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TEMPLATE:. disk LHKF. F-cell. disk LHKF. Q. E. K. F-cell. circle LHKF. F. H. L. F-cell. S. D. Q. E. K. F. H. L. rectangle DEQS. polyline DEQS. rectangle DEQS. polyline DEQS. rectangle DEQS. S. D. B-cell. B-cell. B-cell. B-cell. B-cell. disk LHKF. circle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TEMPLATE: disk LHKF F-cell disk LHKF Q E K F-cell circle LHKF F H L F-cell S D Q E K F H L rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS S D B-cell B-cell B-cell B-cell B-cell disk LHKF circle LHKF disk LHKF disk LHKF point K arc KFL half-disk KFL point L segment KL F-cell F-cell F-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell Boundary relations

  2. 0D cells E Q K F H L 1D cells S D 2D cells Boundary relations polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS B-cell B-cell circle LHKF disk LHKF point F F-cell F-cell T-cell

  3. E Q 1D cells K S D F H L 2D cells rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS circle LHKF disk LHKF Containment relations B-cell B-cell F-cell F-cell

  4. point M point O segment OM segment OM rectangle DEQS disk LHKF circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS 0D cells B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell F-cell B-cell P-cell P-cell P-cell P-cell Q E O K F H L 1D cells M S D 2D cells

  5. disk LHKF segment OM circle LHKF F-cell P-cell F-cell O M K F H L Dependency relations

  6. point P segment OM polyline DEQS segment ON point M circle LHKF rectangle DEQS disk LHKF Segment MP point N point O segment PN B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell 0D cells O Q E P M K N F H 1D cells L S D 2D cells

  7. half-disk KLF segment KL point K point M arc KLF circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS point O polyline DEQS segment OM point L B-cell T-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell P-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell O Q E M K F H L S D 0D cells R 1D cells 2D cells

  8. half-disk KLF circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS point L segment OM arc KLF segment KL segment RM point R point M point K point O P-cell T-cell P-cell B-cell T-cell T-cell B-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell F-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell O Q E M K F H L S D R 0D cells 1D cells 2D cells

  9. O O Q Q E E M M K K F F H H L L S S D D R R

  10. Q E DEQS B-cell LHKF F-cell K F H L S D Q E H K polyline DEQS circle LHKF F L F-cell B-cell S D rectangle DEQS B-cell rectangle DEQS disk LHKF B-cell disk LHKF disk LHKF F-cell F-cell F-cell

  11. Q E K F H L S D Q E H K F L Combined T-cell S D

  12. G2 K G3 F H G1 L G2 E Q G3 G1 0D cells S D 1D cells G2 G3 G1 A 2D cells gear bnd. G3 gear G3 gear G1 gear bnd. G2 gear bnd. G1 gear G2 B-cell B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell B-cell Boundary relations point A T-cell

  13. 0D cells 1D cells G2 G3 G1 A 2D cells gear G1 gear bnd. G3 gear G3 gear bnd. G1 gear bnd. G2 gear G2 B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell B-cell B-cell Boundary relations point A T-cell

  14. 0D cells B 1D cells G2 A G3 G1 2D cells gear bnd. G3 gear G1 gear G3 gear bnd. G2 gear G2 gear bnd. G1 B-cell B-cell B-cell F-cell B-cell F-cell Boundary relations point A point B T-cell T-cell

  15. Q E H G 1D cells K D S F 2D cells Boundary relations rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS B-cell B-cell rectangle FGHK polyline FGHK F-cell F-cell

  16. Q E V S D 0D cells U G H K F 1D cells 2D cells rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS Boundary relations B-cell B-cell polyline FGHK rectangle FGHK line UV point V point U F-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell

  17. Q E S D 0D cells U G H K F 1D cells 2D cells rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS Boundary relations B-cell B-cell polyline FGHK rectangle FGHK line UV point V point U F-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell

  18. Q E S D 0D cells U G H K F 1D cells 2D cells polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS Boundary relations B-cell B-cell polyline FGHK rectangle FGHK point U F-cell F-cell T-cell

  19. tN-1<t<tN → t>tN t1<t<t2 → t>t2 t2<t<t3 → t>t3 … S1 S2 SK ti-1<t<ti → t>ti

  20. tN-1<t<tN → t>tN … … KN K1 K2

  21. Kj KN K1 K2 KN-1 … …

  22. t , , , , K1 K2 KN Kj K2 K1 K1 Kj K2 K1 … PKj TN PK2 T2 T1 PK1 t , , , , … t , , ,

