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Fourth Grade ALL STAARS BATTING FOR EXCELLENCE. Curriculum Night Thursday, September 1, 2011. ATTENDANCE and TARDIES. Attendance & Tardies. Students must be in their classrooms by the 7:45 bell. They are considered tardy after 7:45.
Fourth GradeALL STAARSBATTING FOR EXCELLENCE Curriculum Night Thursday, September 1, 2011
Attendance & Tardies • Students must be in their classrooms by the 7:45 bell. They are considered tardy after 7:45. • It is very important for your child’s success that they start the day on time.
Good Attendance Celebrations • Tardies will be recorded by the front office and reported to the classroom teacher at the end of each nine week grading period. Students are considered tardy if they are not in the teacher’s class by 7:45 a.m. • Students with less than 3 tardies or early check outs within a given 9 weeks will be eligible for participation in a Good Attendance Celebration. The only exception to this requirement is a student bringing a medical excuse.
Lunch Drop-off • Once the school day begins, parents will want to follow these guidelines to drop off lunches: • Check in at the front office and receive a visitor’s name badge. • Proceed to the cafeteria with the lunch. • Place the lunch in the appropriately labeled bin near the cafeteria kitchen. • Students and/or teachers will check the bin at the beginning of the lunch period for their class.
Birthday Guidelines • In accordance with policy beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, the district discourages food being brought in by parents/grandparents for the following reasons: protect instructional time; student food allergies (peanut, gluten, eggs); student medical conditions (diabetes); liability assumed by person bringing in food • Flowers, balloons, pencils, invitations and any other treats in honor or recognition of a child’s birthday cannot be delivered or distributed at school.
Dress Code • Red, white, light blue or navy blue collared shirts are allowed. • Viewable undershirts should be one of the uniform shirt colors. • Sweaters and jackets must be solid red, navy, black, khaki or white. • Khaki, navy, black, blue denim slacks, shorts, skirts, skorts and jumpers are permitted. • No embroidery, logo or embellishment should be visible on any articles of clothing. • School shirts and sweatshirts are allowed. • Socks and tights should be red, black, blue, white or khaki. • No backless shoes, sweat pants, leggings or rolling backpacks.
Daily Schedule 7:45 – 10:15 Instructional Block I* 10:20 – 10:40 Instructional Block II* 10:45-11:30 Specials 11:35 – 12:05 Lunch 12:05 – 12:25 Recess 12:30 – 2:35 Instructional Block II 2:40 Dismissal *Mrs. Moehlig is self-contained; Reading/ELA/Social Studies is Instructional Block I and Math/Science is Instructional Block II.
Homework • We believe that homework is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experience in school. Homework will be given Monday-Thursday and occasionally over the weekend. • Homework should take not more than 60 minutes. • Infractions are given for missing homework.
Fourth Grade Swimming • March 7-26, 2012 • Fourth graders will be participating in swim lessons at the Natatorium. • Students will ride the school bus, and permission slips will be sent home at a later date. • Students will need a swimsuit, and girls will be required to wear a one-piece suit. • Towels will be provided. Students are only to bring their swim suit, a plastic bag, and a comb or brush.
Behavior • Each teacher carries a clipboard. After 1 to 2 warnings, a student will receive an infraction for breaking a rule. • Parents will be notified on a daily basis through the agenda.
Conduct Infractions • Excessive talking • Off task during instruction • Disrespectful to others • Not following directions • No homework • Fighting
Nine Week Behavior Expectations • Infraction chart by grade level: • Conduct grades will include infractions received for no homework. Office referrals will be counted as 9 infractions. Therefore, a student will receive no better than an “N” in conduct in nine weeks where behavior has resulted in an office referral. Students who choose to participate in clubs must maintain an S in conduct. N’s in conduct will result in a 4 week probationary period. U’s and F’s will mean dismissal from clubs.
Nine Week Behavior Celebration • The top two teams from each classroom will be honored for their winning behavior each nine weeks. • Celebrations are coordinated by the grade level volunteer coordinator. Parents whose students are being honored are asked to volunteer. We need at least three parents/each celebration. • Celebrations are generally scheduled for the Friday after the nine weeks ends, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. • Other classroom-specific incentives may be offered from time to time.
Agendas • Students record Homework and other important information. • Parent/guardian should sign or initial daily.
Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher • E-mail • Telephone – You can contact your child’s teacher by calling the direct extension. Please note that phones do not ring during school day hours. • We are generally able to respond quickly; however, in some instances, please allow 24 hours for a response. • Transportation changes should be made in writing or by calling the school office at 832-223-1500.
Newsletters • Beginning on Sept. 12th, all grade levels will post a copy of the newsletter on the Frost Elementary website each Monday evening. In addition, an email blast will be sent out to grade level parents with the newsletter attached. • Newsletters will include special events, birthdays, learning objectives, assessment dates and any other information deemed necessary by the grade level team. • Access to the newsletters is at: http://www.lcisd.org/Schools/ElementarySchools/FrostElementary/
Classroom Connection Center • Parents have the opportunity to view student grades and reports regarding assessments online through the Lamar site. • Teacher assignments will continue to be posted yearly on CCC. • Information on registration, linking students to accounts, and accessing the Classroom Connection Center went home in the Welcome packet on the first day of school.
Classroom Connection Center Resetting passwords: • After logging into the CCC, parents should always click on ‘Change password’ as soon as possible. • Identify a security question and answer. Write both down and keep in a secure place. • If a password is forgotten and a parent is locked out, click on ‘Recover Password’ on the login screen. You will be directed to answer your security question. After doing so, your account will be reactivated.
