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With support from the European Community - Programme relating to the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality (2001-2005). The information contained in this publication (or in other materials) does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission. • Conference

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  1. With support from the European Community - Programme relating to the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality (2001-2005). The information contained in this publication (or in other materials) does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission.

  2. • Conference • Main objective: Strategies and measures to increase the participation of women in decision-making positions in the economic sector with representatives of companies, business associations, trade unions, science and politics from several EU countries. www.towards-power.de GERMANY

  3. • Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform is project leader. The Leadership Initiative, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, A&L Goodbody The projective objectives are: to increase share of women in senior and decision making positions, to develop successful models and exchange good practice with EU partners. www.justice.ie IRELAND

  4. • The aim is to promote women in decision-making in political parties, in trade unions and in the private sector A survey National partners :National Council of Women Luxembourg (CNFL ) Trade Unions (OGB-L and LCGB)Luxembourg Union of Employers (UEL) www.mpf.etat.lu LUXEMBOURG

  5. Analyze actual facts/conditions as regards gender issues Evaluate previous methods, tools and initiatives Investigate cultural aspects of women’s participation in decision-making Evaluate Strategy and design Action-plan Inform about the project and project outcomes www.sas.dk DENMARK

  6. • The aim: How does Nykredit recruit managers? • Analysis Recruitment channels, Job column Field of candidates, Candidates’ claims and preferences, Job interviews Psychological tests Chosen/not chosen candidates • Report Results and suggestions, Operational tools Communications strategies www.nykredit.dk DENMARK

  7. • Analyze how a union can promote changes in womens share of management • Make a catalogue with tools to improve womens share of management and collect all good examples from the sector • All the tools, statistics and facts will be published at www.finansforbundet.dk www.finansforbundet.dk DENMARK

  8. • Survey ”How to recruit women for leadership positions” • The aim is to answer the question: How are and how can women be recruited for leadership positions? Respondents: 218 recruiting officers and 322 women leaders on all levels among members of DI www.di.dk DENMARK

  9. • Goal To gather best practise and knowledge from key actors in the area of recruitment of women in decision-making positions • Product International knowledge bank • www.towards-power.com www.towards-power.com DENMARK

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