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This study material discusses the "Brussels Ia-Regulation" of 2012 and its impact on the jurisdiction, recognition, and enforcement of civil judgments under EU law. It also includes analysis of ECJ decisions, EU materials, and collected materials on EC regulations about civil procedural law.
Prof Dr Thomas Rauscher Regulation 1215 of 2012„BrusselsIa-Regulation“ Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of CivilJudgmentsunderEU Law TR 2017
EU-material ECJ-decisions Text andcollectedmaterialsEC-reg aboutcivilprocedurallaw Study book Commentary www.europe.eu www.curia.eu www.euzpr.eu Rauscher, IPR5, 2017, published: C.F.Müller, Heidelberg Rauscher, EuZPR/EuIPR, 2015/16,published: Otto Schmidt Study Materials TR 2017
Jurisdiction ECJ deciding on PreliminaryrulingsunderArt 267 (1)(b) TFEU(EC/EU-Reg areEU law) TFEU= Treaty on theFunctioning of the EU ECJ= Court of Justice of European Union Sources& methods of interpretation ECJ-decisions on Brussels I Convention 1968 Brussels I Regulation 44/2001 Autonomous(„european“) interpretationorreferenceto national law see: Art 7 (1) (a),(c) (place of performance) see: Art 62 (domicile) Interpretation of EU-Reg on CivilProcedureby ECJ TR 2017
Aspectscovered: Jurisdiction(=international) LitispendencybetweenMember States Recognition of Member State Judgments EnforcementofMember State Judgments Member State: all EU memberswiththeexception of Denmark Agreement on theapplication of Brussels I-Reg for Denmark, in forcesinceJuly 1, 2007, maybeextendedtoBrusselsIa(seeRecital 41) Regulation No 1215/2012 of 12/12/12 BrusselsIa-Regulation TR 2017
Former instruments BrusselsConvention 1968 - Accessionconventionsnecessary for new EC-members Brussels I-Regulation 2001 - Applicabletoanymember of the EU participating in Title V TFEU Parallel instruments (of treatynature) Lugano Convention 1988 - Similarto 3rd Accessionconvention - EU-Members, EEA-Members and CH Lugano Convention 2007- SimilartoBrussels I-Regulation - EU-Members, Iceland, Norway, CH Related Instruments – Territorial Scope TR 2017
Art 68 Brussel Ia-Regulation supersedes Brussels I convention(as did Brussels I-Regulation) Art 66 (next slide) Brussels Ia-Regulation ./. Brussels I-Regulation Art 69, 70 B Ia-Reg supersedes conventions between Member States on the same matter as far as B Ia-Reg applies (material, personal, temporal) Art 71 ss B Ia- Reg does not affect -conventions with third parties concluded before Brussels I-Reg -2007 Lugano Convention (if related to IC, N, CH) BrusselsIa Reg / otherinstruments: Ranking TR 2017
Jurisdiction, Litispendency Proceedinginstitutedand autenticinstrumentsdrawnor registered after 10 January 2015 (Art 66 (1)) „instituted“ = „courtseised“ (Art 30) „old“ proceedingscontinueunderBrussels I-Regulation Recognition,Enforcement Judgmentsgiven in proceedings … instituted on or after 10 January 2015 (Art 66 (1)) [reason: new type of enforcement] Judgmentsgiven in proceedingsinstitutedbefore: Brussels I-Reg JudgmentsunderBrusselsConvention: see Art 66 BrusselsI Reg Temporal scope of application (Art 66) TR 2017
Art 1 (1): Civiland Commercial Matters Art 1 (2): …shall not applyto… Autonomousinterpretation Nature ofcourt irrelevant (civilaction in penalcourt) Not, if administrative bodyactingbysubordination Not: Revenue andCustoms CivilStatus, Matrimonial Property(Divorce: Reg 2201/2003 BrusselsIIa) Bankruptcyproceedings (Reg 1346/2000) Social Security Arbitration Maintenance (Reg 4/2009) Succession (Reg 650/2012) Material Scope of Application (Art 1) TR 2017
