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Data Exploitation and Modeling for the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere www.cost723.org. WG1 Activities. Overview. Focus on humidity measurements (But also one ozone activity) Improvements of different techniques and intercomparisons In Situ Ground Based Satellite
Data Exploitation and Modeling for the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratospherewww.cost723.org WG1 Activities
Overview • Focus on humidity measurements (But also one ozone activity) • Improvements of different techniques and intercomparisons • In Situ • Ground Based • Satellite • Summary and Conclusions
In Situ • MOL Lindenberg (RS80, RS92) • FMI Sodankylä (LAUTLOS campaign) • Institute of Meteorology Portugal (ozone RS)
Lindenberg Observatory (DWD) [U.Leiterer/H.Dier]: 1. Examination of humidity-differences between radiosondes RS80 and RS92 with help of weekly Lindenberg FN-soundings 2. day-nigth-comparison of both sondes RS80 and RS92 and experimental investigation of influence of solar radiation
RS92 and RS80-A(corrected with the Lindenberg method) mean humidity difference DU [%] related to Lindenberg FN-reference sounding and their standard deviation (s) on main pressure levels s RS80 s RS92 s RS92 s RS80 improvement
Investigation of direct solar radiation influence on temperatur and humidity radiosonde sensor ventilated low pressure (3-1000 hPa) vacuum chamber with quartz window
Hygrometer Intercomparison Campaign at Sodankylä, LAUTLOS Jan 26-Feb 28 2004 1. Finnish Met. Institute-Arctic Research Centre , Sodankylä, Finland 2. Vaisala Oyj, Helsinki, Finland 3. Meteolabor AG, Zürich, Switzerland 4. German Weather Service, Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg, Germany 5. Central Aerological Observatory, Moscow, Russia 6. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA 7. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany 8. University of Bern , Switzerland
LAUTLOS: Tropospheric results Tuomo Suortti Finnish Meteorological Institute Hygrometer inter-comparisons: • Radiosondes: RS80-A, RS80-H, RS90, RS92 and FN • Frost point hygrometers: NOAA/CMDL, CFH and Snow White • Ly-alpha: FLASH-B PLOT KEY: - Plot shows RH differences as a function of temperature (i.e. temperature dependence, TD) - RS92 as used as a reference - Ambient RH is shown by the color scale. - CL=Leiterer TD-correction for RS80-A - CM=Miloshevich TD-correction
Arctic H2O observations in the LS • Balloon borne frost point hygrometers flown in the winters of 2002/2003-2005/2006 in Sodankylä (67.4°N). Profiles inside the Arctic vortex (right) and in the vicinity of the vortex (left). From Kivi et al., 2006
Diamantino Henriques (Institute of Meteorology- Portugal) • During May and April 2001 a campaign of simultaneously ozonesoundings at three upper air stations (Lisbon, Lajes and Funchal) was carried on using Brewer-Mast sondes adapted for Vaisala rawisondes. This experiment consisted in weekly soundings (total of 21) during winter-spring period when high changes of total ozone amount are normally observed at this latitudes.
