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5th Grade Curriculum Night!. What does it mean to be a Title I School?. Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for…
5th Grade Curriculum Night!
What does it mean to be a Title I School? • Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… • Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards • Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies • Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities • Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers • Being a Title I school also means • parental involvement and parents’ rights.
Classroom Schedules 7:25 - 7:45 Prepare for Day/ DEAR time (M/W/F) 7:45 - 8:05 Morning Math 8:05 - 8:30 Tutoring 8:30 - 9:25 Specials (M/W/F - PE, T - Music, Th - Art) 9:25 - 10:30 1st Block - Math with Mrs. Escamilla 10:30 - 11:35 2nd Block - Science with Mrs. Oster 11:35 - 12:00 Recess 12:00 - 12:30 Lunch 12:30 - 12:35 Bathroom Break / Transition 12:35 - 2:45 3rd Block - LA & SS with Mrs. Longbrake 2:45 Dismissal
Objective 1 The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of culturally diverse written texts: • Context clues • Figurative language • Multiple meaning words • Prefixes, suffixes • Main idea, important details, summary
Objective 2 The student will apply knowledge of literary elements to understand culturally diverse written texts: • Character analysis • Story plot and problem resolution • Setting
Objective 3 The student will use a variety of strategies to analyze culturally diverse written texts: • Text structure to locate and recall information • Comparing two selections or stories • Representing information in different ways • Logic and consistency within text • Author’s purpose • Author’s point of view
Objective 4 The student will apply critical thinking skills to analyze culturally diverse written texts: • Making predictions • Drawing conclusions • Fact and opinion • Supporting interpretations and conclusions • Connecting ideas across text or texts • Patterns of organization
Readers/Writers Workshop • Readers Workshop Opening/Mini Lesson (10-15 minutes) Work Period (30-40 minutes) Closing (5-10 minutes) • Writers Workshop Opening Lesson (5-10 minutes) Work Period (30-40 minutes) Closing/Author’s Chair (5-10 minutes)
Million Word Challenge • Justin Elementary will once again be participating in the Million Word Challenge • Stay tuned for further information as to prizes and learning goals.
Science Four core areas are: • Nature of Science – analyzing data, charts/graphs, measuring, inquiry, matter • Physical Science – energy, forces, matter
Earth Science – weathering, erosion, weather/climate, space, natural resources, fossil fuels, alternative energy • Life Science – adaptations, inherited vs learned traits, life cycles, photosynthesis
What to expect: • Note taking – Keep notebook in binder please! • Quizzes every two weeks • Homework is only work not finished in class • STAAR exam – info from grades 2-5
Math • Investigations Curriculum • Big Topics: fractions, division, factors • New STAAR test • Check website for examples and videos as we learn them in class
Homework • Math: students will receive Math homework every Monday during class. It will be due the following Friday morning. Late work will result in loss of Fab Friday. • LA: students will receive Spelling homework every week on Monday. It will be due the following Thursday. Late work will result in loss of Fab Friday. • Students will also be expected to complete work not finished in class for homework. • In the event of an absence, students are responsible for asking for their missing work and completing it in a timely fashion. • All students should read a total of 150 minutes of reading weekly. Students are keeping a log in class of all reading completed during the week.
Grading Formative = 40% of student’s grade Summative = 60% of student’s grade In Math and Language Arts, students will have at least 3 summative and 5 formative per grading period. In Science and Social Studies will have at least 3 summative and 3 formative per grading period.
Grading continued Late Work: No Fab Friday Make up work: it is the responsibility of the student to check for work they missed and complete this work in a timely manner Re-do: students who do not perform well on a summative assessment will be given the opportunity for remediation and reassessment, at which time, both grades will be averaged to create a new grade.*Corrections may be made to formative assignments below a 70. For complete guidelines see NISD website: nisdtx.org
STAAR Math ~ March 27 Reading ~ March 28 Science ~ April 26
Discipline Four Star Behavior Hallway Hands down, showing self-control Quiet, others are learning Walking feet Facing forward Restroom Quiet, “No Talking Zone” Clean up after yourself Wash your hands Be timely, return to class Cafeteria Stay seated, knees under the table “No Talking Zone” on the brown tiles Use your inside voice Clean up your area
Behavior Management Kick it up cards Lunch Bunch Fab Friday Punch cards • One warning • Sign the discipline book 1X – Half of recess • Sign the book 2X – Miss all of recess • Sign the book 3X – Miss recess & call home
School-Wide Parties: Winter Celebration Valentine’s Day End of the year party Birthdays: celebrated after 2:30pm store-bought or homemade goodies! individual servings cookies cupcakes fruit roll-ups Always check with your child’s teacher for food allergy issues before bringing in treats! Celebrations and Birthdays!
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 817-215-0802 • FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILD IT IS IMPORTANT TO FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES: • 1. Students will wear tennis shoes during P.E. • ( no flip-flop, backless, high platform or slip-one style shoes, boots or crocs will be allowed). • 2. Shoes must be tied; tucking in loose laces may cause injury to your child or others. • 3. Shorts must be worn under dresses and skirts. • Students who do not comply with the dress code will be doing an alternate P.E. activity for that day. • **Gym shoes may be stored in back packs or lockers for a quick change. • If your child is injured or ill, he/she must have a note (from home) to excused from P.E. activities. After five days, a doctor's note will be required specifying the length of time he/she will be excused. • CITIZENSHIP GRADE EACH SIX WEEKS • 0 -1 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE E • 2 – 3 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE S - PARENT NOTIFIED • 4 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE N – PARENT NOTIFIED • 5 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE U - PARENT NOTIFIED • TEACHER – MS. DANA AIDE – COACH K
The 5th Grade team communicates with parents through: • Tuesday folders (discipline) • Group emails (If you didn’t sign up for group emails on the Parent Communication form in the first Tuesday folders please let us know if you would like to receive them.) • Individual emails & phone calls (If you leave a message we will contact you within 24 hours.) • Parent conferences – Oct. 4th and 6th Communication Conference Period 8:30 – 9:25
Kelli Escamilla (Math) kescamilla@nisdtx.org 817-698-1808 Erika Oster (Science) eoster@nisdtx.org 817-698-1807 Cynthia Pavlakovic (LA/SS) cpavlakovic@nisdtx.org 817-215-0820 Barbi Longbrake (LA/SS) blongbrake@nisdtx.org 817-215-0837
Volunteer Opportunities Tuesday Teamwork Watch DOGS PTA Assemblies Fall Festival Million Word Challenge Camp Chaperone Camp Preparation (name tags, luggage tags, etc.)