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Purpose Of Letting Israel Go

Purpose Of Letting Israel Go. Let My people go that they may serve Me" As God's children today we have learned through this great show of power that ultimately it will require "active obedience" to receive salvation from the "One True God."

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Purpose Of Letting Israel Go

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  1. Purpose Of Letting Israel Go Let My people go that they may serve Me" As God's children today we have learned through this great show of power that ultimately it will require "active obedience" to receive salvation from the "One True God." Looking back over the instructions that were given to Pharaoh to "let my people go that they may serve me", this principle is manifest throughout. Service to the Lord is the requirement of His people, and the blessing for this show of obedience and sacrifice is the ultimate salvation not only from physical death but from spiritual death as well.

  2. Result Of The 10 Plagues Results of the Ten Plagues The Israelites were not only allowed to leave the land of Egypt, but were commanded by Pharaoh to do so (Exodus 12:31). The Bible says that there were 600,000 men, besides children, who left that night (Exodus 12:37). They left enriched by the Egyptians (Exodus 12:33, 36). This ended 430 years of the Children of Israel living in the land of Egypt (Exodus 12:40, 41).

  3. Passover Instituted This month shall be your beginnings (Exo. 12:1) 10th day: take a male lamb 14th day: kill the lamb Place blood on door frame Eat with unleavened bread Blood: a sign (God: “I will pass over” your house)

  4. Passover Instituted The Passover This day will be a memorial Feast of Unleavened Bread (14th – 21st day) New calendar began for the Israelites 10th plague: Death of the Firstborn (12:29-30)

  5. Crossing the Red Sea The exact place of crossing is not known God took them via an unusable route The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire Moses took Joseph’s bones Pharaoh pursued the Israelites The Israelites complained again 14:11-12 Moses parted the sea The Egyptian army destroyed 14:26-28

  6. Song of Moses and Miriam Song of Moses 15:1ff They praised the Lord The Lord triumphed gloriously I will praise and exalt Him Pharaoh’s army He cast into the sea The people (of Canaan, Philistia, Moab, etc.) will be afraid and melt away Song of Miriam 15:20-21 Sister to Moses and Aaron The women went with her taking their timbrels: singing and dancing; praising God

  7. Journey to Mt. Sinai “I will rain bread from heaven” Bread of heaven God tested Israel again People hungry: cried to Moses God will provide: Evening: meat (quail) Morning: manna (bread) Moses: your grumblings are before God Test: whether or not they will walk in My instruction. v.4 But, some left bread till morning. v. 20 Some gathered bread on Sabbath. v. 27 Reference: Exodus 15-19 Manna “bread of heaven” (Exo. 16)

  8. Journey to Mt. Sinai God supplies man’s needs Water from the rock From Wilderness of Sin to Rephidim No water to drink People complain to Moses Moses cries to the Lord: they will stone me. v. 4 God: take your staff (that struck the Nile) and strike the rock at Horeb…that the people may drink. v. 6 Place called: Massah (test) and Meribah (quarrel) Reference: Exodus 15-19 Water From the Rock (Exo. 17:1-7)

  9. Journey to Mt. Sinai First resistance on their journey Victory over Amalekites Amalek Amalek: grandson of Esau Reside in northern half of Sinai peninsula Amalekites War Against Israel at Rephidim Moses to Joshua: choose men to fight. v. 9 Moses: I will station myself with staff of God in my hand Hands up: Israel prevailed Hands down: Amalek prevailed Aaron and Hur supported Moses’ hands (victorious) Altar: The Lord is My Banner Reference: Exodus 15-19 Victory Over the Amalekites (Exo. 17:8-16)

  10. Journey to Mt. Sinai Jethro was the priest in Midian Jethro’s advice Jethro (Reuel: Ex. 2:18) Father-in-law of Moses Brought Zipporah and his 2 sons Heard all that God had done for Moses and Israel Moses’ Heavy Workload Jethro: “What you do is not good…task is too heavy to do alone.” v. 17-18 Jethro’s counsel: Be their representative before God. v. 19 Teach them statutes/laws Select godly men as leaders to judge. v. 21-22 Reference: Exodus 15-19 Jethro’s Advice (Exo. 18)

  11. Journey to Mt. Sinai Israel camped before the mount Israel is now at Mount Sinai Same as Mount Horeb Remember what God Told Moses on his way to Egypt: • Read Exodus 3:12- And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. Reference: Exodus 15-19 Sinai (Exo. 19)

  12. Note the times when the Israelites have murmured: • When they reached the Red Sea and saw Pharaoh’s army approaching • When they reached Marah and the water was bitter • When their food was gone at the time they got to the Wilderness of Sin • When they found no water at Rephidim They did not rely on Jehovah to care for them when they were in need. Has human nature changed since then?