COST 723 Contributions • 2 LAUTLOS Meetings (Lindenberg and Helsinki) • Several STSMs, mostly about radiosonde correction algorithms
Ground Based • Uni Bern (Microwave) • CNR-IMAA Potenza (LIDAR) • CNR-ISAC Rome (LIDAR)
Combined Water Vapor Profiles over Sodankylä during the LAUTLOS Campaign Alexander Haefele, University of Bern MW Balloon data are used as a priori information in the MW retrieval. The result is a profile from the ground up to the mesopause based on the best inrormation source at every altitude level. balloon Contour: ECMWF modified PV
CNR-IMAA Raman Lidar operative since May 2002 2 systematic lidar measurements per week, more than 2000 hours (day and nigth) of measurements performed up to now Calibration checked systematically with radiosondes and MW profiler Calibration factor results constant within 5% About 200 radiosonde launches from May 2002 MW profiler operational since February 2004 (24h per day, 7 days a week): Temperature, water vapor, cloud liquid water profiles up to 10 km above the station Water vapour Raman lidar atCNR-IMAAG. Pappalardo, A. Amodeo, C. Cornacchia, G. D’Amico, F. Madonna, L. MonaCNR-IMAA, Tito Scalo (Potenza) Italy (40°36' N - 15°44' E, 760 m a.s.l.)pappalardo@imaa.cnr.it Involvements • Validation of MIPAS water vapor product • NDSC for UT/LS water vapor monitoring • LAUNCH 2005 • Aura, AIRS, IASI validation Recent activities Integration of Raman Lidar and MW profiler to improve water vapour profiling Assessment of the impact of the assimilation of high resolution profiles data into NWPM
During the last year the complete set of the array of nine 50-cm telescopes has been performed.The slide compares the water vapor vertical profile (30 min integration) taken by the 9-telescope channels of the lidar (red line), with the radiosounding (black line) from the Meteo Service of the Italian Military Aeronautics in Pratica di Mare, 25km S.E. of Tor Vergata Raman Lidar Water Vapor Measurements CNR- ISAC, Rome – Tor Vergata (F.Congeduti)
COST 723 Contributions • 1 LIDAR meeting • 1 STSM • Contacts and data exchange
Satellite • Chalmers Göteborg (Odin SMR) • HIPC Prague (Odin SMR isotopes) • Uni Bremen (AMSU-B)
Odin-SMR: Upper tropospheric retrievals DJF 2001-2004 mean • First retrieval: uses only lowest tangent altitudes • Only tropics • Humidity: 2 layers @ 200/130 hPa(10-25 km possible) • Cloud ice: column above 12.5 km Rydberg et al. M. Ekström, P. Eriksson and B. Rydberg, Chalmers (patrick.eriksson@chalmers.se)
Odin-SMR: Strato-mesospheric humidity • 20 – 100 km:488GHz -> 20-75km556GHz -> 40-100km • Also isotopomers:H218O and HDO • Roughly 4 observation days per month since Nov 2001 488 GHzzonal mean2001-12-15 J. Urban, N. Lautie and D. Murtagh, Chalmers (jo.urban@rss.chalmers.se)
Observation of HD18O, CH3OH and vibrationally-excited N2O from Odin/SMR measurements By averaging more than 400 000 Odin/SMR spectra over the period from November 2002 to March 2003, we have been able to detect weak lines in the atmosphere. These weak lines have been attributed to water isotopic species HD18O, to a vibrationally-excited N2O, and to CH3OH. Sub-millimeter wave spectra over the 501.52-501.59 GHz micro-window minus modeled fit: a) Southern Hemisphere, lat < 30°S; b) Global, 90°S < lat < 90°N; c) Northern Hemisphere, lat > 30°N; d) Tropics, 30°S < lat < 30°N. Data were averaged over the range 17.5 - 67.5 km and curves a, b and c are offset. Superimposed are the theoretical lines (vertical bars). Z. ZELINGER†, B. BARRET‡, P. KUBÁT†, P. RICAUD‡, J.-L. ATTIE‡, E. LE FLOCHMOËN‡, J. URBAN††, D. MURTAGH††, M. STŘIŽÍK‡‡ †J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic ‡Laboratoire d'Aerologie UMR 5560 CNRS/Universite Paul Sabatier, Observatoire de Midi-Pyrenees 14, Toulouse, France †† Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden ‡‡VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
AMSU-B Work in Bremen Stefan Buehler Institute of Environmental Physics University of Bremen www.sat.uni-bremen.de
AMSU UTH-Climatology AMSU-B, Channel 18, NOAA 15, Winter 1999-2000. Figure by Mashrab Kuvatov, paper in preparation. (Method explained in Buehler, S. A. and V. O. John, A Simple Method to Relate Microwave Radiances to Upper Tropospheric Humidity, GJR, 110, D02110, doi:10.1029/2004JD005111)
Comparison radiosonde ↔ AMSU • Comparison of corrected radiosondes from Lindenberg to AMSU • Increasing dry bias for dry conditions (4%RH at 0%RH) Buehler et al., JGR 2004
COST 723 Contributions • 1 STSM • Contacts and data exchange
Summary and Conclusions • A lot of ongoing activities (19 publications so far on www.cost723.org/publications) • Intercomparisons give valuable insights • Inside a technique by different instruments • Across different techniques • A pity to stop the good collaboration now Suggestion for a follow-up action