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Put NC summer safety at the top of your list and follow some summer safety tips to ensure your most precious gift, your family, can enjoy the break.
At Sentry Watch, our first priority is the safety of your family and home. Summer is around the corner and your children have two months of freedom when they spend their vacation at home. Put NC summer safety at the top of your list and follow some summer safety tips to ensure your most precious gift, your family, can enjoy the break. With proper planning, care, and thought, you can rest assured that your children are protected and Sentry Watch is here to help.Make sure someone is always watching.NC summer safety for kids means adequate supervision. If you are working, make sure your children are in good hands. Hire a competent babysitter or sign up for a summer program. If you have children who are old enough and responsible enough to stay home, check up on them often. Lay ground rules about where they can go and who they can see. Enlist neighbors and friends to be an extra pair of eyes. Contact us at Sentry Watch to install a security system to suit your needs as well. You'll have peace of mind that your children are protected from break-ins. You'll also have a monitoring system that will alert authorities in the event of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, or medical emergency.
Use Proper ProtectionSummer safety tips should always include protection, in all its forms. From competent care, to using sunblock, NC summer safety means using common sense. Make sure your children wear protective gear when they head out on their bicycles, skateboards, or rollerblades. A helmet can mean the difference between a minor bump and a trip to the hospital. Elbow and knee pads are helpful as well. When swimming, make sure children use life preservers if they are not good swimmers. Don't allow them to swim beyond their skill level. Keep that sunblock on every day and watch out for dehydration. Drinking plenty of water will help your children to beat the heat. Safety While TravelingPedestrian and cycling safety are also top summer safety tips. Make sure your children stay clear of the road when walking and that they cross safely with adult supervision for young ones. They should also have a firm understanding of bicycle safety. Make sure there are reflectors on their bicycles, they wear their helmets, and travel on the right side of the road. Children need to understand that a bicycle is treated like a vehicle. They also need to be aware of driveways, paying attention to cars that are pulling out. Children always need to pay attention to what is happening around them while they ride.
Poison Ivy, Oak, and SumacTeach your children about poisonous plants. You don't want to see them suffer from terrible rashes, itching, and further complications. However, if they do run into poison sumac, ivy, or oak, take care of it immediately. There are over-the-counter medications that help relieve discomfort. If your children are going to play in the woods, recommend that they wear pants, socks, and long sleeves to reduce their risk of encounters with unfavorable plants. Practice these tips for safety and your children will have a great time. Let Sentry Watch assist you with any of your home security questions at www.sentrywatch.com.