  13. Sinai Left Rephidim; Arrived at Mount Sinai Israel camped in front of Mt. Sinai 19:2 Moses went up to God. v. 3 God: from the Mt. v. 4-6 I bore you on eagles’ wings Now, if you obey My voice Then, you shall be My people You shall be: a kingdom, a holy nation. Moses speaks to Israel: They answer: We will do. v. 8 Reference: Exodus 15-19 Sanctified at Sinai (Exo. 19)

  14. Sanctified at Sinai People Consecrated. v. 10-17 Garments washed. v. 10 Scheme of redemption: persons washed. Rom. 6:3-4 The Lord Visits Sinai. v. 18-25 Mountain consecrated. v. 18ff God called Moses to the top. v. 20 Moses warned the people not to charge forward to see God. V. 21 Reference: Exodus 15-19 Sanctified at Sinai (Exo. 19)

  15. God’s Covenant with Israel People afraid God’s Presence …Remember when: People sanctified. 19:9-11, 15 Three days later (as the law was given). 19:16-20 Moses received the law (ten commandments) 20:18 Fear on the People. Moses, you speak with us; not God, lest we die. v. 19 Moses: Do not fear, God has come to test you…that you may not sin. v. 20 Reference: Exodus 20-24 People afraid (Exo. 20:18-21)

  16. God’s covenant with Israel Moses Receives the God’s Commandments The Ten CommandmentsCh. 20 The Book of the Covenant Ch. 21-24; 24:7 The Pattern for the tabernacle, the furniture, the priests, the sacrifices and the offeringsCh. 25-31. All of these are considered The Law of Moses and they were given to Israel (those who came out of Egypt (Ex. 20:1). Moses in the Mount for 40 days v. 24:18 Reference: Exodus 19-31 The commandments given (Ex. 20-31)

  17. God’s covenant with Israel Ten Commandments • Do not make gods before Me • Do not make idols • Do not take the Lord’s name in vain • Do no work on the Sabbath • Honor your father and mother • You shall not murder • You shall not commit adultery • You shall not steal • You shall not bear false witness • You shall not covet Reference: Exodus 20-24 Ten Commandments (Exo. 20:1-17)

  18. God’s covenant with Israel Other laws The Altar. 20:22-26 The Book of the Covenant Concerning servants. 21:1-11 Concerning violence. 21:12-27 Concerning animal violence. 21:28-36 Concerning property. 22:1-15 Various immoralities. 22:16-31 Justice to all. 23:1-9 Sabbath laws. 23:10-13 Reference: Exodus 20-24 Other laws (Exo. 20:22 – 23:13)

  19. God’s covenant with Israel Feasts Three Annual Feasts Feast of Unleavened Bread: Month of Abib: eat unleavened bread seven days Feast of Harvest: firstfruits of your labors sown in the field Feast of Ingathering: at the end of the year, when the fruits have been gathered Reference: Exodus 20-24 Three annual feasts (Exo. 23:14-19)

  20. God’s covenant with Israel Feasts Regulations. cp. Dt. 16:16 All males shall appear before the Lord. No blood offered with leavened bread. No fat shall remain until morning. No young goat is to be boiled in its mother’s milk. Reference: Exodus 20-24 Three annual feasts (Exo. 23:14-19)

  21. God’s covenant with Israel Israel affirms the covenant Leaders to Worship God Moses (Joshua), Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders. Built an altar and 12 pillars (for each tribe). Moses alone shall go near the Lord. People: All the words which the Lord has said we will do. 24:3, 7 They had also agreed earlier. v. 19:8 Reference: Exodus 20-24 Israel affirms covenant (Exo. 24)

  22. Israel breaks covenant Moses “delayed” in the Mount (cp. Ex. 24:18) People to Aaron: Come, make us gods The Golden Calf v. 1-6 Aaron had them offer their jewelry Aaron makes a golden calf idol Aaron also built an altar The people “celebrate.” Broke Covenant With God Later, God’s covenant on stones will be literally broken Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 32)

