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Business User Group. May 7th, 2009 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. Announcements
Business User Group May 7th, 2009 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Announcements • Presentations~ Technical House Cleaning Items ~ Accounting 102 ~ Remark Field on Vouchers / Examples of Proper Data Entry ~ Clean up Purchase Orders ~ Received Not Vouchered Report ~ Accounting Year End Reminders & Closing the Books ~ Biennium Encumbrances • Questions and Answers Today’s BUG Agenda
Opening Remarks Paul Carlson
Announcements Pre-auditor / Internal Control Coordinator (Paul)
Technical House Cleaning Items Brian Svik
Technical House Cleaning Items You can bookmark this page:
Technical House Cleaning Items DO NOT bookmark this page:
Technical House Cleaning Items It is highly recommended to clear your Internet Files on a regular basis. To clear the files for Internet Explorer 7.0 do the following: Click Tools and Internet Options.
Technical House Cleaning Items Make sure you are on the General tab and click Delete under Browsing History.
Technical House Cleaning Items Click Delete all . . .
Technical House Cleaning Items Click Yes
Technical House Cleaning Items Once it is done you can click OK. Deleting these files will help ensure that NIS runs smoothly by deleting files which could cause problems such as your cookies and temporary internet files.
Accounting 102 Paul Carlson
Remark Field on Vouchers/Examples of Proper Data Entry Paul Carlson & Bruce Snyder
Remark Field on Voucher/Examples of Proper Data Entry Voucher Processing – Invoice Number and Remark Fields It is important to have pertinent information for the vendor in Invoice Number and Remark fields for the vendor to identify payments. This is becoming more important as more payments are made through ACH. • Invoice Number – use the supplier’s invoice number. • Remark – use agency name and phone number. 15
Cleaning Up Purchase Orders Amy Wilson
Open PO Report STATE ACCOUNTING IS SEEING • POs open that should be cancelled – Agency is not going to receive the goods or services • Sent out listing of open POs to agencies • Cancel date in the future • Purchasing tables that are not the same • State Accounting has a report that identifies faster • Rounding
FINANCIAL PROBLEMS w/ POs Open PO Report • Send email to State Accounting’s mail-in database using the following link: http://www.das.state.ne.us/accounting/nis/contacts.htm • Select link for Purchasing • Provide in email • Order # • Order Type • Short description of problem
Open PO Report REMEMBER June 30, 2009 is end of biennium and all open Purchase Orders will be encumbrances DON’T DELAY
Received Not Vouchered Report Amy Wilson
Received Not Vouchered Report Trial Balance by Object Account Inquiry NIS Menu- Accounting – Agencies > Inquiries & Reports > Accounting Inquiries > Trial Balance Inquiries > T/B by Object Account
Received Not Vouchered Report Received Not Vouchered Report -R5509699 NIS Menu : Accounting – Agencies > Inquiries & Reports > Accounting Reports > Received-Vouchered Reports > Received Not Vouchered Report Purchasing – Agencies > Inquiries & Reports > Accounts Payable Reports > Received Not Vouchered Report
Received Not Vouchered Report Correcting theReceived Not Vouchered Account Reverse receipt the Purchase order http://www.das.state.ne.us/nis/trainingmanuals/810_training_manuals/proc/111_PR_WI_L9_T1.b_Reversing_Receipts.pdf Post the reverse receipt batch – O Batch Type 2. Cancel the purchase order http://www.das.state.ne.us/nis/trainingmanuals/810_training_manuals/proc/101_PR_WI_L8_T1.a_Revising_a_Purchasing_Document.pdf Text Attachment appears - Enter reason for change, date of the change, and the initials of the person who made the change.
Accounting Year End Reminders Amy Wilson & Bruce Snyder 26
Run Fixed Asset Reports Accounting Year End Reminders • Auditor F/A Listing Report • Unposted Fixed Asset Transactions Report • Report has to be blank by June 25 • F/A No Cost Integrity • Blank by June 25 except for assets not received *Click each report title above for work instructions on how to run the report.
Accounting Year End Reminders Capital Projects • Make sure that State Accounting is aware of large projects that have been started or completed within the fiscal year. • Construction of Buildings • Major Renovation of Buildings • Development of Software
Accounts Payable Accounting Year End Reminders Use the Prior Year Voucher Menus when paying for all goods or services received in the prior fiscal year.
