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Follow the journey of Paul and Barnabas as they spread the message of Jesus in Pisidian Antioch, Lystra, Derbe, and beyond, facing opposition and performing miracles along the way.
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • Paul & Barnabas Sent (13:1-3). - John Mark (12:25; 13:5; Relative of Barnabas - Colossians 4:10). • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - Antioch to Seleucia; Seleucia to Salamis on Cyprus (13:4-5). - Paphos & Elymas the Sorcerer (13:6-12).
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - Perga in Pamphylia – John Mark departs to Jerusalem (13:13). - Perga to Pisidian Antioch (13:14-51).
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - In Pisidian Antioch (13:14-51). - Paul in the synagogue (14-43). Review of History F David * Jesus – The seed of David. * Jesus – Rejected by rulers. * Jesus – Resurrection prophesied.
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - In Pisidian Antioch (13:14-51). - The Next Sabbath (44-51). * Opposition by the Jews – Turning to the Gentiles. Note: “appointed to eternal life” (48). They had “judged themselves” unworthy (46) – this was the appointing to eternal life.
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - Antioch to Iconium (13:51-14:5).
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - Antioch to Iconium (13:51-14:5). * A great multitude believed (1). * The city was divided (4). * Attempted stoning (5). - To Lystra, Derbe & Cities of Lycaonia (14:6-20).
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - Lystra, Derbe & Cities of Lycaonia (14:6-20). * Healing of a cripple (8). * Paul & Barnabas viewed as gods - try to sacrifice to them (11-18). * Opposition from Antioch & Iconium (19-20).
Acts of the Apostles(Chapters Thirteen & Fourteen) • First Preaching Trip (13:4-14:28). - Lystra, Derbe & Cities of Lycaonia (14:6-20). * Preaching in Derbe (20-21). * Return to previous cities (21). * Encouragement & appointment of elders (23). * Return to Syrian Antioch (24-28).