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Country Review – Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members. Edited by Gábor Remetey- Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI. Country Review – Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members. Content. Country Review
Country Review –HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members Edited by GáborRemetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members Content Country Review Topic 1: GI added value in crisis time (leave the encapsulated GIS): how does your organization deal with GI-added value and is there a change in policy/approach due to the current financial turmoil? Topic 2: What after INSPIRE will expire („SDI 2020“): which actions does your country prepare that go beyond INSPIRE implementation? Topic 3: Benefits of self-governing expert associations: what are the benefits in your country? which elements/benefits are obvious and which ones are implicit? Topic 4: Subnational SDIs: can you present some positive examples, best-practises and based on that, recommendations/encouragements for other subnational SDIs? Conclusions Acknowledgements EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications Impact of financial crisis INSPIRE leadership and key players incl. NCP Coordination: Interagency Board Standardisation INSPIRE implementation EU and cross-border projects Bottom-up initiatives and orchestrated events EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications x z z EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications x z z EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications x z z EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications x z z EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications x z z EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Country Review 2011 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications Highlights of the SME sector Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications x z z EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Topic 1– HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members GI added value in crisis time How does your organization deal with GI-added value and is there a change in policy/approach due to the current financial turmoil? EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Topic 2– HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members What after INSPIRE will expire („SDI 2020“) Which actions does your country prepare that go beyond INSPIRE implementation? EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Topic 3 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members Benefits of self-governing expert associations What are the benefits in your country? Which elements/benefits are obvious and which ones are implicit? EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Topic 4 – HungaryIssues of national importance to EUROGI members Subnational SDIs Some positive examples, best-practices Recommendations/encouragements for other subnational SDIs? EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
Sablonaz1. témakérdésmegválaszolásához Térinformatikaadtatöbbletérték : hogyanigazodik a jelennehézpénzügyihelyzethezazönszervezete/intézménye? Van változásazértéknövelőtérinformatikaiszolgáltatásokkalkapcsolatospolitikában/gyakorlatban? ISDE8 The Knowledge Society. Hosted by WALIS, Perth, Australia, 23-25 August, 2011
Sablona 2. témakérdésmegválaszolásához Mileszaz INSPIRE befejezéseután (2020)? Vannak-e olyanszakterületielőkészületekamelyekaz INSPIRE vérehajtásautániidőszakravonatkoznak? ISDE8 The Knowledge Society. Hosted by WALIS, Perth, Australia, 23-25 August, 2011
Sablona 3. témakérdésmegválaszolásához Mia függetlenirányításútérinformatikaiszakértő/szakmaiszervezetekhaszna? Melyekezek a hasznokMagyarországon, ezekmelyelemeinyilvánvalóakésmelyelemeijelentkeznekcsakközvetetten? ISDE8 The Knowledge Society. Hosted by WALIS, Perth, Australia, 23-25 August, 2011
Sablona 4. témakérdésmegválaszolásához A nemzetiszintalattitéradatinfrastruktúrák: milyenpozitívpéldák, legjobbgyakorlatoksorolhatóakfelésezekalapjánmilyenjavaslatok, bátorításoktehetőekmásegyébnemzetiszintalatti SDI szolgáltatásokfelé? ISDE8 The Knowledge Society. Hosted by WALIS, Perth, Australia, 23-25 August, 2011
AknowledgementsA hozzájárulástadóneve, intézményénekangolmegnevezése (és e-mail címe)