LTU/Eurocontrol [29/76] NOT CIVIL: defendant European agency acting as “superior” Sonntag/Waidmann [C-172/91] CIVIL: criminal court judgment for damages against German teacher (state official) Lechouritou et al/F.R. of Germany [C-292/05) NOT CIVIL: damages for WW2 crimes by Wehrmacht & SS Fahnenbrock et al/Hellenic Republic [C-226/13 etc] CIVIL: compensation for disturbance of ownership of GR government bonds (if not obviously out of scope) Cases (Article 1 (1)) TR 2017
De Cavel/De Cavel ONE [143/78] Matrimonial property = Property issues arising out of particular rules which apply to husband and wife only De Cavel/De Cavel TWO [120/79] Consequentialmatterstobedecidedwith a divorce (= status=not B Ia) casemay fall withinthescope of B Iaif not excludedbytheirown type (thence: maintenance) Marc Rich/SocietàItalianaImpianti [C-190/89] State courtproceeding on thenomination of an arbiteris „arbitration“: B Ia NOT applicablePreliminaryquestion of validity of arbitrationagreementis NOT „arbitration“ : B Iaapplicable Cases (Article 1 (2)) TR 2017
Art 5 (1): Defendantdomiciled in ANY Member State: BrusselsIa- jurisdictionalrulesonly Art 62: Domicile of naturalpersondefinedunder national law of respective Member State Art 63: Domicile of companyorother legal person Statutoryseat OR centraladmin OR principalplace of business Personal Scope of Application: Jurisdiction Art 6 (1): Defendant NOT domiciled in ANY Member State: National law („lexfori“) applies Art 6 (2): „Exorbitant“ Jurisdictions (see Art 76) apply in favor of anyplaintiffdomiciled in theforumstatewithoutregardtonationality TR 2017
Group Josi/ UGIC [C-412/98] Brussels I appliesasagainstdefendantdomiciled in a Member State evenifplaintiffis not domiciled in any Member State and thecaseis not reliedtoanyother M.S. Owusu/Jackson et al [C-281/02] Brussels I applies and thecourts of thedefendant‘sdomicile do havejurisdictionunder Art 4 evenifthecaseisstronglyconnectedto a non-Member State. „Forum non conveniens“ does not applyunderBrussels I Fiction Accordingto Art 6(2) a German citizenliving in Paris istobetreatedas French citizenwhenbringingactionagainst a US-domiciliary in French courtsunder Art 14 CC. Cases (Article 5, 6) TR 2017
General J. (Art 4): Domicile of thedefendant for all causes of actionwiththeexception of exclusivejurisdictions JurisdictionalSystem Special J. (Art 7, 8): Mayapplytoparticularcauses of action OR particularconstellations of thepartiesinvolved Exclusive J. (Art 24): Mustapplytoparticularcauses of actionwhichinvolvestateinterest J. Agreement (Art 25): May beagreed on in the form of Art 25 if not excludedunder Art 15, 19, 23 [see: protectedpersons] May beexclusiveormay not accordingtointerpretation Protectedpersons: Supersede all otherjurisdictionalrules Art 10 ss: Insurance - Art 17 ssConsumer Art 20 ss Individual contract of employment TR 2017
General prerequisite: Defendantdomiciledin one, proceeding in anotherMember State Appliestoparticularcauses of action: toassure „bestadministration of justice“ (proof, localrulesetc) Not mandatory: Plaintiffmaychoosebetween Art 7 and Art 4 Special Jurisdiction (Art 7) TR 2017
ContractcasesArt 7 (1) Art 7 (1)(a) Ifcontract not of type (b)or (b) not functioning [see (c)] Art 7 (1) (b) Contract: Claim arising out of contractualrelationship (evenifvalidity in dispute) Noannex J for tortclaims Not applicableif indefinite places of perf. Primary obligation in question Place of Performance: Accordingtothelawasapplicableundertheconflictrules of theforum, or Agreement astoplace of performance Saleof goods: place of delivery Except: Services: place of provision of serviceorwhereserviceshouldhavebeen. Oneplace of performanc for theentirecontract Contract: Place of Performance (Art 7 (1)) TR 2017
