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Communicating with Stakeholders. Who are Stakeholders? How we communicate? What techniques to learn from stakeholders (concerns, expectations, shortfalls); Ways to create stakeholder buy-in and support for language training solutions. The aim of SG5.
Who are Stakeholders? How we communicate? What techniques to learn from stakeholders (concerns, expectations, shortfalls); Ways to create stakeholder buy-in and support for language training solutions. The aim of SG5
Findings National Higher level Policy and Budgetary Authorities/Government Departments Higher level HQs/National Defence Univ’s leadership J1,J7 staffs Teaching/testing Staff Training Staffs Customers (former students) and Test takers Working groups & Steering Committees External External ‘organisations’ receiving students International Policy Staffs Human Resources Departments Geographic Combatant Command Staffs Language and Regional Expertise Committees ANYONE WHO HAS A VESTED INTEREST
2. Is there an effective communication flow between the language trainers and stakeholders?
NO - 7/15 YES- 3/15 DEPENDS- 4/15 (Partially) N/A -1/15 Is there effective communication: Findings of 15 SG5 Colleagues
3. How often do you communicate with your stakeholders and how often do they communicate with you?
Daily Frequently/often Weekly Whenever needed Monthly Rarely Annually N/A ! Recommend some sort of formal feedback mechanism (e.g annual report). !! Use Push/Pull Info. How often do you communicate? Findings
Stakeholders - 6/15 Both ways - 4/15 Yours truly -2/15 Test takers/bosses -1/15 Military TrainingDepartment 1/15 N/A- 1/15 Who initiates and how? Findings
5.What is the best way of communicating with them and them with you?
! There is no ‘best way’ But need to do it and keep records :-) Findings
6. What is their current opinion of your work? Is it knowledge-based?
Positive - 4/15 Negative 3/15 Experience-based/ not knowledge based 8/15 Knowledge-based 7/15 What is their opinion and based on what? Findings
Hear say Direct contact with experts SOP’s Commanders’ Driven/Request Experience based Informal briefing Ministerial Orders Performance Statistics Reports Advice Annual Program Review Intranet (Def) ! An entity or individual should be appointed to for the evaluationof Language (training) Programs How Stakeholders form their opinions? Findings
8. If opinion is not positive, what will win them around to support your training goals?
Provide Qualitative data/outcome Stricter follow-ups Training goals to meet objectives Quality control/external quality measures National expertise linked to international expertise/entities/peers/NATO Accountability/Risk analysis Statistics Validity arguments How to gain support? Findings
Recommendations to improve Stakeholder Communication • Develop a formal feedback and evaluation mechanism. • Make someone or a team responsible for feedback. • Produce regular Reports including statistical data. • Identify a senior language authority (person?) at highest level possible. • Seek external ‘no name’ feedback to inform training goals.