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Tempus Project JEP 18041 2003 “Introduction of ECTS at the B&H Universities”

This project examines ECTS credit allocation reforms and curriculum harmonization at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on student workload, credit correlation, and Bologna process alignment. It evaluates the involvement of students in mobility programs, recognition procedures, and diploma issuance while emphasizing curriculum design improvements. The initiative aims to promote ECTS principles, enhance transparency in qualifications, and monitor study program quality through Total Quality Management. The project also highlights the shift towards learning outcomes and the introduction of ECTS credits in higher education.

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Tempus Project JEP 18041 2003 “Introduction of ECTS at the B&H Universities”

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  1. Tempus Project JEP 18041 2003 “Introduction of ECTS at the B&H Universities” Visit to Universities of East Sarajevo Mostar “Dzemal Bijedic” University of Mostar F. Maciel Barbosa FEUP Oporto, 21st and 22nd November 2008 Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  2. The objective of the visit was to discuss the following topics: • Level of achieved reform in curricula harmonization • according to Bologna process; • Which degree structure is implemented at the University? • Level of achieved reforms regarding the allocation • of the ECTS credits to course units; • General principles and tools used for allocation ECTS credits; Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  3. Are all degree programs ECTS based? • Is it in alignment with the ECTS key features? • Have credits been allocated to the all programs? • How is the adequacy of this allocation guaranteed? • How are credits related to the learning outcomes of the programs? • How is the correlation between workload and credit allocation checked? Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  4. How is balanced student workload guaranteed during each learning period in terms of learning, teaching and assessment activities? • What mechanisms are used for revision of credit allocation and learning, teaching and assessment activities? • How are the students involved in this process? • Have clear and adequate outcomes been identified at the level of the study programs as whole and of each of its components? Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  5. Is information on the programs (modules and/or course units) presented as described in the ECTS Users' Guide? • Have ECTS Users’ Guide been published? • Experience in student mobility? • Which activities are preformed with aim of the promotion of the student and teaching mobility at the university? • How are students advised about mobility? Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  6. How are the key documents of ECTS used for mobility? • Who is responsible for recognition and which are the procedures used? • How is the quality of delivery of the study programmes and its components monitored? • How is the updating of information regarding the degree programme organised and guaranteed? Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  7. Is a diploma supplement issued to the students automatically? • On which way are students involved in Bologna process at university? Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  8. University Dimension • East Sarajevo University 13 000 students • Mostar University 14 500 students • “Dzemal Bijedic” University 7 500 students Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  9. UniversitiesEvaluation • All Universities in B&H, were evaluated by European University Association, in the period between October 2003 and May 2004 Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  10. Level of achieved reforms regarding the allocation of the ECTS credits to course units • I could observe that the Bologna guidelines and the Bologna esprit are present in the restructuring of the courses, either in the introduction of the ECTS either in the organization of the learning process Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  11. Level of achieved reforms regarding the allocation of the ECTS credits to course units • It is clear from the new curriculum that the Learning outcomes paradigm shift from teaching to learning Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  12. New basic educational building block • Improve curriculum design & progression • Emphasize link between teaching, learning and assessment • Improve national/international transparency of qualifications Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  13. Level of achieved reforms regarding the allocation of the ECTS credits to course units • All the University have implemented the basic principles of the Bologna process. • Three cycles have been introduced in two Universities • ECTS credits have been introduced Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  14. Determination of the student’s workload • The Universities approach in the ECTS implementation took into consideration the following: • Promotion of ECTS principles and philosophy • Production of a short ECTS guide in local language • Cooperation with student organizations • Participation in European networks and TEMPUS projects Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  15. Determination of the student’s workload • Continuous evaluation of the curricula based on ECTS principles • Regional cooperation in the ECTS implementation • Establishment of the quality system - TQM (Total Quality Management) at the Universities • The basic step in ECTS implementation at the University was the beginning of the process of developing curricula in accordance with Bologna process. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  16. Development of the Bologna curricula • Defining the basic task of higher education and what it has to offer to the society as a whole • Defining the Universities goals and the competence for their realization • Defining the curricula models • Defining and adoption of courses development, counting of student workload and defining the courses and modules content • Defining the way in which the curricula will be developed and evaluated • Criteria for the accreditation of developed ones in the neighboring countries and Europe. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  17. Bologna process - Goals of the new structure • Reduce the difference between a formal and real length of studying; • Raise the consciousness and point out the student obligations as far as lectures and exams are concerned; • Conform to the market requirements; • Increase the study attractiveness for new students. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  18. Bologna process - Goals of the new structure • In order to reduce the difference between a formal and real length of studying in development of new curricula the starting point was to count total student workload and real time necessary for passing the exams and finishing the entire study. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  19. Bologna process - Goals of the new structure • Total time which a student has to spend for successful covering the teaching material is included in the student workload. That means that we do not include only the time spent on lessons, seminars, field work and exercises, but also the time spent on studying the material, i.e. learning by themselves and e.g. on data processing after working in a laboratory, on evaluation and other knowledge tests. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  20. Introduction of new curricula based on ECTS • It was necessary to be followed by the change of teaching methods and work with students what sometimes is what is more difficult!!!!. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  21. Basic changes • decrease the number of students in groups • to reduction lectures ex cathedra • to introduction of tutorial work • to work through project teams • work through case studies, • to more intensive usage of information technology Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  22. Information packages • In order to make the choosing of a certain study and later preparations for lessons and exams easier, all the Universities made their Information packages with detailed information about every single subject Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  23. Information packages • List of general and specific competences (knowledge and skills) which are developed by the concrete course • Number of hours of active lessons and exercises, number of hours planned for written works of students, number of hours for preparation of exams and total number of hours necessary for taking a concrete exam (workload) Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  24. Information packages • Number of ECTS credits with an argumentation • Course content • Literature • Forms of a teaching process realization • Ways of evaluation i.e. taking an exam • Way of monitoring the quality and efficiency of courses execution • Preconditions for admission in the course Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  25. Diploma supplement • Diploma contains biographical information, information about the kind and length of a study and professional title. • Diploma, except the statement that a student has finished some study and achieved academic degree, mostly does not contain any other data on the basis of which could be evaluated what that academic degree represents. • Diploma supplement should contain data and regulations which are not mentioned in diploma, and are important for understanding the program of the finished study and achieved educational level. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  26. Students’ mobility and internationalization • Bologna Declaration insists also on the mobility of professors, associates and researchers. • Numerous international organizations and some Universities have already made the mechanisms which support and encourage free mobility of all those who work in higher education in the entire European area Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  27. Students’ mobility and internationalization • Mobility of young people, students, assistants and researchers is the EU priority. • Individual mobility becomes more important in the era of Internet and economic globalization. • Existence of socioeconomic, language and practical obstacles detains many suggested academic and scientific visits. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  28. ECTS • Development of the credits transfer system is a mean of achieving maximal students’ mobility and introduction of diploma supplement, to increase the international comparativeness of qualifications Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  29. Mobility and internationalization • A common currency for measuring workload (ECTS) • A standardized format for the description of curricula, including desired learning outcomes, teaching/learning approaches and assessment methods • A standardized format for the description of students curricular choices and achievements (ECTS Transcript of records) • Greater international visibility • Comparable study program Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  30. Quality and ECTS • Student evaluation of a teaching process • Analysis of teaching and evaluation methods • Analysis of the professional services functioning • Employers inquiry • Graduated students inquiry • Analysis of the successfulness in taking exams • Analysis of data about the candidates for the enrollment and those who are enrolled in the 1st year of study • Analysis of the students enrolled in other years of study • Analysis of the successfulness of finishing the study Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  31. QUALITY ASSURANCE • On-line students’ rating of teachers’ performance • To set the system of regular teaching quality assessment Student’s evaluation of individual courses • Teachers’ perspective on quality in education at the faculty • To collect information on teaching quality from teachers’ perspective • All teachers should fill in the self-evaluation questionnaire compatible with the students’ one • Student perspective on quality in higher education at the faculty • To analyze the quality of student engagement and their learning experience. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  32. Conclusions • From my visits to the Universities of East Sarajevo, Mostar and “Dzemal Bijedic” , I could observe that considerable work has been done by the Universities staff and that the courses were restructured taking in account the guide lines of the Bologna Process. • There are however a lot of work that has to be done, to full implement the Bologna Process. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  33. Conclusions • Since higher education system is decentralized, there is no common policy at the state level. • Due to the political structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are still a lack of legislation namely about Quality Control and Programs Accreditation, that prevents the implementation of this two aspects of the Bologna Process. • A procedure of adopting state Law on higher education is underway. • There are no procedures defined to National Quality Control. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  34. Conclusions • The lack of programs to incentive the mobility of students either in their own country or to abroad is a very important limitation of this aspect of the Bologna Process. • The B&H Universities are not eligible to EU mobility programs. • The students are not encouraged to mobility. Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

  35. Thank you very much for your attention!!!! Questions? Tempus Project JET 18041 2003

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