Color Drack GmbH/LexxIntl Vertriebs GmbH [C-386/05] 7(1)(b)(i)appliesifseveralplaces of delivery in one Member State. Ifonecapitalplace of delivery, courts of thisplacehavevenue. Otherwisetheplaintiffmaychoose. ElectrosteelEurope sa/EdilCentroSpA [C-087/10] 7(1)(b)(i): Ifmerchandiseistobeshippedunder a contract of sale, theplace of performance must bedeterminedaccordingtotheterms of thecontractincluding INCOTERMS. Rehder/Air Baltic Corp [C-204/08] 7(1)(b)(ii) appliestoairlinetransportation. Place of performance at thedeparture and thearrivalports; plaintiffmaychoose. Cases (Article 7 (1)) TR 2017
„Tort“ Definition Jurisdiction Responsibilityfor damageswithoutcontract Noannexjurisdictionfor contractclaims Pre-contractualobligationunder Art 7 (2) [see also Art 2(1) Rome II-Reg Place wherethetortoccurred Torts comittedoverdistance:place of action OR place of primarydamage Torts with multiple places of damage(press related, environmental!): Onlythosedamagesthatoccured in theparticularjurisdiction Preventiveclaims („mayoccur“) included Consumer protectionagency‘spreventiveclaimsincluded Tort (Art 7 (2)) TR 2017
Folien Fischer AG&Fofitec AG/RITRAMA SpA [C-133/11] Art 7(2) appliestoaction for negative ascertainmentclaimingthe non-existence of tortiousresponsibilty Pinckney/KDG Mediatech AG [C-170/12] Art 7(2) applies in intellectualpropertycaseconcerning a publication on the www. Court hasjurisdiction, ifpublisherdomiciled in anotherMember State but maydecideonly on damagesthatarose in the Member State of thecourt. Andreas Kainz/Pantherwerke AG [C-45/13] Action for productliabilitymaybebrought in theplace of production of thedamagingproduct. Cases (Article 7 (2)) TR 2017
Adhesion (Art 7 (3)) Property of culturalobjects (Art 7 (4)) Agency (Art 7 (5)) Trust (Art 7 (6)) Salvageof cargo(Art 7(7)) Civildamages in Criminal Court ifcompetent;Exception: Art 64: Rights of defense Civilpropertyclaim for therecovery of culturalobjectsasdefinedunderDirective 93/7/EEC Permanent branch, ownmanagement, undersupervision;only for claimsarising out of thebranch‘soperation Action assettlor, trustee, beneficiary of a trust: Domicile of thetrust Jurisdictionat theplacewherecargohasbeen/couldhavebeenarrested Other Special Jurisdictions (Art 7 (3)-(7)) TR 2017
Concept: SeveralDefendants(Art 8 (1)) InterventionWarranty(Art 8 (2))Counterclaim(Art 8 (3)) Contractclaimrelatedtorightsin rem (Art 8 (4)) Defendantdomiciled in a Member State maybesuedasadditional defendant First defendantdomiciledin M.State of court.Close connectionbetweenclaims(see Art 30) Warranty, guarantee, third-party proceeding;Not ifsoleintentiontoremovedefendantfromotherjurisdiction;Not applicable in A, D & H (Art 65 (1)) Same contractorcause of action./. Compensation:Means of defense, nojurisdictionnecessary Personal actionmaybebrought in jurisdiction for related real propertyaction SeveralParties (Art 8) TR 2017
Freeportplc/Olle Arnoldsson [C-098/06] Art 8 (1) applieseveniftheclaimsagainst different defendantsarise out of different causes of action … ifthoseactionsaretobedecidedtogether in ordertoavoidconflictingdecisions Glaxosmithkline/Rouard [C-462/06] Art 8 (1) does not applytocontroversiesconcerning individual labourcontractsas Chapter II Sec 5 prevails Land Berlin/Sapir & oth [C-645/11] Close connectionunder Art 8 (1) isgiven for actionagainstseveraldefendants in different Member States whoareclaimingreparation. Art 8 (1) does not applyagainstdefendants NOT domiciled in any Member State. Cases (Article 8) TR 2017