  23. Israel breaks covenant God Desires to Destroy the People v. 7-10 God was angry He called them “your” people v. 7 God’s intention was to destroy the people… and make Moses a great nation. Moses Intercedes v.11-14 What might the Egyptians say Remember the promise to Abraham God relented to Moses plea v. 14 Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 32)

  24. Israel breaks covenant Moses’ Anger Broke the two tablets God made v. 19 Destroyed the calf that Aaron made v. 20 Moses: Who is on the Lord’s side? v. 26 The offenders punishment was swift and severe v. 27-28 Moses was willing to be “blotted out of God’s book” for the people’s sake v. 32 God: “Those who sinned will I blot out of my book.” God plagued the people v. 35 Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 32)

  25. Israel breaks covenant The Command to Leave Sinai v. 1-6 Go to a land flowing with milk and honey. The Tent of Meeting v. 7-11 Temporary meeting place for Moses and God Is not the tabernacle to be built Promise of God’s Presence v. 12-23 Moses: Show me Your glory. God: No man shall see Me and live. Reference: Exodus 32-34 Israel breaks the covenant (Exo. 33)

  26. Moses Makes New Tablets v. 1-9 God called Moses back to Mt. Sinai The Lord passed by before him Stayed 40 days again v. 28 Moses intercedes for the people: v. 9 Please go among us We are a stiffnecked people Pardon our iniquity and sin Take us for your inheritance God responded favorably Reference: Exodus 32-34 The Lord passed before Moses (Exo. 34)

  27. Covenant renewed v.10-28 God: Observe what I command you this day Do not make covenants with people in other lands God: My name is Jealous – do not worship other gods or images. Keep the feasts Work 6 days; rest on the 7th Moses’ face shone v. 29-35 Met with the people Put a veil over his face Reference: Exodus 32-34 God renews the covenant (Exo. 34)

  28. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai Israel was now a strong nation, but not yet organized. The “Great Nation” promise has been fulfilled – first of the three promises God told Jacob to go to Egypt “for I will there make of thee a great nation.” (Gen. 46:3) The Israelites now have a leader in Moses; But, they do not have a law, a way of worshipping God, and a place to worship.

  29. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai Moses was of the tribe of Levi. Joseph died Last of the Patriarchal Age/Period The children of Israel had multiplied Soon they were in bondage Pharaoh tried to stop their growth Moses spared and lived in royal surroundings for 40 years Moses fled to Midian after trouble with Pharaoh and the Israelites

  30. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai 600,000 men plus their families left Egypt Moses called from Midian to deliver them from Egyptian bondage Eighty years old Had a wife and 2 sons Ten plagues fell upon the Pharaoh and the Egyptians After last plague, Pharaoh let them go They left with riches from the Egyptians

  31. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai The Israelites waited 430 years for this day They went “out of Egypt” through the wilderness to the Red Sea God guided them A pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire Pharaoh and his army pursued them He had again hardened his heart The Israelites were trapped by the Sea

  32. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai Moses took Joseph’s bones with them God opened the Sea and allowed the Israelites to cross The Egyptian army was destroyed in the Sea The Israelites had been “baptized unto Moses” (1 Cor. 10:1, 2) They celebrated their salvation Waters of Marah made sweet

  33. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai First mention of the Sabbath Day They complained of hunger God provided bread in the morning Quails in the evening Rest on Sabbath Day They complained of thirst Water provided from a rock Victory over the Amalekites Joshua lead the Israelites Moses held the rod of God aloft

  34. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai God spoke directly to the people Jethro visits Moses Jethro’s advice about Moses’ workload About 3 months after leaving Egypt, Israel arrived at Mount Sinai Same place God spoke to Moses from the burning bush (3:12) God’s awesome presence on the Mount Thunder rumbled, lighting flashed, a thick cloud around them, a loud trumpet blast

  35. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai “All the Lord has said, we will do…” (spoken for the third time) The people were sanctified Garments washed God offered Israel a covenant It required strict obedience The covenant was ratified People promised to keep all of God’s laws A blood offering was made Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and 70 elders approached God

