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Psudomonas putida and P.fluorescens Prepared by: Ghada Rayyan Dr. Abdelraouf A. Elmanama. Classification Higher order taxa: Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadales; Pseudomonadaceae .
Psudomonas putida and P.fluorescensPrepared by: Ghada RayyanDr. Abdelraouf A. Elmanama
ClassificationHigher order taxa:Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadales;Pseudomonadaceae.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa groupPseudomonas chloroaphis groupPseudomonas fluorescensPseudomonas pertucinogena groupPseudomonas putida groupPseudomonas stutzeri groupPseudomonas syringae group
Laboratory Diagnosis.Gram-negative.Rod-shape.Aerobic metabolism.Fluorescent pseudomonads.Motile by tow or more polar flagella.Able to grow on a wide variety of organic substanse.Produce a slime layer that cannot be phagocytosed.Production of surface- colonising biofilms.
Most pseudomonads are free-living saprophytic organism in soil or water.They play an important role in decomposition, biodegradation, and the carbon and nitrogen cycles.Pseudomonads are characterised by great metabolic diversity and are able to utilize a wide range of carbon sources.They are important organism in bioremediation.
Pseudomonas are able to grow in unexpected places.They have been found in areas where a lot of pharmaceuticals are prepared.Any carbon source suchas soap.Antiseptics such as ammonium compounds and bottled mineral water.This ability to thrive in harsh conditions is aresult of their hearty cell wall that contains porins.
Cell structure and metabolism.they "grow well in mineral salts media supplemented with any of a large number of carbon sources" .Some researches seek to exploit P. fluorescens to partially or completely degrade pollutants such as styrene, TNT, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Several strains of this bacteria also have the ability to suppress plant diseases by "protecting the seeds and roots from fungal infection“.This ability is due to secondary metabolites produced by these bacteria such as antibiotics, siderophores, and hydrogen cyanide as well as the ability of these bacteria to rapidly colonize the rhizosphere and out-compete some of pathogens.
Pseudomonas putidaGram-negative bacteria with multitrichous flagella.P.putida is a unique soil microorganism, which can resist the adverse effects of organic solvents.Also is capable of decontaminating organic substances including solvents, such as toluene, one of the components of gasoline.
It is an example of an organism that can be used to carry out bioremediation.Polluted soil and groundwater purification technology which uses the power of microbes, renders many toxic organic substances harmless. Magnetite-immobilized cells of Pseudomonas putida 5-X can be used as biosorbent in copper removal from aqueous solutions.
Pseudomonas putida is listed among microorganisms most commonly found in various environments such as various consumer products including paints and solvents. It is also listed as one of safe and effective pesticidal microorganisms.
Pseudomonas fluorescens(motile rods associated with food spoilage)Tow phenotyping characteristicsof p.fluorescens that distinguish it from p.putida are: it is ability to grow at 4 C AND it is ability to hydrolyze gelatin.These characteristics help explain its frequent involvement in spoilage of refrigerated food, in particular chicken and processed meats. If it's fluorescent, get rid of it!
clinical manifestations.Bacteria in the P.fluorescens-P. putida complex have been isolated from lizards, insects and mammals. Clinical sources from which strains of these species have been isolated include respiratory tract specimens, pleural fluid, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, feces, blood, and a variety of other materials.
p.Putida thrives in moist enviroments.Its isolation from clinical specimens, especially non-sterile sites,and is considered to have uncertain pathogenic.
More than half of the clinical isolatesof Pseudomonas bacteria produce pyocyanin, a blue-green pigment. The Pseudomonas fluorescens group are nonpathogenic saprophytes that also produce a pigment, particularly under conditions of low iron availability. This pigment is a soluble, greenish, fluorescent pigment that led to the group's name. These bacteria are generally obligate aerobes; however, some strains can utilize NO3 instead of O2 as an electron acceptor.
The taxonomy of p.fluorescens and P.putida The first works on the taxonomy of P. fluorescens and P. putida were based on phenotypic characters such as metabolic tests, fatty acid composition and protein profiles.These studies led to the subdivision of P. fluorescens and P. putida into 5 and 2 biovars, respectively.
genotypic characters based on the variability of consensus genes (rDNA) or of the total genome (DNA-DNA hybridization).combining both recent phenotypic and genotypic methods, is required to clarify the taxonomy of P. fluorescens and P. putida.
Pseudomonas putida is a ubiquitous soil bacterium that has significant potential for bioremediation of numerous compounds.P. putida genome sequence will identify the real potential of this organism in various biotechnological areas including the production of natural compounds, and remediation of polluted habitats.
PathogenesisHeat stable lipases and proteases are produced by p.fluorescens and other similar pseudomonads, and cause milk defects such as bitterness, rancidity, fruity and cardboardy flavor, casein breakdown, and ropiness due to production of slime and coagulation of proteins.
The main property that becoming important opportunistic pathogens is their inability to grow at body temperature. they are rarely pathogenic for humans, even though they have been found associated with empyema, urinary tract infections, septicemia, and various other episodes. Although their virulence may be low, P .putida and P .fluorescens should be considered as potentially pathogenic.
In immunocompromised patients p.putida has been found to cause septicemia and septic arthritis.Nosocomial transmition of p.putida has only reported twice.
Strains of p.fluorescens have been frequently identified as contaminant on the skin of humans and as agent causing pseudobacteremia and procedure- related infection in hospitalized patients and infections resulting from transfusion with contaminated blood components.
Biochemical characteristicsA rapid nitrate test was found to be useful in distinguishing P. aeruginosa (positive) from P. fluorescens and P. putida (both negative). A shortened gelatin test differentiated P. fluorescens (positive) from P. putida (negative).
Produced fluorescin but no pyocyanin or pyorubrin.Oxidase test – positive.10% lactose - both negative. Oxidation of dextrose - both positive. Oxidation of maltose - both negative.Nitrate reduction -both negative.Gelatin liquefaction – p.fluorescens positive, P.putida negative.Growth on cetramide – positive.Are growth at 4 C AND at 35 C unlike p.aeruginosa able to growth at 42 C.
CHROM agar:Pseudomonas is a chromogenic media, for isolation of specimens, giving detection of Pseudomonas sp. by colony colour.Pseudomonas sp. develop as easily distinguishable blue-green coloured colonies, clearly visible under normal lighting conditions. Other bacterial species are inhibited or give colourless colonies.
Pseudosel AgarPseudosel Agar is the BBL medium of choice for the selective isolation and identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.It is a modification of King's Tech Agar, stimulating enhanced pyocyanin production by Pseudomonas while inhibiting other organisms with centrimide. Pseudosel Agar also detects fluorescin produced by some pseudomonads.
Pseudomonas agarPseudomonas agar F. Flo Agar Pseudomonas agar P.Tech Agarpseudomonas agar F, also as Flo Agar, is used for the enhancement of fluorescin production and Pseudomonas agar P, also known as Tech Agar, is used for the inhancement of pyocyanin production by pseudomonas.
Antibiotic sensitivity testp.fluorescens and p.putida were very sensitive to kanamycin.And p.fluorescens and p.putida were resistant to carbenicillin.