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From Welfare State to Civil Society (1)

Social Innovation: The new Buzz Word for supporting Youth in connecting Education and the Labor Market?. From Welfare State to Civil Society (1). Context Long lasting recession  budget cuts Stacking of effects affecting citizens, e.g. impoverishment

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From Welfare State to Civil Society (1)

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  1. Social Innovation: The new Buzz Word for supporting Youth in connecting Education and the Labor Market?

  2. From Welfare State toCivil Society (1) Context • Long lasting recession  budget cuts • Stacking of effects affecting citizens, e.g. impoverishment • Population ageing  increase in elderly care • Unemployment, incl. combating youth unemployment • Increase in sense of own responsibility & active participation

  3. Different roles for Citizens: participation,empowerment, self-organisation,care for one another Government: from doing to directing,multi level governance, partnership, co-production, co-creation Institutions in the social field: partnership, networking From Welfare State toCivil Society (1)

  4. 3 DecentralisationProcesses (1) Transfer of tasks and responsibilities from central to local government, with less budget… Per 1 January 2015 • Welfare and Care • Youth Care • Labor Market Participation

  5. 3 DecentralisationProcesses (1) Urgency to cooperate in the region • With other citiesand municipalities • With partnersin the social field

  6. Delft is workingtogetherwith: • Rijswijk, intensely (SSC CCC) • Haaglanden, ParticipationYouth Care • DWO, Welfare & Care

  7. Delft’s Social Vision Empowerment of individuals, joiningforces Everybody is welcomeandwillreceive the sameopportunities Delft is a goodcityforeducation, living andworking Participation & Inclusion An attractivesocialclimate & a solidstructure of community services

  8. Social vision, social innovation Safety net Long-term loss of control Tailor made services Temporary loss of control Active citizenship Basic community services Empowerment Stimulate to participate Prevention

  9. Principles of Delft’s Social Innovation • Emphasis on prevention and pro-action to prevent deterioration • Focus on multi-problem situations • Demand driven & integrated approach: What is needed to address problems coherently? Looking for creative solutions within one’s personal environment • Frontline Steering: 1 family – 1 plan – 1 budget – 1 coach (multidisciplinary, in social teams) • Accomplishing this together with our partners in the social field

  10. FromEducationtothe LaborMarket Policies • Youth Office: One Stop Shop  which helps youngsters to go to school or have a work placement • Regional Signalling and Monitoring Office (RMC) • Compulsory school attendance until 18 years • Support to obtain a study qualification (minimum standard), 18-23 years • Social Assistance Act, 23-27 years: education or work placement

  11. Earlyschool-leavers(1) Youngsters up to 23 years old who leave school without a qualification at high school level or at vocational training level The Netherlands

  12. Early school-leavers(2) Delft

  13. Someexamplesfrom Delft • Single parents/Teen mums • Support schemes to combine school & care / job & care • Action Plan Combating Youth Unemployment • Techniekpact: foster technology education at all school levels • Green jobs • Provide jobs related to sustainable energy and economy, maintenance of public spaces (ESF)

  14. Youth Participation in Delft ‘welfare state’ ‘civil society’ ‘social innovation’ change of politician and politics independent foundation (15-21 years old) initiation by deputy mayor social 100% voluntary political and social assignment to welfare organisation ten projects cooperation two projects supporting other (groups of) youngsters political ups and downs €39.000,- €12.500,- 2002 2009 2012 Q3 and on

  15. 22.5% Youth Unemployment on average

  16. We took the European challenge to Delft JouwDelft & Co. • 10 European cities (Delft, Chartres, Speyer, Roskilde, and others) • 4 youngsters and 1 policy advisor per city • Local politicians, social workers and youngsters • 65 participants • 6 days • November 2012

  17. We came up with innovations Just a handful of the advises • make internships more accessible to all students (higher and lower education) • stimulate companies to pay their interns just enough to be self-sufficient • make short internships available to let a student orientate on different jobs • support youngsters to start their own business by setting up incubators • incorporate entrepreneurship into the education system • communicate more with youngsters about all the different possibilities • focus on educating youngsters in English, other cultures and Europe • organize exchanges for students at a very young age to ensure their language skills, European mind-set, which ensures mobility on the job market

  18. One of the innovations in practice Youth Unemployment ‘enough’ jobs in the city of Delft youngsters are lazy ‘couch potatoes’ 10% job searching 90% Facebook

  19. Work in YourDelft

  20. Work in YourDelft Steps to social innovation within this project • Step 1: inform youngsters about local job openings through Facebook • Step 2: connect local businesses actively with youngsters looking for a job • Step 3: support youngsters in finding a ‘real’ job

  21. Social Innovation! Modern media don’t make it innovative Taking the responsibility, that’s the innovation!

  22. A new youth congress Organised by youngsters from Holland • Youth Unemployment & Movement of youngsters to cities • November 2013 • North of Holland • Max. 5 youngsters per delegation • Around 12 delegations • On-site costs covered and €50,- of the travel costs per person Still looking for delegations…

  23. Thankyouforyour attention! Patrick van Geel, City of Delft, pvgeel@delft.nl Alwin Snel, JouwDelft, alwin@jouwdelft.nl

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