WhyexclusiveJurisdiction? Consequences: Public interestinvolved Appliesregardlessof domicile– evenifdefendantis not domiciled in any Member State Appliesif and onlyif relevant criteriaaresituated in a Member States Novalid prorogationagainstexclusivejurisdiction Noentering an appearanceagainstexclusivejurisdiction. ExclusiveJurisdiction (Art 24) TR 2017
Rights in rem Tenancies „Holiday Flats“ exception Immovablesdefinedbylexsitus Immovablepropertyrights: againsteverybody; no personal claims Tenancies: right of useagainstpayment (autonomousdefinition) Private tenancies, not toexceed 6 months Bothpartiesdomiciled in same Member State additionalexclusivejurisdictionof thecourtsof bothparties‘ domicile Exclusive Jur. for immovableproperty(Art 24 (1)) TR 2017
Apostolides/Orams&Orams [C-420/07] Under Art 24 (1) Republic of Cyprus‘ courts do havejurisdictionevenifthepropertyconcernedissituated in thatpart of thecountryoverwhichthe R of Cyprusauthoritiespresently do not exerciseeffectivecontrol Weber/Weber [C-438/12] Art 24 (1) appliesto an actionconcerning a right of pre-emptionif such rightisactionableagainsteveryone Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe/JP Morgan [C-144/10] Art 24 (2) does not applyif a corporationobjectsagainst a contractualclaimsayingthatthecorporatedecisionpermittingthesigning of such contract was invalid Cases (Article 24) TR 2017
Material Scope Territorial Scope Temporal scope Effect Admissibility, parties, form, generalcondit. Independent of otherterms of contract (5) Regardless of theparties‘ domicile A courtorthecourtsof a Member State Not applicable in mere national cases Art 66 (1) Agreements enteredintosince 10 January 2015 Art 66 (2) B I-Reg continuestoapplytoagreementsenteredintobefore Before B I-Reg: Noinvalidityifagreement was valid underformerrules ExclusiveJurisdictionunlessagreedotherwise (Art 25 (1)) Prorogation of Jurisdiction (Art 25) [Application] TR 2017
In WritingArt 25 (1) (a)/1 Evidenced in WritingArt 25 (1) (a)/2 Individual PracticeArt 23 (1) (b) Usagein intlTradeArt 23 (1) (c) Writtenconsentofbothpartiesgivesproofofagreement Includingletter, telefax, e-mail (Art 25 (2)) General condit.: Prior knowledgenecessary Agreement neccessary one-sidedconfirmationsufficientifitgivesevidenceof prioragreement Arising out ofearlier relationship General conditionsin deliverynotes International Trade Widelyknown/regularlyobserved in this type oftrade Bothpartiesaware of/oughttobeaware of Prorogation of Jurisdiction (Art 25) [Form] TR 2017
Powell Duffryn/Petereit [C-214/89] A prorogationclause in thestatute of a corporationis valid ifithasbeenbeenduly registered and appliesagainstshareholderswithoutregardto time theyacquiretheirshares. RefcompSpA/Axa Assurance SA & anoth. [C-543/10] A prorogationclause in a contractbetweentheproducer and thefirstpurchaser of a productis not binding on a furtherpurchaserunlessthereisproof of consent of such furtherpurchaser. JaouadElMajdoub/CarsOnTheWeb.Deutschland.GmbH [C-322/14] A prorogationclause in generalconditionsattachedto an electronic contractby „clickwrapping“ is valid ifitcanbedownloaded and saved OR printed. Cases (Prorogation) TR 2017
Prerequisites: Defendantanswerstheaction not onlytocontestjurisdiction Answeringtheaction after contestingjurisdictionispermitted in ordertoavoidbeingpreventedfromdefense Consequence: The courtapart fromjurisdictionderivedfromotherprovisionsacquiresjurisdiction Not applicableif: Exclusivejurisdiction of anothercourtConsumer, insurance, individual laborcontract: Art 26 appliesonly after due information (Art 26 (2)) Entering an Appearance (Art 26) TR 2017
