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KS3 – Making Choices for KS4 (1)

Discover the importance of Learning Pathways for 14-19-year-olds and how to make informed choices for a bright future. Learn about essential subjects, options available, and ways to navigate career decisions effectively.

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KS3 – Making Choices for KS4 (1)

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  1. KS3 – Making Choices for KS4 (1) Information + support = a good choice

  2. Can you guess my job? Lesson starter I lead a very busy life in Africa. Look at some of the things I do in a week and I learned all these skills at school and college. Emailing people Writing reports on progress Teaching adults how to read Advising people on healthy eating Speaking French Testing water for pollution Repairing broken shelters Costing new equipment Making telephone calls Interviewing people for jobs

  3. Answer to ‘Can you guess my job?’ • I am Alex, • I am a volunteer worker for the Red Cross in Africa • I missed out on taking a Gap year after finishing my college education so I decided to have a career break and I am now in Africa, helping a village to build and set up a school

  4. What is a Learning Pathway? • A Learning Pathway is the learning experience of each individual 14-19 year old. It consists of a Learning Core and a choice of options • Learners will select, with support and guidance, options which suit their interests, abilities and learning styles and which help them to realise their potential • All learners aged 14-16 will take the following subjects • English, Welsh (as a first or second language) Mathematics, Science and Physical education • RE, PSE, Careers Education and Guidance and Work Related Education • The Options are the accredited qualifications such as GCSEs, NVQs, and others and they will vary according to individual schools and the local 14-19 Network

  5. Options available • At our school we offer the following subjects

  6. Making your choice • You must keep your options open, • You will have the chance to select further subjects at the 16-19 stage • Look at the Yr 9 section of www.careerswales.com • Use the support available to you to help make your choices • Teachers / tutors • Careers adviser / learning coach • Parents

  7. You like it or find it interesting Your parents think it is a good idea, but you don’t You’re good at it It sounds good even though you haven’t found out about it It will combine well with other subjects It’s useful for your future career Your friends are doing it You think it will be easy You can develop new skills You can’t think of anything else to choose You like the teacher who teaches it Your teachers think it is suitable for you You think you should do it- even though you haven’t found out about it You think you will do well or highlight, from this list, the positive reasons for making your choices Positive choices are balanced choices

  8. You like it or find it interesting You think you will do well You’re good at it You can develop new skills It will combine well with other subjects Your teachers think it is suitable for you It’s useful for your future career Your friends are doing it Your parents think it is a good idea, but you don’t You think it will be easy You can’t think of anything else to choose You like the teacher who teaches it It sounds good You think you should do it- even though you haven’t found out about it Some reasons for making your choicePositive Negative

  9. Thinking about yourself

  10. Air Marshall Phlebotomist Boom operator Sommelier Match the picture to the job New jobs are appearing – you will need to find out about them

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