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MARKETING MANAGEMENT 2013. UNDERSTANDING MARKETING MANAGEMENT. Silabi Manajemen Pemasaran. 1 . Understanding MM 2. Customer value, satisfaction and Loyalty 3. Analyzing consumers market 4 . Market Segments & Targets 5. Brand Equity
SilabiManajemenPemasaran 1. Understanding MM 2. Customer value, satisfaction and Loyalty 3. Analyzing consumers market 4. Market Segments & Targets 5. Brand Equity 6. Brand Positioning 7. Dealing with competition 8. Setting product strategy 9. Pricing Strategy 10. Marketing Channels 11. Communicating value 12. Presentasi Marketing Plan
Tugas Kelompok : • 1. Presentasi per chapter • 2. Presentasi Marketing Plan Buku Wajib : Kotler, Keller, Marketing Management, edisi 14, 2012
Penilaian Partisipasi : 10% Nilai Presentasi Individual : 20% Nilai Presentasi Kelompok : 10% UTS : 30% UAS : 30%
What is Marketing…?? Selling? Advertising? Promotions? Making products available in stores? Maintaining inventories? All of the above, plus much more!
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. (American Marketing Association, dalam Kotler dan Keller, 2012)
Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others (Kotler and Keller, 2012)
Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.
Communication Industry (a collection of sellers) Market (a collection of Buyers) Simple Marketing System Goods/services Money Information
What is Marketed? Persons • Experiences • Events • Properties • Organizations • Information • Ideas Goods Places Services
What is Marketed? 1. Goods – Physical products, consumer products, consumer durables, etc.2. Services – Transport, repair & maintenance, legal, financial, consultancy, hotel, specialised skills, professionals, 3. Events – Trade shows, sports, world cups, vintage car rally, fashion shows, artistic performance, annual functions, eventmanagement, etc.4. Experiences – Theatres, opera, Disney-world, trekking, mountaineering, ocean cruise, cinema, music concerts, etc.5. Persons – Celebrity marketing, film stars, politicians, artists, performers, advertisers, and now also CEOs of companies.6. Places – Cities, states, countries for tourism, leisure & place for industrialisation, real estate agents & business
What is Marketed?........ • 7. Properties – Ownership of tangible properties like real estate, house, apartment, farm house, precious metals and intangible properties like financial portfolio of various securities, stocks, bonds.8. Organisation – Building up identity, image, reputation, and brand value in the minds of consumers.9. Information – It can be produced, packaged & marketed as a product – text books, encyclopaedias, magazines & journals on literature, science, technology, medicine info, available thru internet10. Ideas – The concept regarding a utility, business opportunity, advertising / marketing ideas, scientific & technical, social, financial, psychological etc.
Core Marketing Concepts Target Markets, Positioning, and Segmentation Needs, Wants, and Demands Offerings and Brands Value and Satisfaction
Core Marketing Concepts Marketing Channels Supply Chain Marketing Environment Competition
Core Marketing Concepts PENERBIT ERLANGGA 16
Core Concepts of Marketing Based on : • Needs, Wants, Desires / demand • Products, Utility, Value & Satisfaction • Exchange, Transactions & Relationships • Markets, Marketing & Marketers.
