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The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776)

The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776). ?????’s. For what reasons do wars start? What elements do all wars have in common? What’s a revolution?. Was the American Revolution Inevitable??. Causes of the Revolution. England = debt = French and Indian War

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The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776)

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  1. The Road to Revolution: (1770-1776)

  2. ?????’s • For what reasons do wars start? • What elements do all wars have in common? • What’s a revolution?

  3. Was the American Revolution Inevitable??

  4. Causes of the Revolution • England = debt = French and Indian War • How is England going to pay this debt?

  5. Causes of the Revolution • Proclamation of 1763- Forbade the colonists from settling West of the Appalachian mountains • Taxation without representation • What does this mean? • Colonists protested: • Stamp tax- tax on anything printed (colonial newspapers, and legal documents) • Import taxes on British tea, glass

  6. So what did the Colonists do?? • boycotts (refusal to buy British goods) • Riots • Dumping British tea (Boston Tea Party 1773)

  7. Boston Tea Party (1773)

  8. Tar and Feathering Tax Collectors!!

  9. Tea Act (1773) • British East India Co.: • Monopoly on British tea imports. • Many members of Parliament held shares. • Permitted the Co. to sell tea directly to cols. without col. middlemen (cheaper tea!) • North expected the cols. to eagerly choose the cheaper tea.

  10. British Response • Boston Massacre (1770) • 5 colonists killed when British shot into a crowd • Quartering Act- Had to house British Troops • Coercive Acts (1774)- Closed Boston to shipping • Punishment for Boston Tea Party • Hurt the economy • *** nicknamed the intolerable Acts***

  11. The Boston Massacre (March 5,1770)

  12. Homework!!! • Read chapter 4 section 1 • Answer questions 1-3 @ end of section • Bring textbooks tomorrow!!!!

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