Parent Conference Dates • Teachers will meet with parents to review student progress for the first nine weeks. • Conferences will be held on October 27th and 28th. • The first nine weeks report card will be distributed at the conference.
Reassessment (Daily Grades) • The teacher shall provide one reasonable opportunity to reassess failure to master the TEKS/Curriculum in each daily grade. • The highest possible grade that can be earned and recorded on the reassessment is a 70. • There will be no reassessment based on lack of effort. • The teacher will make a note in the electronic grade book of the date and grade of the reassessment. Original grades will be recorded in the notes section.
Common Assessments • Common assessments are major tests that are given at the 4 and 9 week mark of each grading period. • These tests are to be completed by the student in one class period. • Common assessments are not subject to reassessment guidelines.
Reassessment (Test Grades) • A teacher shall provide one reasonable opportunity to reassess failure to master TEKS/Curriculum on each test grade. • There will be no reassessment based on lack of effort. • Teachers will reteach and allow students an opportunity to retest the objectives not mastered. • The highest possible grade that can be earned and recorded on the reassessment is a 70. • The teacher will make a note in the electronic grade book of the date and grade of the reassessment. Original grades will be recorded in the notes section. • Elementary 4 and 9 week assessments and student projects are not subject to reassessment.
STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) Testing Dates (2011-2012): • March 27th – 5th Grade Math, 4th Grade Writing (Day 1) • March 28th – 5th Grade Reading, 4th Grade Writing (Day 2) • April 24th – 3rd/4th Grade Math • April 25th – 3rd/4th Grade Reading • April 26th – 5th Grade Science STAAR is now a timed test. Students will be allowed 4 hours to complete each test.
LCISD Grading Policy • All corrections on daily graded work must be made in school. • Any work that is to be graded will not be sent home for completion. • Nine week common assessments are weighted twice. • Late Work Policy One (1) day late = 0 points off Two (2) days late = 10 points off Three (3) days late = highest grade possible is a 70 Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by campus policy.
English Language Arts Grading • Language Arts: • Writing 40% • Oral and Written Conventions 30% * Grammar * Handwriting * Capitalization * Punctuation • Research 10% • Spelling 10% • Listening and Speaking 10%
Spelling 2011-2012 • Teachers will no longer administer a pretest on Monday. • Spelling tests will occur on Friday each week. • There will be no advanced lists. • Students will receive one grade for spelling based on a test of review words each nine weeks. • 1st grade – 10 words • 2nd grade – 12 words • 3rd grade - 20 words • 4th grade - 20 words • 5th grade - 25 words
Reading • Every student will be required to read for 100 minutes at home. • Reading should be recorded in student’s agenda and reflect 100 minutes today per week; 20 minutes should be recorded each day. • Students should record the title and page numbers in Agendas.
Reading Reading Genres Assessed *Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning.
Short Answer - Example Question: Explain why the speaker in the poem repeats the word “Very” at the end of the poem. Acceptable: to make the poem seem like a tall tree, to make it funny, to emphasize how totally hard it is to come down Not Acceptable: because it’s hard to come down, to explain how tall the tree is Adapted from 4th Grade National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2009
4th Grade Goal: • Each student has exposure and understanding of all four operations: • Addition • Subtraction • Multiplication • Division
Covered Topics: • Place value/decimals • Fractions • Problem Solving • Identifying Patterns • Measurement • Geometry • Probability • Hands On Algebra
EPSE Problem Solving Method What is EPSE? In mathematics, students continually use problem-solving, language and communication, and reasoning (justification and proof) to make connections within and outside mathematics. EPSE is a method in which students can explore a problem, plan and solve it, then explain their thinking. What does each letter stand for? E – Explore: Fact Finding P – Plan: How will I solve this problem? S – Solve: Find the answer. E – Examine: Show or explain how the answer is reasonable.
EPSE at Frost Elementary • At Frost, teachers will implement EPSE with fidelity. • Students will have time for guided and independent practice in the classroom. • Grades 2-5 will include one EPSE problem for homework (Mon.-Thurs.). • Grade 1 will begin including EPSE homework in the 3rd nine weeks. • For homework and assessment, students will only be required to practice and master the sections of EPSE that have been taught previously by the classroom teacher.
Fast Facts • Each grade level will administer a Fast Facts test one time per week except kindergarten. All grades except first grade will start beginning the week of September 13th. First grade will begin the second semester. The complexity of the problems should follow the guidelines and objectives in the scope and sequence. Fast Facts will occur each Friday or on a Thursday in the event of a holiday on Friday.
Problem Solving • We want to challenge our students by providing them with real-world and hands-on experiences.
Covered Topics • Science Lab Safety • Matter • Forms of Energy • Earth, Moon, & Sun • Properties of Soil • Weathering/Water Cycle • Ecosystems • Characteristics of Animals • Health and Wellness
Hands On Science • Scheduled once every nine weeks • Please consider volunteering for one or more of these exciting opportunities • Scheduling is coordinated by parent volunteers
Texas History • Geography • Regions • Native Americans • Government • History of the state
Parent Volunteers • Volunteers are always appreciated! • Please note LCISD is required by state law to obtain criminal history record information on volunteers in the district. • Confidential volunteer forms are available from the office.
Help Needed! Team Celebration helpers are needed at the end of each nine weeks to celebrate the success of the winning teams. Please sign up to help. You can help by volunteering to chaperone the party each nine weeks. (About 50 students will attend and we need a minimum of 3 parent helpers.) Coordinated by 4th Grade Lead Room Mom