Needs, wants, and demands; Needsare states of felt deprivation. All humanity have the same needs; Physical needs: Food, clothing, shelter, safety. Social needs: Belonging, affection. Individual needs: Learning, knowledge, self-expression – food ( is a must ) Wants; are needs shaped by culture and individual personality Want – Pizza, Burger, French fry's ( translation of a need as per our experience ) Demand – Burger ( translation of a want as per our willingness and ability to buy ) Bab 1Pemasaran: Mengatur Hubungan Pelanggan yang Menguntungkan 18
PenawaranPasar (Marketing Offer) consumer needs and wants are fulfilled through a marketing offer, which is some combination of products, services, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need. Bab 1Pemasaran: Mengatur Hubungan Pelanggan yang Menguntungkan • Value • the value or benefits the customers gain from using the product versus the cost of obtaining the product. • Satisfaction • Based on a comparison of performance and expectations. • Performance > Expectations => Satisfaction • Performance < Expectations => Dissatisfaction 19
Exchange, transactions, and relationships Exchange : The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. Transaction : consists of a trade values between two parties. Relationship : The goal of marketers is to build solid relationship with customers and retaining them by delivering superior value. Markets The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product. Sellers must search for buyers, both buyers and sellers are carried out by marketing
Who is Responsible for Marketing? Entire Organization Marketing Department Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Marketing Concepts Quality Innovation Create, deliver, and communicate value Production Product Selling Marketing Holistic Mass production Mass distribution Unsought goods Overcapacity
Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive Production Concept • Consumers favor products that • offer the most quality, performance, • or innovative features Product Concept Consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes/sells these products Selling Concept Focuses on needs/ wants of target markets & delivering value better than competitors Marketing Concept
Pemasaran secara keseluruhan (holistic marketing) merupakan ide dimana pemasaran merupakan segalanya, dikatakan bahwa organisasi yang sukses harus memiliki pendekatan secara menyeluruh pada pemasaran dimana semua bagian dari organisasi memfokuskan untuk bagaimana meningkatkan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan dan bagaimana mengkomunikasikan nilai tersebut kepada pelanggannya.
Holistic Marketing Dimensions Figure 1.3
Relationship Marketing Build long-term relationships Develop marketing networks
Integrated Marketing Create, communicate, and deliver customer value
Performance Marketing Social Responsibility Financial Accountability
The Four P’s of the Marketing Mix Figure 1.4
Marketing Management Tasks • Developing market strategies and plans • Capturing marketing insights • Connecting with customers • Building strong brands • Shaping market offerings • Delivering value • Communicating value • Creating long-term growth
Tahap-tahap Proses Perencanaan Menganalisis peluang pasar Merancang strategi pemasaran (Bab 11-13) Merancang program pemasaran (Bab 14-21) Melaksanakan pemasaran (Bab 22) Riset pemasaran dan sistem informasi (bab 5) Strategi Positioning (bab 11) Seting strategi produk dan merek (bab 14) Melaksanakan usaha Pemasaran total (bab 22) Lingkungan pemasaran (bab 6) Mendesain jasa (bab 15) Pengembangan pasar baru (bab 12) Pasar konsumen(bab7) Strategi harga (bab 16) Pasar bisnis (bab 8) Peluang & tantangan global yang berubah (bab 13) Saluran pemasaran (bab 17 & 18) Memperhatikan para pesaing (bab 9) Strategi promosi (bab 19 s/d 21) Mengidentifikasi segmentasi pasar (bab 10)
Demographic- Economic Environment Technological- Natural Environment Marketing Intermediaries Marketing Analysis Marketing Planning Product Target Consumers Suppliers Place Price Publics Promotion Marketing Implementation Marketing Control Political- Legal Environment Social- Cultural Environment Competitors Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Strategi Perusahaan
10 dosapemasaran Perusahaan tidak berfokus pada pasar dan tidak digerakkan oleh pelanggan pada tingkat yang memadai Perusahaan tidak sepenuhnya memahami pelanggan sasarannya Perusahaan perlu menentukan dan memantau pesaingnya dengan lebih baik Perusahaan belum mengelola hubungan dengan pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder)nya secara benar Perusahaan kurang lihai dalam menentukan peluang-peluang baru Rencana pemasaran dan proses perencanaan perusahaan buruk Kebijakan-kebijakan produk dan jasa perusahaan memerlukan pengetatan Keahlian komunikasi dan pembangunan merek perusahaan lemah Perusahaan tidak terorganisasi dengan baik untuk menjalankan pemasaran secara efektif dan efisien Perusahaan tidak memaksimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi.
13 Kunci Marketing 2013 ala HermawanKartajaya • Connectivityo [konektivitas]. • Community [komunitas]. • Confirmation [konfirmasi]. • Clarification [klarifikasi]. • Codification [kodifikasi] • Co-creation • Currency [mata uang]. • Communal Activation [aktivasi komunitas]. • Kesembilan, Conversation [obrolan]. • Commercialization [komersialisasi]. • Character [karakter]. • Care [perhatian]. • 13. Collaboration [kolaborasi]