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ROOTS OF EGYPTIAN JEWELRY. Introduction. Since the dawn of man's civilization, the Egyptian artists tend to creation in different fields of art. They never stopped developing what they offer out of their ingenuity. Introduction. This piece measures 4 millimeters only 22 identical found.
Introduction • Since the dawn of man's civilization, the Egyptian artists tend to creation in different fields of art. • They never stopped developing what they offer out of their ingenuity.
Introduction • This piece measures 4 millimeters only • 22 identical found
Introduction • The ancient Egyptians loved ornamentation, jewelry was designed, crafted and worn with great care.
Introduction • Looking at those early examples • simple pieces of jewelry from the old kingdom • beautiful articles of the middle kingdom • magnificent pieces of the new kingdom. • We find art works that are matchless in their technical skills and feelings embedded.
Despite being based on highly technical skills, jewelry design has been a field of creativity, inspiration and innovation rather than being pure craft.
Introduction • The Egyptian artisans did not confine themselves to a limited selection of skills or materials.
Bracelets from Tomb of King Djer • Four bracelets discovered at Abydos in the tomb of King Djer from 1st Dynasty. • They were fastened onto the forearm of a woman, who might have been King Djer's queen or a member of the royal family. • The bracelets, demonstrate the skill of artists in this early period of Egyptian history.
Bracelets from Tomb of King Djer • Three of the bracelets are composed of various types of beads: gold, turquoise, lapis lazuli, and amethyst. • The fourth one consists of 27 plaques representing the palace gates topped by the falcon god Horus. • Length 18 cm
Necklace of Princess Khnumit • The beautiful necklace of Princess Khnumit was found on her mummy. It was worn by the deceased princess not only as jewelry, but also as an amulet to protect her from the evil powers in the netherworld.
Princess Khnumit Crown • The crown of Princess Khnumit found on her mummy. It was worn by the princess
Queen AhhotepBead Bracelet • New kingdom • Bracelet is one of a pair, • Found along with other jewels inside her coffin. • A present by her son, King Ahmose 1st , whose name was mentioned on the golden clasp.
Queen AhhotepBead Bracelet • ِ Ahmose name encrusted in gold on a blue background. • composed of 30 rows of gold beads and semiprecious stones, alternating to form triangles and squares.
Queen AhhotepBead Bracelet • The clasp is made out of two gold sheets that slide within each other to close the bracelet tight. • Height 4.3 cm Diameter 4.7 cm
Psusennes Bracelet w/ Plain and Striped Rings • Unusual, delicate and simple designfound in Tanis, • found on the mummy of King Psusennes 1st . • 2 parts - 7 tubes connected by a hinge and a clasp using a pin.
Psusennes Bracelet w/ Plain and Striped Rings • Engraved inside with a hieroglyphic text of two lines. • The upper is name of the owner, "The King, the Lord of the Two Lands, the First Prophet of Amun-Re, King of the Gods, Son of Re, Psusennes, beloved of Amun."
Psusennes Bracelet w/ Plain and Striped Rings • The lower is a dedication of the bracelet by the queen to her husband as follows: "The First Great Royal Wife of His Majesty, Lady of the Two Lands." • Width 4.8 cm
Bracelet with Udjat Eyes • An original unique bracelet • With, no beads or gold but of 15 "Eyes of Horus," called, ancient Egyptian language, Udjat eyes.
Bracelet with Udjat Eyes • The two largest eyes are made of agate naturally colored in red and brown, separated by gradations of grey and white. • The thirteen smaller eyes are made of lapis lazuli, called by the Egyptians, khesbed, meaning "joy"
Bracelet with Udjat Eyes • The braclete had a mainly magical function, • As the Udjat eye is the best-known amulet for protection. • Length 29 cm
Cylindrical Bracelet of Psusennes 1st • An important one fine jewelry of Psusennes 1st. • Found in his tomb at Tanisamong the 22 bracelets on the arms of his mummy .
Cylindrical Bracelet of Psusennes 1st • Thin and cylindrical in shape; • Only decoration with a line of inscription running round the inside giving the name of the king and his epithets.
Gold Bracelet of King Psusennes 1st • One of twenty-two bracelets found on the arms of the mummy of King Psusennes the First. This heavy gold bracelet is especially interesting, as it is inscribed on the inner side and is modern in shape.
Gold Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep • These gold bands, which are all the same size, were found in the tomb of Queen Ahhotep. The large flat rings with a square recesses are formed from thin leaves of gold. Dimensions: Diameter 7.8 cm
Ebony Bracelet of Maiherpri • A beautiful triangular in section bracelet made of dark ebony and decorated on both sides with soft ivory inlays in the form of flames, arising from the inner edge, and ending before the outer edge.
Ebony Bracelet of Maiherpri • Belongs to Maiherpri from the time of Amenhotep 2nd a wealthy man who was: • child of the nursery • fan bearer to the right of the king • in charge of the dogs, • He was privileged to have his tomb in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes, which happened few times during the New Kingdom.
Tutankhamun Scarab Bracelet • A rigid gold bracelet composed of 2 semicircles joined together by a hinge on one side & a clasp on the other.
