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Letting Go

Join Beth Babbit, the State Master Gardener Coordinator, and Doug Hilton, Eastern Region Advocate Delegate, to discover the importance of teamwork, respect, and communication in managing personal issues and avoiding burnout. Learn how to stay involved, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships in a garden setting. Thank you for your interest!

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Letting Go

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Letting Go • …its o.k. • Beth BabbitState Master Gardener Coordinator • Doug HiltonEastern Region Advocate

  2. Delegate

  3. Teamwork

  4. Common Respect

  5. Burn Out

  6. Personal Issues

  7. Communication!!!


  9. Numbers

  10. Numbers or Passion

  11. Staying involved

  12. Relationships

  13. Common Bonds

  14. Connect

  15. Conflict Resolution

  16. Thank You! Questions?

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