a rare case exists, please contact your zone support for further guidance.
Health Care Plan, 504 Plan, or both? Understanding the Distinction
Health Care Plan or 504? • HCP’s are developed by your school nurse. • Provisions in a HCP generally refer to services that would be provided by the school nurse, clinical aide, or by the student themselves. • A 504 should be considered when the needs or accommodations for the student will impact the educational environment beyond the school clinic. • Management of Students with Food Anaphylaxis (Guide on WCSD website)