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So You Really Think You Are A Christian Because You Go To A Church and Belong To A Denomination – What If You Are Not? A Crying in the Wilderness Ministry Teaching by Pastor Bob Paquet.
So You Really Think You Are A ChristianBecause You Go To A Church and Belong To A Denomination – What If You Are Not?A Crying in the Wilderness Ministry Teaching by Pastor Bob Paquet For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10 King James Version (KJV) CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 1
MY DISCLAIMER: (Adopted from: http://www.inthebeginning.com/) I agree with Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV) “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” I also believe that it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel. Therefore, I have taken much of this teaching from other sources which I have referenced. Modifications have been made to the original. I probably do not agree with everything that anyone has to say, nor have I ever totally agreed with anyone I have met in life. This probably includes you. And there probably isn't anyone out there who agrees with everything I believe or have to say either. I am not your spiritual father, teacher, and definitely not your Lord or the Holy Spirit, nor am I your priest (See Matt23:8-10, Heb3:1, 1Peter2:9, etc). If I only referenced sources that I considered perfect, then I probably wouldn't be able to reference any, including my own. Now that I have said that, I do believe there is truth to be found in every teaching I do. It is up to you and the Holy Spirit in you to discern what is good, and to ponder or reject the rest. So, that is all I have to say about that, thus ending my disclaimer. Nuf Sed www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 2
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? • Information for this presentation was obtained from the following sources: • What is a Christian? By Dr. Ray Pritchard Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministrieshttp://www.christianity.com/Christian%20Foundations/The%20Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ • Some Images: UponThisRock.comThe Coolest Christian Graphics on the Web CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 3
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 4 4
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? RELIGION VS RELATIONSHIP Religion: A whole lot of man made rules and regulations to control people Relationship: An intimate personal encounter where all things are shared nothing is hidden. Quality time is spent with one another. Care and love is freely given and received. Trust and faithfulness are always present. There is no fear only mutual respect and love. CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 5
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? The Unbiblical Viewpoint A person that goes to a Christian church. A Roman Catholic, Protestant, or some other denomination that preaches Christ. I'm a Christian. I was born in America. I was raised in a Christian home. I'm a baptized Catholic. I'm a Methodist. I go to Woodland Park Baptist Church. I read my Bible every day. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 6
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 7 7
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? First of all, it's perfectly fine with me for people to identify themselves any way they like. If you say you are Hindu, I won't say that you aren't. If you say you are Muslim, I accept that at face value. If you call yourself a Christian, far be it from me to argue with you. Second, acceptance doesn't imply agreement. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 8
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? Third, since I try to base my faith on the Bible, I want to know what the Bible says about what it means to be a Christian. The Bible only mentions the word Christian three times:"And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians" (Acts 11:26). "In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?" (Acts 26:28). "Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name." (1 Peter 4:16). Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 9
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? • The name "Christian" was not invented by early Christians. It was a name given to them by others. • Christians called themselves by different names—disciples, believers, brethren, saints, the elect, etc. • The term apparently had a negative meaning in the beginning: "those belonging to the Christ party." • It was a term of contempt or derision. • Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 10
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? 5) We can get a flavor for it if we take the word "Christ" and keep that pronunciation. You "Christ-ians.“ 6) It literally means "Christ-followers." 7) Over time a derogatory term became a positive designation. 8) Occasionally you will hear someone spit the term out in the same way it was used in the beginning. "You Christians think you're the only ones going to heaven." 9) There was a sense of suffering and reproach attached to the word in the New Testament. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 11
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? Check out the dictionary. I found these two definitions:"1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. 2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus."That’s actually quite helpful because it gives some content to the word. To be a Christian means that you . . .Believe Something Follow Something Live Something A Fully Devoted Follower Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 12
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? • To borrow a contemporary phrase, we could simply say that a Christian is a "fully devoted follower of Jesus." • It doesn't happen by accident. • 2) It requires conversion of the heart. • Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 13
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? • THREE ABSOLUTE TRUTHS • The longer you stay here the older you get. • If you live long enough you do not get out of this alive. • (Rapture may be the exception) • 3. The death rate in this area is 100% • WHAT IF THE BIBLE IS TRUE? CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 14 14
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? • 1 Thessalonians 1:4 • Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. • A Christian is someone who has • been chosen by God. • Salvation is all by grace, all of God, all the time. • Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 15
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? 1 Thessalonians 1:5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. 2) A Christian is someone who responds to the gospel message. When the Word is preached in the power of the Holy Spirit, it produces deep conviction (much assurance) in the hearts of the hearers. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 16 16
