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TEMPLATE:. disk LHKF. F-cell. disk LHKF. Q. E. K. F-cell. circle LHKF. F. H. L. F-cell. S. D. Q. E. K. F. H. L. rectangle DEQS. polyline DEQS. rectangle DEQS. polyline DEQS. rectangle DEQS. S. D. B-cell. B-cell. B-cell. B-cell. B-cell. disk LHKF. circle
TEMPLATE: disk LHKF F-cell disk LHKF Q E K F-cell circle LHKF F H L F-cell S D Q E K F H L rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS S D B-cell B-cell B-cell B-cell B-cell disk LHKF circle LHKF disk LHKF disk LHKF point K arc KFL half-disk KFL point L segment KL F-cell F-cell F-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell Boundary relations
0D cells E Q K F H L 1D cells S D 2D cells Boundary relations polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS B-cell B-cell circle LHKF disk LHKF point F F-cell F-cell T-cell
E Q 1D cells K S D F H L 2D cells rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS circle LHKF disk LHKF Containment relations B-cell B-cell F-cell F-cell
point M point O segment OM segment OM rectangle DEQS disk LHKF circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS 0D cells B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell F-cell B-cell P-cell P-cell P-cell P-cell Q E O K F H L 1D cells M S D 2D cells
disk LHKF segment OM circle LHKF F-cell P-cell F-cell O M K F H L Dependency relations
point P segment OM polyline DEQS segment ON point M circle LHKF rectangle DEQS disk LHKF Segment MP point N point O segment PN B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell 0D cells O Q E P M K N F H 1D cells L S D 2D cells
half-disk KLF segment KL point K point M arc KLF circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS point O polyline DEQS segment OM point L B-cell T-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell P-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell O Q E M K F H L S D 0D cells R 1D cells 2D cells
half-disk KLF circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS point L segment OM arc KLF segment KL segment RM point R point M point K point O P-cell T-cell P-cell B-cell T-cell T-cell B-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell F-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell O Q E M K F H L S D R 0D cells 1D cells 2D cells
Q E DEQS B-cell LHKF F-cell K F H L S D Q E H K polyline DEQS circle LHKF F L F-cell B-cell S D rectangle DEQS B-cell rectangle DEQS disk LHKF B-cell disk LHKF disk LHKF F-cell F-cell F-cell
Q E K F H L S D Q E H K F L Combined T-cell S D
G2 K G3 F H G1 L G2 E Q G3 G1 0D cells S D 1D cells G2 G3 G1 A 2D cells gear bnd. G3 gear G3 gear G1 gear bnd. G2 gear bnd. G1 gear G2 B-cell B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell B-cell Boundary relations point A T-cell
0D cells 1D cells G2 G3 G1 A 2D cells gear G1 gear bnd. G3 gear G3 gear bnd. G1 gear bnd. G2 gear G2 B-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell B-cell B-cell Boundary relations point A T-cell
0D cells B 1D cells G2 A G3 G1 2D cells gear bnd. G3 gear G1 gear G3 gear bnd. G2 gear G2 gear bnd. G1 B-cell B-cell B-cell F-cell B-cell F-cell Boundary relations point A point B T-cell T-cell
Q E H G 1D cells K D S F 2D cells Boundary relations rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS B-cell B-cell rectangle FGHK polyline FGHK F-cell F-cell
Q E V S D 0D cells U G H K F 1D cells 2D cells rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS Boundary relations B-cell B-cell polyline FGHK rectangle FGHK line UV point V point U F-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell
Q E S D 0D cells U G H K F 1D cells 2D cells rectangle DEQS polyline DEQS Boundary relations B-cell B-cell polyline FGHK rectangle FGHK line UV point V point U F-cell F-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell
Q E S D 0D cells U G H K F 1D cells 2D cells polyline DEQS rectangle DEQS Boundary relations B-cell B-cell polyline FGHK rectangle FGHK point U F-cell F-cell T-cell
tN-1<t<tN → t>tN t1<t<t2 → t>t2 t2<t<t3 → t>t3 … S1 S2 SK ti-1<t<ti → t>ti
tN-1<t<tN → t>tN … … KN K1 K2
Kj KN K1 K2 KN-1 … …
… t , , , , K1 K2 KN Kj K2 K1 K1 Kj K2 K1 … PKj TN PK2 T2 T1 PK1 t , , , , … t , , ,
