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Hi. Iu2019m Ben Jacoby; I want to show people how to live an exceptional life at http://thebenjacoby.com/<br>Come with me for some of the craziest rides and coolest adventures that our planet has to offer.<br>From achieving world records, Living an epic life,<br>Growing and expanding my businesses, Partying around the world, And just having fun.<br>
THEBENJACOBY L I V I N GE X T R A O R D I N A R Y Hi, I’mBen. I’vemademylifeabitofanexperiment, tryingtofind thebestwaytoliveittothefullest. Asaresult, my backgroundreadsmorelikeanepicthanaresume. I’vestartedtwobusinesses, traveledtheworld, broken aworldrecordonstilts, swallowedfire, jumpedoutof airplanesandotherthingsyourmomtellsyounotto do. IwasborninChicago, butmy parents, whoareJewish, movedour familytoIsraelwhenIwasthree. AnAmericancitizen, Igrewupas anIsraeliandconsiderHebrewmy nativelanguage. Igetthesamesurgeof endorphinsasrunnersdoinshoes, butwhenI'mtoweringabovethe ground, it’snotthesolosportthat runningis. EverywhereIrunon stilts, peoplestopandgather aroundindisbelief. Sonow, Iamtrainingtorunthe 2021LondonMarathononstiltsfor charity. Noonehasattempteda halfmarathononstilts, letalonea fullone, whichwouldmakeit anotherrecordifIcanpullitoff. www.thebenjacoby.com