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? 1 Thessalonians 1:6 And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost. 3)A Christian is someone who regards Christ as infinitely more valuable than earthly suffering. The Thessalonians were so glad to be saved they couldn’t be stopped, not even by persecution.Jesus never invites us to receive him on a trial basis, although some try to do just that. In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “When Jesus calls a man, he bids him come and die.” True conversion means that you continue to follow Christ even when the going gets rough. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 17
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? 1 Thessalonians 1:7,8 So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. 8For from you sounded out the word of the Lord not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so that we need not to speak any thing. 4) A Christian is someone whose life has been genuinely changed by Jesus Christ. The best way to win others is by the example of your own changed life Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 18
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? 1 Thessalonians 1:9,10 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. 5) A Christian is someone who has gone "all in" on Jesus. Can’t sit on the fence! Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 19
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? You turned. You serve. You wait.The whole Christian life can be found in those six words.You turned from the old life. You now serve the living God.You wait for Jesus to return from heaven.These three phrases give us the three tenses of the Christian life:In the past you turned from your idols.In the present you serve the living God. In the future you wait for Jesus to come back. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 20 20
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? Jesus never invites us to receive him on a trial basis, although some try to do just that. What is a Christian? A Christian is someone who joyfully chooses to follow Christ no matter the cost. A Christian is a person whose changed life changes others because of a commitment to be like Jesus and to follow him wherever he heads. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 21
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? There comes a moment when we have to decide to go “all in” about what we believe CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 22 22
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? Lewis Sperry Chafer said,”… that believing in Jesus means trusting him so much that if he can’t take you to heaven, you aren’t going to go there.” CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 23
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? A Christian is a person who has been truly converted to Jesus Christ.1) It begins with God and his choice of us.2) It requires the true preaching of the gospel.3) It leads to a heart-felt acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior.4) It results in a changed life that changes other lives.5) It means that we go "all in" on Jesus. It starts with God.It is based on truth of who Jesus really is.It changes everything about my life. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 24
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? When we look to the Lord, this is what we find. Two thousand years ago Jesus died on the cross, shedding his blood for our sins. He died in our place, bearing our sins, taking our punishment, that we might be saved, cleansed, forgiven, declared righteous, be born again and become the true children of God. When God looked down from heaven and saw Jesus dying there, he said, "I am satisfied with what my Son has done." We know he was satisfied because on the third day, he raised Jesus from the dead. God is satisfied with what his Son has done.Are you? Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 25
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? What is a Christian? A Christian is a person who is truly satisfied with Jesus and what he did on the cross. A Christian is someone who is so satisfied with Jesus what he says, "I am trusting the Lord Jesus Christ completely for my salvation."Upon a life I did not live,Upon a death I did not die,I stake my whole eternity.A Christian says, "If Jesus can't take me to heaven, I'm not going Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 26
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? That’s what God can do. That’s true conversion. That's the first step in becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ.It's not enough to be Baptist or Methodist or Lutheran or Catholic.It's not enough to be American or Chinese or Greek or any other nationality.It's not enough to be religious.It's not enough to go to church.I urge you to turn to God from the idols of your heart. If you have the slightest desire, turn. If you want to be converted, turn. If you seek a new life, turn. Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 27
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said 'Stop! don't do it!' 'Why shouldn't I?' he said. I said, 'Well, there's so much to live for!' He said, 'Like what?' I said, 'Well...are you religious or atheist?' He said, 'Religious.' I said, 'Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?' He said, 'Christian.' I said, 'Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?' He said, 'Protestant.' I said, 'Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?' He said, 'Baptist!' I said, 'Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist church of god or Baptist church of the lord?' He said, 'Baptist church of god!' I said, 'Me too! Are you original Baptist church of god, or are you reformed Baptist church of god?' He said, 'Reformed Baptist church of god!' I said, 'Me too! Are you reformed Baptist church of god, reformation of 1879, or reformed Baptist church of god, reformation of 1915?' He said, 'Reformed Baptist church of god, reformation of 1915!' I said, 'Die, heretic scum,' and pushed him off. --Emo Phillips Ref: Dr. Ray Pritchard http://www.christianity.com/Christian Foundations/The Essentials/11541516/ http://www.keepbelieving.com/ Modified by: Pastor Bob Paquet Jan 10, 2012 CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 28
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian I would have been a Christian if I hadn't met one." Mahatma Gandhi Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it with religious conviction. Blaise Pascal CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 29
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? JUST REMEMBER What you do speaks so loudly No one hears a word you say and Remember whose name you are carrying CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 30 30
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 31 31
So You Really Think You Are A Christian? NOW THAT YOU HAVE HEARD AND SEEN WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS MINISTRY IF NOT ME - WHO? IF NOT NOW - WHEN? www.cryinginthewilderness.org wilderness@hvc.rr.com Jesus is Lord and The Bible His Infallible Word 32