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Module 6 Communicating about HPV Vaccine with Stakeholders Cervarix TM

Essential Training Package for HPV Vaccine Introduction. Module 6 Communicating about HPV Vaccine with Stakeholders Cervarix TM. Learning objectives. At the end of the module, you will be able to: Describe the key stakeholders 

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Module 6 Communicating about HPV Vaccine with Stakeholders Cervarix TM

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  1. Essential Training Package for HPV Vaccine Introduction Module 6 Communicating about HPV Vaccine with Stakeholders CervarixTM

  2. Learning objectives • At the end of the module, youwillbe able to: • Describe thekey stakeholders  • Describe how to communicate with these stakeholders (teachers, parents and girls) • Describe key messages on Cervical cancer and HPV vaccination to stakeholders, using Triple “A” • Duration • 20’

  3. Key issues 1 Who are the key stakeholders? 2 How to communicate with stakeholders? 4 What are the key messages for stakeholders on Cervical cancer and HPV vaccination? 3 Using 'Triple A' to remember to give right messages?

  4. Who are key stakeholders? Are there other specific stakeholders or gatekeepers in your community? 1 2 3 Teacher Parents Girl

  5. How to communicate with stakeholders: teachers • Be respectful • Use simple words and avoid technical terms • Make sure the teacher has understood your key messages • Tell teachers they can play an important role by: • Listening to and addressing the concerns of parents • Educating girls on the benefits of HPV vaccination • Helping with the organization on the HPV immunization session • Involve teachers as partners in HPV vaccine communication

  6. How to communicate with stakeholders: parents • Be respectful • Use simple words and avoid technical terms • Make sure parents have understood your key messages • Listen and address their concerns • Involve parents as partners in HPV vaccine communication

  7. How to communicate with stakeholders: girls (1/2) • Be respectful; a good way to do so is to introduce yourself • Use simple words and avoid technical terms • Make sure the girls have understood key messages • Ask the girls if they have any questions • Listen and address their concerns

  8. How to communicate with stakeholders: girls (2/2) • Encourage girls to get vaccinated • If girls are reluctant, take the time to listen and understand their fears and/or source of misunderstanding • Recognize that girls have the right to refuse to get vaccinated • Never force or trick a girl into getting vaccinated • Allow the girls to take part in decision making about vaccination • Involve girls in reaching out other girls in the community that maybe eligible for HPV vaccination

  9. “Triple A” communication to deliver key messages to stakeholders Alert on side effects and how to respond Arrange for when to return Advise on what is given

  10. Advise: Cervical cancer (1/4) • Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in developing countries • Cervical cancer is most often caused by a virus called Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) • HPV is a common virus that is easily spread by skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity with another infected person • HPV types 16 and 18 cause 70% of all cervical cancer cases • Most young people are typically infected soon after they become sexually active. Most HPV infections are asymptomatic • It takes between 10 to 20 years for Cervical Cancer to develop after HPV infections but can occur much more quickly in people with weak immune systems, like in women with untreated HIV infection

  11. Advise: Prevention of HPV infection and Cervical cancer (2/4) HPV Vaccination Sexual education PREVENTION Cervical screening Prevent or stop tobacco use Consistent condom use

  12. Advise: HPV vaccine (3/4) • The vaccine is very safe and effective • Millions of girls and women around the world have received HPV vaccine without serious side effects • As of early 2013, HPV vaccine has been introduced in more than 45 countries • The vaccine works against Cervical Cancer but • does NOT prevent pregnancy • does NOT prevent HIV or other sexually transmitted infections

  13. Advise: HPV vaccine schedule (4/4) • HPV vaccine is delivered in 3 doses over a period of 6 months HPV2 • HPV3 HPV1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Month CervarixTM dosing schedule

  14. Alert: Description of side effects • No serious side effects have been reported • Common minor side effects are redness, pain and swelling at the injection site • Less common minor adverse events include fever, dizziness, and nausea • Syncope or fainting after injection is more common in adolescent girls but not related to HPV vaccine • If a girl shows any unusual symptoms after vaccination, take her directly to the hospital

  15. FAQs (1/2) 1 Does HPV vaccine affect fertility? 2 Does HPV vaccine affect sexualbehavior? 3 Can HPV infection be treated? 4 What is the role of boys and men in HPV prevention?

  16. FAQs (2/2) 5 Why is HPV vaccine given to girls 9-13 years of age if cervical cancer affects women later in life? 6 Can older women get HPV vaccine? 7 Who should get the vaccine?

  17. Arrange: ensure completion of the immunization schedule • Inform girls when they should receive the next HPV vaccine dose • Write the date of the next dose on their immunization card • Remind girls to come on the specified date and to bring their immunization card • Tell teachers and parents to remind girls of the next vaccination date

  18. Key messages • Applying the basic principles of good communication ensures that main messages will be understood by teachers, parents, and girls: • Show respect • Use simple terms • Verify correct understanding • Address concerns • Enable involvement • Using “Triple A” communication (Advise, Alert and Arrange) helps health workers to convey the correct messages on Cervical cancer, its prevention, and the correct administration of HPV vaccine

  19. End of module Thank you for your attention!

  20. References • Comprehensive cervical cancer prevention and control: a healthier future for girls and women. Guidance Note. WHO 2013 • HPV vaccine introduction into national immunization programmes: Information for programme managers and health workers. WHO 2013 • Further info: http://www.who.int/nuvi/hpv/resources/en/index.html

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