  23. K1 K2 Kj K1 … t1=0.5 t1=0.5 t , , , , Local time is 0.5 but referring to different moments within the global timescale

  24. Pull Retrieve valid parameter Pull Cell 4 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 1 Retrieve valid parameter Parameter1 Parameter1 Parameter1 Pull Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter2 Parameter2 Retrieve valid parameter Dependency Dependency Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 1 Cell 4 Dependency

  25. Kj Ki … … TKi TKj t ,

  26. K1(0) K2 Q E Q E Q Q Q E E E K K K K K F H F H H H H F F F L L L L L S D S D S S S D D D K1 K3 K3 t

  27. K1 K2 K3 T1 T2 T3 t , ,

  28. disk LHKF segment OM circle LHKF F-cell P-cell F-cell O M K F H L Dependency relations

  29. point O segment OM polyline DEQS circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS point M F-cell P-cell P-cell P-cell B-cell F-cell B-cell O Q E M 0D cells K F H L S D 1D cells 2D cells

  30. point P point O segment OM segment OP disk LHKF circle LHKF rectangle DEQS Segment MP polyline DEQS point M T-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell B-cell P-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell P 0D cells O Q E M K F H 1D cells L S D 2D cells

  31. rectangle DEQS point R disk LHKF circle LHKF segment OM segment ON polyline DEQS Segment MP point M point N point O point P segment PN P-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell B-cell P-cell F-cell T-cell F-cell T-cell B-cell E O P 0D cells Q R M K N H F L 1D cells S D 2D cells

  32. P O O O O O O O O E Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q E E E E E M M M M M M M M K K N N K K K K K K H H H F F F H F F F F F H H H H K5 K4 K2 K1 K3 L L L L L L L L P N S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D E E P P R R R

  33. Probably also need to add “hook” objects using boundary relations Handle Handle Barrel Barrel Rope Hook Hook Rope Convolution skeleton (not visible) Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” “Material” F-cell F-cell F-cell

  34. Handle Barrel Handle Barrel Rope Hook Rope Skeleton (not visible) Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” “Material” F-cell F-cell F-cell

  35. Probably also need to add “hook” objects using boundary relations Rope2 Barrel2 Rope1 Handle Handle Barrel1 Rope1 Barrel2 Barrel1 Rope2 Dependency relation Skeleton (not visible) “Material” Skeleton “Blend” “Material” F-cell F-cell F-cell

  36. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2

  37. Dependencies Cells 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 3 6 3 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 2

  38. Dependencies Cells 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 4 4 3 5 3 1 6 5 2 1 6 2

  39. 4 3 5 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 4 5 3 1 6 2 1 6 2

  40. p2<p1 p1<p2 p1 evaluate cell 1 using previous state of cell 2 evaluate cell 2 using previous state of cell 1 1 2 1 2 p1 p2 p2 evaluate cell 2 using up-to-date state of cell 1 evaluate cell 1 using up-to-date state of cell 2 2 1 p2<p1 p1<p2 evaluate cell 1 using previous state of cell 2 evaluate cell 2 using previous state of cell 1 1 2 p1 p2 evaluate cell 2 using up-to-date state of cell 1 evaluate cell 1 using up-to-date state of cell 2 2 1 p2 p1 evaluate cell 1 using up-to-date state of cell 2 evaluate cell 2 using up-to-date state of cell 1 1 2

  41. 4 5 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 Concurrent list 4 3 6 4 5 3 6 1 2 1 2

  42. 2 4 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 5 3 2 4 5 3 1 1

  43. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 2 4 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 5 3 2 4 5 3 1 1

  44. Timestep back according to instance response Going back to previous states t Regular timestep

  45. Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Property A Property1 Property I Property B Property2 Property II Dependency graph 1 2 3

  46. Handle1 Barrel Rope Hook Skeleton Andy Handle2 Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” F-cell F-cell F-cell Can add some particles moving on top of convolution (metaballs) using the field to drive them

  47. Handle1 Handle2 Barrel Rope Dependency relation Hook Skeleton Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” F-cell F-cell F-cell

  48. Handle1 Barrel Rope Hook Skeleton Andy Handle2 Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” F-cell F-cell F-cell Can add some particles moving on top of convolution (metaballs) using the field to drive them

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