Consumer Contractdefined Art 17 (1) Scope of application Contract outside the consumers trade or profession B 2 C only Applies only to particular types - Sale of goods on instalments - Loan or credit on instalments to finance a sale - With Business pursuing OR directing activity in or to the Member State of consumer‘s domicile (www-cases!) Art 6: Defendant domiciled in M. S. Art 17 (2): Applies if contract arising out of business of branch etc in a M.S. Art 7 (5) applies: J in courts of the branch Art 17 (3): Not applicable to contract of transport, applicable to “travel contract” Consumer Contract(Art 17) [Application] TR 2017
Consumer as plaintiff Art 18 (1) Consumer as defendant Art 18 (2) Prorogation of Jurisdiction Art 19 Courts of the Member State of consumer‘s domicile or other party‘s domicile AND Art 7 (5): Courts of the Member State of the branch’s/agency‘s domicile Only courts of M.S. of consumer‘s domicile Counterclaims not affected (Art 18 (3)) Art 19 takes preference over Art 25 - Agreement after dispute arises - In favor of the customer - Conferring jurisdiction to the courts of the Member State where both parties are habitually resident when entering into the agreement Formal requirements according to Art 25 Consumer Contract(Art 18, 19) [Jurisdiction] TR 2017
Pammer/Schlüter _ Hotel Alpenhof/Heller [C-585/08_C-144/09] A business „directsactivity“ tothestate of theconsumer‘sdomicileunder Art 17(1)(c) iffromits web-site and theentirecourse of dealingresultsthat such businesshadtheintentiontoenterintocontractswithconsumersdomiciled - interalia – in this Member State. All relevant criterianeedtobetakenintoconsideration. LokmanEmrek/Vlado Sabranovic [C-218/12] Art 17 (1)(c) appliesevenifthebusines‘s web-site which was directedtotheconsumer‘sdomicile was not relevant for thecontract in action. Harald Kolassa/Barclays Bank [C-375/13] Art 17 (1) does not applyto an actionbroughtby a consumeragainst a bankissuingbondstheconsumerboughtelsewhere, ifthereisnocontractwiththebank. Cases (Consumer) TR 2017
Insurance mattersdefined (Art 10) Jurisdiction Art 11, 14, 15 Art 12, 13, 16 Mattersrelatedto Insurance (Art 10-16) • Action betweeninsurer and insured, beneficiaryorpolicyholder • Not applicabletore-insurer/re-insurer-cases • Applies also toclaims of victimbringingdirectactionagainstliabilityinsurer (Art 13 (2)) • Againstinsurer: • - domicile of theinsurer - domicile of theclaimant (plaintiff) - domicile of a branch (Art 11 (2) + 7 (5)) • Againstinsuredpersonetc: • - Domicile of thedefendant (Art 14 (1)) • - Counterclaim not affected (Art 14 (2)) • Prorogation only in certainsituations (Art 15) • Additional rules for liability, immovables, „greatrisk“ TR 2017
FBTO Schadeverzekeringen NV/Odenbreit [C-463/06] UnderArticles 13 (2) and 11 (2) thevictim of an accidentmay bring directactionagainsttheotherparty‘sliabiltyinsurer in thecourts of theplaintiff‘sdomicileif such directactionapplies[see Art 18 Rome II-Reg] and theinsurerisdomiciled in another Member State. Vorarlberger Gebietskrankenkasse/WGV AG [C-347/08] UnderArticles 13 (2) and 11 (1)(b) a socialinsurancecompanymay not bring an actionagainstthetortfeasor‘sliabilityinsurancedomiciled in anotherMember State evenif such actionisbased on thevictim‘s original claim for damageswhich was cededbyoperation of lawtothesocialinsurancecompany. Cases (Insurance) TR 2017
