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Welcome to Year 1 with Miss Jones, Mrs. Partridge-Underwood, and Mrs. Minney! Our curriculum includes daily Math, English, handwriting, and phonics lessons, along with Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, P.S.H.E., Music, P.E., and Computing. We focus on Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Collaboration, Peace, and Compassion throughout our teaching. Math lessons emphasize Effective Maths for whole-class learning, focusing on multiplication concepts and developing problem-solving skills. In English, we use Talk for Writing method for writing skills and Reading Comprehension. Handwriting and Phonics are given daily attention to enhance spelling and reading abilities. Students are tested on Phonics Screening and weekly spellings. Reading activities encourage fluency, comprehension, and expression. A BookTalk session enhances their understanding and comprehension. Our assessments allow students to showcase their knowledge and skills in Maths, Reading, and spelling. Expectations are aligned with the National Curriculum standards. Homework includes spelling practice and reading at home to support independent learning. P.E. sessions are on Thursday and Friday, promoting physical education as an integral part of your child's development. Make sure to provide the necessary kit for these sessions and encourage physical activity at home. We look forward to a successful and engaging year ahead with your child's progress at the center of our focus! ####
Welcome to Year 1 Miss Jones, Mrs Partridge-Underwood and Mrs Minney
Lessons The children will take part in one Maths lesson, one English lesson, one handwriting and one phonics lesson every day – apart from Friday They will also study other curriculum areas such as; Science History and Geography Art and D.T. P.S.H.E. Music P.E. Computing Our Academy values are Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Collaboration, Peace and Compassion
Maths lessons are every day. Effective Maths is the programme used to teach Maths. This is a whole class approach to teaching maths where pupils learn through talking and participating with each other. Questioning enables pupils to extend their learning into Greater Depth with more challenge. Maths
Maths continued By the end of the year the government expectation is that they know their 2’s,5s and 10 times table, and should be able to count forwards and backwards to 100 independently These will be focussed on and built up to learning, through the introduction and understanding of multiplication. (arrays, patterns) Initially using resources (denes, multilink, number lines) children will use these to solve addition and subtraction problems. These will then develop and through the year develop through using written methods.
Literacy Literacy lessons are every day. Literacy lessons follow Talk for Writing which is a way of teaching writing skills through spoken opportunities. Reading Comprehension will be taught as part of the English curriculum. Writing skills will also be taught across the curriculum. Children are grouped according to ability. Throughout the year children will be studying poetry, instruction writing, labelling, list writing, stories and more. Handwriting skills will taught daily with a focus on presentation and cursive handwriting.
Phonics/Spelling Phonics lessons are taught four times a week. Phonics is a hugely useful tool for the children in order to help them spell and decode words when reading. Children should be building up a large bank of sounds used for phonics to aid them with their spelling. They will be working at phase 2,3,4, or 5 Children use phonics sound mats during hot writes to help them with their spellings.
Phonics/Spelling • Children will have spellings to learn for the week depending on their sounds they are learning in Phonics that week. • This supports and get them reading for Phonics Screening in June. • The spelling test is on Thursdays – weekly. There will be a separate phonics workshop that we do ask every parent to attend. Tuesday 17th Sept @ 2.30PM
Reading It is important that the child reads with fluency and expression and shows good comprehension. Each child’s Reading Record is checked weekly An adult will listen to each child read once a week, if we feel they need more support they will be a daily reader with myself or Mrs Patridge-Underwood and we will notify you of this. The children will also have a BookTalk session 3 times a week, this is a group read answering comprehension questions. If you would like to be a parent reader please let us know! Our Academy values are Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Collaboration, Peace and Compassion
Reading diary • This academic year we have new reading diaries. This makes it clearer for us to see how many times your child has read at home. • Spellings for that week will now be stuck in on the right hand side so that the children can always access them at home and at school. • Teachers/TA’s will write in Green pen so you can see when we have also read with your child. • The stage your child is on will be written and highlighted in their reading diary so you ca also keep track of progress.
Assessment At various points throughout the year, every half term an assessments in Maths, Reading and spelling common exception words will take place. This is when pupils have the opportunity to show their knowledge and skills through a variety of tests and tasks. Teachers will use this information along with their observations of pupils during lessons and the work in their books to make an assessment of how the pupil is working towards the National Curriculum Year group expectations. All assessment weeks will be done in exactly the same manner to prepare the children appropriately for their end of Key Stage SATs in Year 2 or Year 6.
Homework Aims of Homework Year 1 are also expected to learn their spellings at home and be tested on Thursday of each week. Reading with an adult at home 4-5 times a week is also expected to support your child in becoming an independent reader. - TimestableRockstars is also available for Year 1. The password for this is in the front of your child’s reading diary.
P.E. P.E. is on a Thursday with Miss Jones and Friday with Mr Perry. As you are aware Physical Education is an important part of your child’s curriculum and it is vital that your child brings the appropriate kit for these sessions. This includes: Please ensure you have kit for inside and out and that it is ALL clearly labelled Suitable footwear including plimsolls or trainers. Hair needs to be tied back. Earrings must be taken out, a plaster over them if they cannot be taken out.
Communication I am on the playground in the morning when I line up the class to come in or at the end of the day when I dismiss the children. Please use the Reading Record to note any messages. If you would like an appointment please speak with the school office. If you have any concerns you should meet with the Class teacher first.
Welly work • As often as possible we like to take Year 1 outside in our subjects, whether that’s Math’s, Literacy, Topic or Science. • Please ensure that they have named wellies at school so they can ensure this fun!
Rewards: Immediate praise and encouragement, e.g. a smile, letting a child share his or her work with their class or another child, or sharing it with another class/teacher Positive comments verbally or written on work. House Points Refer to SLT and Inform parents “Headteacher’s Award” for good work – nominations through class teacher. Certificates – presented in assembly for a child that deserves a special mention
Expectations of Parents/Carers • Parents/carers have a vital role to play in their children’s education. • We will inform parents/carers immediately if we have concerns about their child’s welfare or behaviour. • The school expects parents to; • Work collaboratively with the school, so children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at school. • Support their child’s learning. • To co-operate with the school. • Build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school. The policy can be found on the Parent info section of our website.
Safeguarding • Breakfast club starts at 7.30. • Pupils should be lined up in the morning and are taken into the building with the class teacher at 8.45, doors lock at 8.55am so please take your child round to the office if they are late • In order to keep the children safe if as a parent you wish to enter the building you must enter via the office • As a parent we ask you not to fight, swear or use inappropriate behaviour on or around school grounds where children are present
Extra Information • Water bottles – please name these. • Children will be provided with pencils and all equipment that they will need for their work. • They do not need to have a pencil case in school.
Finally… • Thank you for coming. • I look forward to getting to know your child over the year. • I have met with your child’s previous class teacher to learn about your child, but if you feel there is anything specific you would like me to know, please tell me.