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Bibliographic Ontologies. Bibliontology. http://bibliontology.com/ Providing ontology to model bibliographic information for the libraries. It uses RDF as the modeling language. Several examples: http://wiki.bibliontology.com/index.php/Examples
Bibliontology • http://bibliontology.com/ • Providing ontology to model bibliographic information for the libraries. It uses RDF as the modeling language. • Several examples: http://wiki.bibliontology.com/index.php/Examples • Ontology browser: http://bibotools.googlecode.com/svn/bibo-ontology/trunk/doc/index.html
Contributors @prefix address: <http://schemas.talis.com/2005/address/schema#>. @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix bibo: <http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/> . @prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . <http://examples.net/contributors/1> a foaf:Person ; foaf:givenname "Jane" ; foaf:family_name "Doe" . <http://examples.net/contributors/2> a foaf:Person . <http://examples.net/contributors/3> a foaf:Person . <http://examples.net/contributors/4> a foaf:Organization ; foaf:name "ABC Publishers" ; address:localityName "New York" . <http://examples.net/contributors/5> a foaf:Organization ; foaf:name "XYZ Archive, National University".
Books <urn:isbn:23983498> a bibo:Book ; dc:creator <http://examples.net/contributors/2> ; dc:title "Book Title"@en ; dc:date "2000" ; dc:publisher <http://ex.net/agents/1> .
Articles <info:doi/10.1134/S0003683806040089> a bibo:Article ; dc:title "Effect of argillaceous minerals on the growth of phosphate-mobilizing bacteria Bacillus subtilis"@en ; dc:date "2006-01-01" ; dc:isPartOf <urn:issn:23346587> ; bibo:volume "42" ; bibo:issue "4" ; bibo:pageStart "388" ; bibo:pageEnd "391" ; dc:creator <http://examples.net/contributors/2> ; dc:creator <http://examples.net/contributors/1> ; bibo:authorList ( <http://examples.net/contributors/2> <http://examples.net/contributors/1>) . <urn:issn:23346587> a bibo:Journal ; dc:title "Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology"@en ; bibo:shortTitle "App Biochem and Biol"@en .
Articles <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/09/us/09cnd-penn.html> a bibo:Article; dc:isPartOf <http://www.nytimes.com> ; dc:date "2007-07-09" ; bibo:uri "http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/09/us/09cnd-penn.html". dc:creator <http://examples.net/contributors/100> . <http://www.nytimes.com> a bibo:Periodical ; bibo:uri "http://www.nytimes.com" . dc:title "New York Times" . <http://examples.net/contributors/100> a foaf:Person; foaf:givenname "Anahad" ; foaf:family_name "O'Connor" .
Thesis <http://examples.net/dissertation> a bibo:Thesis ; dc:date "1998-01-01" ; dc:title "Dissertation Title"@en ; bibo:issuer <http://examples.net/things/6> ; bibo:degree bibo_degrees:phd ; dc:creator <http://examples.net/contributors/1> . <http://examples.net/things/6> a foaf:Organization ; foaf:name "National University" ; address:localityName "Singapore" .
Conference Paper <http://ex.net/x1> a bibo:Article ; dc:creator <http://examples.net/contributors/1> ; dc:title "Conference Paper" ; bibo:presentedAt <http://ex.net/conference> ; bibo:reproducedIn <http://ex.net/x2> . <http://ex.net/conference> a bibo:Conference ; bibo:organizer <http://ex.net> ; event:place <http://dbpedia.org/resource/> ; event:time [ time:Interval [ timeline:beginsAtDateTime "2007-03-01" ; timeline:endsAtDateTime "2007-03-13"] ] . <http://ex.net/x2> a bibo:Proceedings ; dc:title "Proceedings of the ABC Conference"@en ; dc:date "2000" ; dc:publisher <http://ex.net/z1> .
CiTO • The Citation Typing Ontology describes the nature of citations in scientific articles to capture the intent of citations, such as confirms, corrects, credits, critiques, disagreeWith, discusses, extends, obtainsBackgroundForm.
CiTO • Ontology browser: http://imageweb.zoo.ox.ac.uk/pub/2009/citobase/cito-20090505-1.3/cito-content/owldoc/ • Example: citationinfo.n3
MESUR • http://www.mesur.org/
FRBR • From 1992-1995 the IFLA Study Group on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) developed an entity-relationship model as a generalized view of the bibliographic universe. • It includes a description of the conceptual model (the entities, relationships, and attributes or metadata), a proposed national level bibliographic record for all types of materials, and user tasks associated with the bibliographic resources described in catalogs, bibliographies, and other bibliographic tools. • http://www.ifla.org/publications/functional-requirements-for-bibliographic-records
Entities • Work: a distinct intellectual or artistic creation • Expression: the intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical, or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms. • Manifestation: the physical embodiment of an expression of a work. It encompasses a wide range of materials including manuscripts, books, periodicals, maps, posters, sound recordings, films, video recording, CD-ROMs, multimedia kits, etc. • Item: a single exemplar of a manifestation, such as a copy of a one-volume monograph, a single audio cassette etc.)
Examples • Work and Expression:
Others • Person: an individual that are deceased as well as those that are living. • Corporate body: an organization or group of individuals and/or organizations acting as a unit.
Entities • Concept: an abstract notion or idea, encompassing a comprehensive range of abstractions that may be the subject of a work: fields of knowledge, disciplines, schools of thoughts, theories, processes, techniques, practices, etc. • Object: a material thing, encompassing a comprehensive range of material things that may be the subject of a work: animate or inanimate objects, fixed, movable, or moving objects, objects that no longer exist. • Event: an action or occurrence, that can be: historical events, epochs, periods of time, etc. • Place: a location, that can be: terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, historical and contemporary, geographic features and geo-political jurisdictions.
Attributes • Each entity above has many attributes
FRBR • It provides an opportunity to re-examine our cataloging rules and principles. • It will have a profound influence on future systems design,
FRBR in RDF • http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core
SPAR • Semantic Publishing And Referencing: • http://sempublishing.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sempublishing/SPAR/index.html