Employmentcontractdefined Jurisdiction Art 21 Art 22 Art 23 Dependentemployment in a broadsense Not includingself-employment Not includingcollectivelaborlaw Action ctionagainstemployerin thecourts of- hisdomicile (Art 21 (a))- thehabitualplace of work(Art 21 (b)(i))- ifnone, theplace of thebusinesswhichengagedtheemployee (Art 21 (b)(ii)) Employerwithbranch in Member State presumedtobedomiciledthere (Art 21 (2)) Action againstemployee - Member State of thedomicile (Art 22(1)) - counterclaim not affected (Art 22(2)) JurisdictionAgreements onlyif enteredinto after disputearose, or in favorofemployee Individual Contracts of Employment (Art 20-23) TR 2017
Petrus W Rutten/Cross Medical Ltd [C-383/95] If an employeecarries out hiswork in morethanone Member State, theplacewhere he habituallycarries out hisworkisdefinedastheplacewhichtheemployeemadetheactualcenter of his professional work. The time he spends in hisoffice and thefactthat he regularlyreturnsthere after businesstripsistakenintoconsideration. Ahmed Mahamdia/DPR of Algeria [C-154/11] An embassy of a Non-Member-State situated in a Member State isconsidered a „branch“ for thepurpose of a labourcontractconcludedbythisembassy in thename of such Non-Member-State, iftheemployee‘sfunctionsare not relatedtosovereignty. Cases (Employmentcontract) TR 2017
ExclusiveJurisdictionof courts in other Member State Jurisdiction of thecourtitself Court declares on itsownmotionthatithasnojurisdiction(Art 27) Exception: Priorityprevailsifbothcourtshaveexclusivejurisdiction(Art 31) Noexaminationifdefendantenters an appearance (Art 26 (1)) Ifdefendantdoes not enter an apperance [either not presentorcontesting] -Examination of jurisdictionbythecourt ex officio (Art 28 (1)): Ifdefendant not present & courthasjurisd.Stayof theproceedinguntilproof of service (Art 28 (2)-(4)) - Art 19 EC Reg on service (Art 28 (3)) - Art 15 HagueConv on service (Art 28 (4)) ExaminationastoJurisdiction (Art 27, 28) TR 2017
Provisionalmeasuresdefined Jurisdiction (Art 35) Onlyifwithinthematerial scope of application of B Ia-Reg Includingmeasures for preliminaryperformance, ifrestitutionsecured Not includingmeasures for discovery Eitherundertherules of B Ia-Reg Orundertherules of thelexforievenifthecourts of another Member State havejurisdictionastothesubstance Provisional & ProtectiveMeasures(Art 35) TR 2017
Same cause of action in other Member State (Art 29)…then … Definition „courtseised“: Art 32 Same cause of action in Non-Member State …then… Identity astothecentralpoint of theaction - same cause of actionnot required - onlyclaim, not a defenseisrelevant Same parties Stay of proceedingin court 2nd seised Declinesjurisdictionifjuridictionof court 1st seisedhasbeenestablished Writ of actionlodgedwiththecourtifplaintifftakes all subsequent steps AND- jurisdictionbased on Art 4, 7, 8, 9- recognitionexpected (Art 33 (1)(a))- discretion (Art 33 (1)(b)) Court MAY stayproceeding and maycontinueany time Lis pendens (Art 29, 33) TR 2017
RelatedActions in other Member State(Art 30) …then… Relatedaction in Non-Member State (Art 34) …then… Ifdecision in othercourtcouldleadto a Art 45 (c) -type situation (irreconcilability) - Same cause of action not necessary - Same parties not necessary Court 2nd seisedmaystayproceeding May also declinejurisdiction, ifothercourthasjurisdiction and actionispendingthere in firstinstance AND- expedienttohearbothactionstogether- recognitionexpected- discretion Court MAY staytheproceeding, maycontinueany time, maydismissifjudgment in othercourtgiven and canberecognised Relatedactions (Art 30, 34) TR 2017