  36. A Summary of The Journey From Egypt To Sinai The Ten Commandments given to Moses God made 2 tablets of stone The covenant was broken A golden calf was made and worshipped Less than 6 weeks had passed God threatened destruction of Israel He called the people Moses’ people Moses intervened with reasons not too

  37. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The Israelites new calendar began the month of the Passover The exodus from Egypt began on the 15th day of the first month In the third month, they arrived at Mt. Sinai The giving of the law took about 3 months Moses was on the mount for two 40-day periods The next 6 months were spent building the tabernacle, and its furnishings Moses carefully documented the dates of important events

  38. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The Israelites left Mount Sinai on the 20th day, 2nd month, 2nd year 3 months from Egypt to Sinai 3 months receiving the law 6 months building the tabernacle They left 1 month after the consecration of the tabernacle and the second Passover About 10 months was spent at Sinai

  39. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The Ten Commandments were given orally and in writing (20:1; 31:18) The book of the covenant was written by Moses and read to the people (24:4, 7) The people said, “All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient.” (24:7) Now, Israel becomes a nation with laws, rules and regulations The laws dealt with all areas of life

  40. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The tabernacle was created by God as a visual reminder of God’s presence The tabernacle housed their sacred things It provided a way for sacrifices to be offered in an orderly manner God gave Moses the “blueprint” and the people followed it exactly in making the parts and in erecting the building itself A cloud covered it by day and a fire by night The tabernacle was set up on the 1st day of the 1st month of the 2nd year

  41. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai Israel was sinful and needed a way of being reconciled to God God designed a priesthood to mediate between Him and the people Blood sacrifices were offered to take care of their sins Special “Feasts” were set up to remember the things God had done for the Israelites “Be ye holy for I the Lord am holy” (Lev. 20:7)

  42. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The priesthood: Aaron anointed as the High Priest His sons were consecrated as priests Special garments were made “for glory and for beauty” Sacrifices were controlled by the priests They were to preserve the law and teach it to the children of Israel The Levites later assigned to help them The priests offered sacrifices for themselves, then for the people

  43. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The second Passover observed – Exactly one year since the first Passover was instituted in Egypt At twilight on the 14th day of the first month A reminder that the Israelite’s first-borns were saved (passed over) while death came to the Egyptian’s first-borns The Feast of Unleaved Bread followed Each family had to participate in the Passover

  44. An Overview: The Months at Mount Sinai The people were numbered and organized Males, age 20 and above, who could go to war Levites, males one month old and up, were counted separately Levites assigned the immediate area around the tabernacle Twelve tribes encircled the tabernacle Only Levites age 25-50 could serve in the tabernacle (Num. 8:24)

  45. God’s Instructions To Moses How to build the tent-structure called the “Tabernacle” – Ex.25-31 All that would be associated with the service of the tabernacle The design and materials The furnishings The garments of the priests and High Priest All these things were object-lessons or types of something better that was spiritual in nature – Heb.8-9; Col.2:17

  46. The Pattern God stressed that all things must be done “according to the pattern” – 25:9,40 The pattern of information was understood and carried out by the Israelites, led and supervised by Bezalel and Oholiab – 31:1-11; 35:30-35 The people offered the materials that went into the making of the tabernacle

  47. Portable For Travel The Tabernacle was designed to be set up, taken down, and moved as they journeyed to the promised Land.

  48. Each Tribe Would Be Designated A Specific Location to Camp Around The Tabernacle. God and His House Had To Be At The CENTER THE DESIGN.      This is stated in Exodus 25:8, "Let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."

  49. Three Meanings of the Tabernacle God’s Dwelling Among His People A Type of Jesus: Our Meeting-place with God In Christ we reconcile with God In Christ we come to God In Christ we meet with God A Type of Christ’s church: where holy people in a holy place or realm are adjoined to Heaven Hebrews chapters 9 and 10- All sacrifices could not take away sin, only Christ’s blood offered once for all. Must come in contact with that blood in baptism.

  50. God’s Dwelling The tabernacle illustrated the concept of the separateness and holiness of God. He was inside a special place and sinful man is excluded from His presence Man approaches through a process of cleansing It typified a veiled connection between God and His church – Hebrews 9:23-24 It illustrated the concept of the Presence of God as near His people. Rev.15:5 It illustrated the desire of God to dwell with mankind.

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