Year-End Checklist Review monthly checklist items. Review Balance Sheet account balances including Received Not Vouchered Payable (Object Code 211700) for all funds to ensure balances are correct. Received Not Vouchered Report (R5509699) Review open Purchase Orders to ensure the order is valid. Open POs will be rolled over to July 1, 2009. Allotment Status Encumbrance Detail Report (R5509730) Open PO Detail by Branch/Plant (R43632) Accounting Year End Reminders
Year-End Checklist Review reports for any unusual account balances that need to be investigated and/or corrected before year end closing. Review the account used for the Treasurer’s Credit Card Suspense transactions (usually object 486600) to determine the need for additional journal entries. Accounting Year End Reminders
Review Balance Sheet Accounts Liabilities 214100 Deposits 211200 Due to Vendors 215100 Due to Fund 213100 Due to Government 211700 Received not Vouchered 215101 Sales Tax Payable Accounting Year End Reminders
Thursday, June 25, 2009: LAST DAY TO POST FISCAL YEAR END 6-30-09 TRANSACTIONS. This includes purchase orders and purchase order receipts, fixed assets, voucher processing, journal entry activity, etc. Note: No purchasing activity by anyone in the State of Nebraska without authorization until July 1, 2009. Agencies who require access to the system for specific June 30 business transactions can phone Wes Mohling at 471-0601. State Accounting will determine the best way to coordinate the completion of your year-end work. State Accounting will be monitoring the queues. Preparation for the biweekly payroll for 7/1/09 allowed for Agency HR teams until 1:00 P.M. payroll deadline Closing the Books
Friday, June 26, 2009: Normal transaction processing for Cash Deposits and Receipts Through the Treasurer’s Office State Accounting will process payment groups for vouchers with due dates through 7/3/09 Disbursements without a purchase order created and approved for new Fiscal Year ’09 (FY 09-10) – NO POSTING. (Remember to use prior year payable menu for voucher processing when appropriate.) Closing the Books
Monday, June 29, 2009: Normal transaction processing for Cash Deposits and Receipts Through the Treasurer’s Office State Accounting will process only volume voucher payments and emergency payments Disbursements without a purchase order created and approved for new Fiscal Year ’09 (FY 09-10) – NO POSTING. (Remember to use prior year payable menu for voucher processing when appropriate.) Closing the Books
Tuesday, June 30, 2009: Treasurer cut off for deposits at 9:00 A.M. Deposits after this should have a 7/1/09 GL date All activity in NIS, including FY09 activity, reports, FY09 Payroll, etc. must cease by 3:00 P.M. NIS will be shut down for all agencies except State Accounting. State Accounting will roll-over outstanding purchase orders at June 30, 2009 into the new fiscal year. Closing the Books
Wednesday, July 1, 2009: No posting until Flash Memo is received that year end close is complete – anticipated by 7:00 A.M. State Budget provides partial allotment of new appropriations. Bi-weekly payroll for July 1 pay date posted by State Accounting Agencies should use prior year voucher processing menus when appropriate July 1, 2009 Allotment Status Report, with FY10 data, will be available on MREPORT Review purchase orders to determine year end rollover is correct Closing the Books
Closing the Books Fiscal Year End (June 30, 2009) Closing schedule Memo from Paul Carlson at: http://www.das.state.ne.us/accounting/nis/Pauls_Correspondence/fy09_ye_closing.htm
Biennium Encumbrances Bruce Snyder 39
Biennium Encumbrances What is an Encumbrance? 40
Biennium Encumbrances Encumbrances Transactions that represent a valid financial obligation of a fiscal period for which appropriation should be reserved to meet that financial obligation. 41
Biennium Encumbrances Certified Encumbrances Valid encumbrances that an agency chooses to reserve to meet a future financial obligation. 42
Biennium Encumbrances Valid Encumbrance (State Statute 81-138.01): • A purchase order is issued, but the goods and accompanying invoice were not received and paid during the same biennium; • Goods or services were received, but an invoice has not been received and paid; • Goods or services and an invoice were received, but payment could not be made during the same biennium; 43
Biennium Encumbrances Valid Encumbrance (State Statute 81-138.01): • Salaries have been earned and are payable to the employees, but have not been paid as of the end of the biennium as a result of pay periods not being consistent with the end of the biennium • Higher education institutions may encumber payrolls for the remainder of the summer session which is in progress at the end of the state's biennium if they have been budgeted and appropriated in such manner. 44
Biennium Encumbrances Valid Encumbrance (State Statute 81-138.01): • A written agreement for a grant or award to distribute aid was signed but was not paid during the same biennium. 45
Biennium Encumbrances There are four ways in NIS to identify prior year obligations: • Prior Year Voucher Without P.O. (P9 transaction created in expense accounts) • Prior Year Voucher With P.O. • (P9 transaction in the Received not Voucher Payable) • Manual Encumbrance • (J9 transaction created in Journal Entries) • Automatic Encumbrance • (Purchase Order Transaction) 46
Biennium Encumbrances Use the Prior Year Voucher Processing Menu Accounts Payable Role, Path – Payables > Prior Year Voucher Processing > PY Voucher Entry This is used to identify all accounts payable where goods or services were received in the prior fiscal year. Encumbrance processing uses these P9 transactions so agencies do not have to enter them again for encumbrance certification, because all accounts payable represent valid carryover encumbrances. 47
Biennium Encumbrances Prior Year Voucher With P.O. This transaction is created when a purchase order is created after June 30, for a prior year obligation. The purchase order did not exist on June 30 so it is not included in the outstanding purchase orders at June 30 (PC ledger). 48
Biennium Encumbrances Prior Year Voucher With P.O. This transaction is created when a purchase order is created after June 30, for a prior year obligation. The purchase order did not exist on June 30 so it is not included in the outstanding purchase orders at June 30 (PC ledger). 49
Biennium Encumbrances Prior Year Voucher With P.O.(continued) When received an expenditure is created but it is not identified with a P9 since it is not a voucher transaction. A Received Not Vouchered Payable is created as an OV transaction type. 50