Gubisch/Palumbo [144/86] Art 29 appliesifonepartybrought an action for negative ascertainment of thevalidityorthevoiding of a contract and theotherpartylaterbringsaction for theperformance of the same contract [„Torpedo-actions“]. Overseas Union/New Hampshire Insurance [351/89] Art 29 does not requiredomicile of a party in a Member State and appliesevenifjurisdictionisbased on Article 6. Cartier parfumsSAS & anoth/Ziegler France SA [C-1/13] The jurisdiction of thecourtfirstseisedis „established“ for thepurpose of Art 29 (2) ifthatcourtdid not declinejurisdiction of itsownmotion and nopartydidcontestjurisdictiontogetherwiththefirststatement of defense in thatproceeding. Cases (Lis pendens and relatedactions) TR 2017
JudgmentArt 32 B I-Reg RecognitionArt 33 (2), (3) B I-Reg Recognition astheprincipleArt 33 (1) B I-Reg Impedimentsto Recognition Decisionastothemerits Not applicabletoproceduraldecisions Noparticularproceeding (incidenter) Applicationfor formal decisionadmissible Norevisiontothemerits(Art 36 B I-Reg) Noexamination of conflictlaw(Art 36 B I-R) Noexamination of jurisdiction(Art 35 (3) B I-R) Art 34 B I-Reg (nextslide) Conflictwithcertainjurisdictionalrules(Art 35 (1) B I-Reg) - Consumer, Insurance, Exclusive - Not:contract for employment Recognition of Judgmentsproceedingstartedbefore 10 Jan 2015 TR 2017
Public policy Art 34 (1) Service of Action Art 34 (2) Irreconcilability Art 34 (3) Art 34 (4) Material orprocedural Onlyifmanifestlycontrarytopublic pol. Service not timely (fordefense) Formal mistakes relevant onlyifrelatedtopreparationofdefense Noappearance Challenge of judgment in Member State of originnecessary Conflictingissuesbetween same parties Judgmentfrom Member State whererecognitionissoughtprevails JudgmentfromotherMember State orthirdstateprevailsonlyifearlier Impedimentsagainstrecognition (Art 34B I-Reg) TR 2017
Appliesto: „Exequatur“ required Prerequisites Appeal Judgment (Art 38 B I-Reg) Authenticinstruments (Art 57 B I-Reg) Onlyfrom Member States No „automatic“ enforcement Declaration of enforceability, applicationnecessary (Art 38 (1) B I-Reg) Enforceability in stateof origin Only formal documentation in 1st instance (Art 53-56 B I-Reg) Recognition not tobeexamined May bebrought (Art 43 B I-Reg) May bebased on grounds for non-recognitiononly (Art 45 (1) B I-Reg) Enforcement(Proceedingstartedbefore 10 Jan 2015) TR 2017
Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherungs AG/Samskip GmbH [C-456/11] Art 32 B I-Reg appliesto a decisiondecliningjurisdictionwithrespectto a prorogationagreement. Under Art 33 B I-Reg thecourts of otherMember States areboundbytheascertainment of theinvalidity of such proprogation. Diageo Brands BV/Simiramida-04 EOOD [C-681/13] Art 34 (1) B I-Reg does not preventrecognitionifthedecisionis in conflictwith EU-lawifthereisnoobviousbreach of either EU-laworprinciples of national law in theMember State whererecognitionissought. ASML Netherlands BV/Semiconductor IndServ GmbH [C-283/05] In the sense of Art 34 (2) B I-Reg thedefendanthad a „possibility“ tochallenge a defaultjudgmentonlyif he hadactualknowledgeunder a timelyservice of thisjudgment. Cases (Articles 32-34 B I-Reg) TR 2017
Recognition - unchangedprinciples(Art 36 – 38) - impedimentstorecognitionnowbecomegrounds for refusal of recognition (Art 45) Enforcement - NO Exequatur required (Art 39-44) - enforceable in any Member State (Art 39) - formal documentationrequired (Art 42) - procedure of enforcement still underthelaws of the Member State adressed (Art 41) Refusal of rec & enf - all grounds for non-recognition (Art 34 (Art 45, 46) B I-Reg prevailunder Art 45 B Ia-Reg) - onlyproceedingchanges: - application for refusal of rec/nition (Art 45) - application for refusal of enf/ment (Art 46) Enforcement (and Recognition) under B Ia TR 2017
Thankyou for yourkindattendance! Prof Dr Thomas Rauscher mail@euzpr.eu TR 2017