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Sally Dastoli , Director of Curriculum and Instruction Pauline Greer, Curriculum Specialist March 10, 2014. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). Please silence your cell phones . Common Core State Standards. CSBE adopted July 2010. Edweek July 17, 2013 .
Sally Dastoli, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Pauline Greer, Curriculum Specialist March 10, 2014 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Please silence your cell phones
Common Core State Standards CSBE adopted July 2010
Edweek July 17, 2013
Next Generation Assessments • Rigorous assessment of progress toward “college and career readiness” • Consistent scoring across all Consortium states • Valid, reliable, and fair for all students • Administer online • Use multiple measures
Assessment System Components Assessment system that balances summative, interim, and formative components for ELA and mathematics: • Summative Assessment (Computer Adaptive) • Mandatory comprehensive assessment in grades 3–8 and 11 (testing window within the last 12 weeks of the instructional year) that supports accountability and measures growth • Selected response, short constructed response, extended constructed response, technology enhanced, and performance tasks • Interim Assessment (Computer Adaptive) • Optional comprehensive and content-cluster assessment • Learning progressions • Available for administration throughout the year • Item types: Selected response, short constructed response, extended constructed response, technology enhanced, and performance tasks • Formative Processes and Tools • Optional resources for improving instructional learning • Assessment literacy
What is CAT? Administered by computer, a Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) dynamically adjusts to the trait level of each examinee as the test is being administered. Starting the spring 2015, the SBAC assessment will be adaptive within a grade level window.
Advantages of CAT versus Conventional Tests • Reporting: Results can be made available more quickly (NOT for the Pilot spring 2014) • Results available to CSDE in November 2014 • Test Security/Item Exposure: All students are not presented with the same items • More Flexibility for Computer Capacity: Students do not need to be assessed on the same schedule
ScoreReportsfortheMathematics SummativeAssessment “Studentscandemonstrateprogresstoward collegeandcareer readinessinmathematics.” “Studentscandemonstratecollegeandcareerreadinessin mathematics.” “Studentscanexplainandapplymathematicalconceptsand interpretandcarry outmathematicalprocedureswith precisionand fluency.” “Studentscansolvearangeofcomplexwell-posedproblemsinpure andappliedmathematics,makingproductiveuseofknowledgeand problemsolvingstrategies.” “Studentscanclearlyandpreciselyconstructviableargumentsto supporttheirown reasoningandtocritiquethereasoningofothers.” “Studentscananalyzecomplex,real-worldscenariosandcan constructandusemathematicalmodelstointerpretandsolve problems.” OverallClaim for Grades3-8 OverallClaim for Grade 11 Claim #1-Concepts& Procedures Claim #2 -ProblemSolving Claim #3 -Communicating Reasoning Claim #4-ModelingandData Analysis
ScoreReportsfor theELA/Literacy SummativeAssessment “Studentscandemonstrateprogresstowardcollegeand careerreadinessinEnglishlanguageartsandliteracy.” “Studentscandemonstratecollegeandcareerreadinessin Englishlanguageartsandliteracy.” “Studentscanreadcloselyandanalyticallytocomprehend arangeofincreasinglycomplexliteraryandinformational texts.” “Studentscanproduceeffectiveand well-groundedwriting forarangeofpurposesandaudiences.” “Studentscanemployeffectivelisteningskillsforarangeof purposesandaudiences.” “Studentscanengageinresearchandinquiryto investigatetopics,andtoanalyze,integrate,andpresent information.” OverallClaim for Grades3-8 OverallClaimfor Grade 11 Claim #1-Reading Claim #2 -Writing Claim #3-Listening Claim #4-Research/Inquiry
SummativeAssessments APPROXIMATETestingTimes The testdurationestimatesdescribedaboveareapplicableto most students.However,Smarter Balancedassessmentsarenottimedtests. Some studentsmayneedmoretimewhileothersmay needless timetocompletetheassessment.
SBAC Field Test spring 2014 • On-line Practice Tests in Grades 3-8 and 11 in English language arts/literacy and mathematics: • Provide an opportunity for teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders to experience the features of on-line testing • Gain insight into how Smarter Balanced will assess students’ application of CCSS skills and concepts. • Provide a preview of the SBAC assessments, but they do NOT encompass the full range of content and should not be used to guide instructional decisions (unlike the operational assessments in 2015)
SBAC Field Test sprint 2014 • Not Computer Adaptive (different forms piloted) • Some schools may also pilot grades 9 & 10 • We have a 3 week test window: • Window 1: March 18 - April 4 – Silas Deane and WHS • Window 3: April 28 - May 16 – all 5 elementary schools
Universal Accessibility Tools • New Universal Accessibility tools available to all students, IEP, 504 and/or ELL students. • NCSC – National Center and State Collaborative is developing new Alternate Assessment (to replace Skills Checklist)
Understanding the Range of Item Complexity Content Standard: Grade 6.G.2 Practice Standards: MP.1; MP.5; MP.7
ResponseTypes SmarterBalancedResponseTypes MCwith one correctresponse MC with multiplecorrectresponses Two Part multiple-choice MatchingTables Yes/NoorTrue/FalseTables Fill-inTables Select or ordertextorgraphics Complex drag anddrop Graphing Equationornumeric response Short Text LongEssay Selected Response Constructed Response
EquationWriter Grade3
EquationWriter Grade8
Claim3:Listening ... 21 Selecttwoquestionsthatthelistenercananswerafterlisteningtothepresentation. OurWorld:SleepingOn-Board theInternationalSpaceStation Listentothepresentation.Thenanswerthequestions. HowwastheInternational SpaceStationbuilt? Howfaris theInternationalSpaceStationfromEarth? HowlongdoastronautsstayintheInternationalSpaceStation? Whatjobs doastronautsdoonboardtheInternational SpaceStation? Whattimedoastronautsgo tosleepontheInternationalSpace Station? HowdoastronautstalktofamilyandfriendsbackonEarthwhileontheInternationalSpaceStation? • 22 Basedonthepresentation,selecttwothingsthatcaninterrupt anastronaut'ssleepontheInternationalSpace Station. < > ·•----------- heat hunger lights noises work
SampleGrade3PerformanceTask ResearchQuestions–Claim4
SampleGrade3PerformanceTask FullWrite– Claim2
Preparing for SBAC “Test prep” is embedded in instruction • Create instructional activities that encourage high levels of student engagement. • Expose students to multiple resources- both print and digital. • Enable students to extract information from text and make inferences based on this information. • Provide opportunities for ongoing, short research projects. • Provide students with rich experiences that require them to persevere and apply skills and concepts in order to solve high level problems. • Provide students with opportunities to justify or defend their answers.
Sample SBAC Items http://www.smarterbalanced.org/sample-items-and-performance-tasks/