Tutankhamun Scarab Bracelet • A central plaque bears a cloisonne scarab inlaid with lapis lazuli. • The scarab, symbol of morning sun, was the most popular motif in AE jewelry.
Tutankhamun Scarab Bracelet • The bracelet is also inlaid with carnelian, lapis lazuli, Turquoise Quartz / Rock Crystal and colored glass. • Diameter 6 cm
Tut’s Bracelet of Beads & Scarabs • A masterpiece bracelet found in the beautiful cartouche-shaped chest of King Tutankhamun with other fine pieces of jewelry.
Tut’s Bracelet of Beads & Scarabs • Main design element is a light violet amethyst scarab in an oval setting • Decorated with gold granules arranged in a pattern of small triangles. • Framed by beads ending with two cobras, sign of royalty.
Tut’s Bracelet of Beads & Scarabs • The strap of the bracelet consists of four strings of beads of gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli and jasper • Form of beads is eyes of Horus and scarabs.
Flexible Bracelet of king Tut • Howard Carter, who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, called it a "wristband," as it is composed of rows of barrel-shaped beads that make the bracelet flexible around the wrist. The beads are made of gold, electrum, blue glass, lapis lazuli, and calcite.
Flexible Bracelet of king Tut • The principal ornament is a large scarab The scarab is made of a number of pieces of lapis lazuli fitted most carefully into gold cloisons fixed to a gold plate. The scarab and the basket below were intended to spell out King Tutankhamun's other name, Neb-kheperw-re, • instead of the expected sun disc between the forelegs, there is a cartouche of the king..
Gold Bracelet with Scarab of King Sheshonq the Second • The piece of jewelry belongs to King Sheshonq the Second. The ends of the rigid bracelet are in the shape of lotus flowers with details that were once inlaid.
Gold Inlaid Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep • This bracelet of Queen Ahhotep is formed with two semicircles. Gold and lapis lazuli were used to create its beautiful two-color decoration.
Gold Inlaid Bracelet of Queen Ahhotep • The right semicircle depicts Geb, the god of earth, wearing the double crown and seated on the throne. His hands rest on a sign of protection that is on the shoulder and arm of the king kneeling before him.
Golden bracelet • A flat band-like gold bracelet with a clip to connect the ends. The bracelet winds in five turns on one side, and three turns on the other side. • Diameter 8.3 cm
Inlaid Gold Bracelet of King Psusennes the First • The bracelet is made of two separate solid pieces, unequal in size, joined by an attachment hidden under the inlay. The upper and lower edges are adorned with spirals in relief and small triangles encrusted with lapis lazuli.
Inlaid Gold Bracelet of King Psusennes the First • The outside bears an inscription in gold relief set within lapis lazuli inlays. The inscription gives the birth and throne names of the king as well as his titles. • Dimensions: Diameter 7.5 cm
Pair of Bracelets of Seti the Second • Two similar silver bracelets that came from the Valley of the Kings. They were found in an anonymous tomb together with other items belonging to King Seti the Second and his consort, Queen Tausert.
Two Bracelets of Ramesses 2nd • A pair of rigid gold bracelets, each composed of two parts linked by a hinge. The fine decoration is executed by the granulation technique and consists mostly of geometric motifs. The bezel is composed of a goose, which has two heads turned backwards over the body, carved out of one piece of lapis lazuli.
King Sheshonq 2nd Inlaid Bracelets • These golden bracelets belong to King Sheshonq the Second who was co-regent with his father for a short period of time, then became king and died before reaching complete power. Dimensions: Diameter 6.6 cm
Heart Amulet • The ancient Egyptians considered the heart to be the most important part of the human body, because it was the center of feeling and the conscience. • According to the Book of the Dead, the heart was set in one pan of the scale and weighed against the feather of Maat, the embodiment of truth, justice The heart amulet was invented during the Thirteenth Dynasty, as a magical amulet to help the deceased in the great hall of judgment.
Amulet of Ptah in a Gold Shrine • The amulet represents Ptah, patron deity of the artists, wearing a straight beard and an unusual headdress of a sun disc and feathers reminiscent of the composite, primordial, creator god Ptah-Tatenen. • This lapis lazuli figure of Ptah is set within a superbly decorated gold shrine with a suspension loop on the roof, so that the piece could be worn like an amulet. • Width 2.9 cm Height 6 cm
Cow Amulet • The gold cow might have been used as an amulet or a piece of inlay. • A sistrum is attached to its neck, which is a musical rattle and symbol of the goddess Hathor. In Ancient Egypt Hathor is the goddess of beauty, music, goodness, and maternity. Dimensions: Length 4 cm
Head of Hathor Pendant • This beautiful pendant represents the head of Hathor, one of the greatest and most ancient goddesses. Her antiquity can be seen from her name, which means "Mansion of Horus," the earliest god. Dimensions: Height 0.4 cm
Ankh Amulet • This blue faience amulet represents the hieroglyphic sign ankh, which means "life." It was depicted on tomb and temple walls with gods holding it in their hands or close to the noses of kings and other deceased people to give them the smell of life. This ankh amulet was placed beside the mummy to ensure that the deceased would have eternal life in the underworld