K1 K2 Kj K1 … t1=0.5 t1=0.5 t , , , , Local time is 0.5 but referring to different moments within the global timescale
Pull Retrieve valid parameter Pull Cell 4 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 1 Retrieve valid parameter Parameter1 Parameter1 Parameter1 Pull Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter2 Parameter2 Retrieve valid parameter Dependency Dependency Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 1 Cell 4 Dependency
Kj Ki … … TKi TKj t ,
K1(0) K2 Q E Q E Q Q Q E E E K K K K K F H F H H H H F F F L L L L L S D S D S S S D D D K1 K3 K3 t
K1 K2 K3 T1 T2 T3 t , ,
disk LHKF segment OM circle LHKF F-cell P-cell F-cell O M K F H L Dependency relations
point O segment OM polyline DEQS circle LHKF disk LHKF rectangle DEQS point M F-cell P-cell P-cell P-cell B-cell F-cell B-cell O Q E M 0D cells K F H L S D 1D cells 2D cells
point P point O segment OM segment OP disk LHKF circle LHKF rectangle DEQS Segment MP polyline DEQS point M T-cell F-cell F-cell B-cell B-cell P-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell P-cell P 0D cells O Q E M K F H 1D cells L S D 2D cells
rectangle DEQS point R disk LHKF circle LHKF segment OM segment ON polyline DEQS Segment MP point M point N point O point P segment PN P-cell T-cell P-cell T-cell T-cell T-cell B-cell P-cell F-cell T-cell F-cell T-cell B-cell E O P 0D cells Q R M K N H F L 1D cells S D 2D cells
P O O O O O O O O E Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q E E E E E M M M M M M M M K K N N K K K K K K H H H F F F H F F F F F H H H H K5 K4 K2 K1 K3 L L L L L L L L P N S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D E E P P R R R
Probably also need to add “hook” objects using boundary relations Handle Handle Barrel Barrel Rope Hook Hook Rope Convolution skeleton (not visible) Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” “Material” F-cell F-cell F-cell
Handle Barrel Handle Barrel Rope Hook Rope Skeleton (not visible) Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” “Material” F-cell F-cell F-cell
Probably also need to add “hook” objects using boundary relations Rope2 Barrel2 Rope1 Handle Handle Barrel1 Rope1 Barrel2 Barrel1 Rope2 Dependency relation Skeleton (not visible) “Material” Skeleton “Blend” “Material” F-cell F-cell F-cell
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 1 2 4 3 1 2
Dependencies Cells 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 3 3 6 3 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 2
Dependencies Cells 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 4 4 3 5 3 1 6 5 2 1 6 2
4 3 5 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 4 5 3 1 6 2 1 6 2
p2<p1 p1<p2 p1 evaluate cell 1 using previous state of cell 2 evaluate cell 2 using previous state of cell 1 1 2 1 2 p1 p2 p2 evaluate cell 2 using up-to-date state of cell 1 evaluate cell 1 using up-to-date state of cell 2 2 1 p2<p1 p1<p2 evaluate cell 1 using previous state of cell 2 evaluate cell 2 using previous state of cell 1 1 2 p1 p2 evaluate cell 2 using up-to-date state of cell 1 evaluate cell 1 using up-to-date state of cell 2 2 1 p2 p1 evaluate cell 1 using up-to-date state of cell 2 evaluate cell 2 using up-to-date state of cell 1 1 2
4 5 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 Concurrent list 4 3 6 4 5 3 6 1 2 1 2
2 4 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 5 3 2 4 5 3 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 2 4 Concurrent list 1 Concurrent list 2 Concurrent list 3 5 3 2 4 5 3 1 1
Timestep back according to instance response Going back to previous states t Regular timestep
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Property A Property1 Property I Property B Property2 Property II Dependency graph 1 2 3
Handle1 Barrel Rope Hook Skeleton Andy Handle2 Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” F-cell F-cell F-cell Can add some particles moving on top of convolution (metaballs) using the field to drive them
Handle1 Handle2 Barrel Rope Dependency relation Hook Skeleton Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” F-cell F-cell F-cell
Handle1 Barrel Rope Hook Skeleton Andy Handle2 Dependency relation “Material” Conv. “Blend” F-cell F-cell F-cell Can add some particles moving on top of convolution (metaballs) using the field to drive them