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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ. Characteristics of Godliness: Compassion and Humility Luke 14:1-24. Jesus is compassionate even to His enemies demonstrating He is of the same essence as the Father

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Characteristics of Godliness: Compassion and Humility Luke 14:1-24 Jesus is compassionate even to His enemies demonstrating He is of the same essence as the Father Jesus is somewhere in Galilee in the house of a ruler of the Pharisees sharing a meal

  3. Characteristics of Godliness: Compassion and Humility Luke 14:1-24 It was common for a traveling speaker to be shown hospitality after a synagogue worship service The host is a leader / ruler of the Pharisees - but what were his motives in hosting Jesus?

  4. Compassion & ConfrontationLuke 14:1b–6 “They,” other Pharisees, were watching (observing closely) Jesus Jesus was unafraid to socialize even with His enemies because He knew His purpose and would carry it out Make glorifying God your purpose wherever you go and whatever you do

  5. Compassion & ConfrontationLuke 14:1b–6 Verse 2 - “and behold” - the man with dropsy was suddenly in front of Jesus Dropsy (edema) is swelling from retention of fluids due to one of several diseases - heart, kidney or liver The Pharisees had the man there as a test to see what Jesus would do

  6. Compassion & ConfrontationLuke 14:1b–6 Verse 3 - Jesus understood their purpose and answered the test put in front of Him Verse 3 - Jesus questioned them first and put them on the horns of a dilemma which they would not answer

  7. Compassion & ConfrontationLuke 14:1b–6 Verse 4 - In compassion, Jesus firmly held the man, healed him and let him go Verse 5 - They could not object because their own practices included good work on the Sabbath

  8. Triclinium

  9. Triclinium

  10. Triclinium

  11. Humility for Guests Luke 14:7-11 Luke 14:7-11 Jesus warns about pride and teaches them a humble and better way

  12. Humility for Guests Luke 14:7-11 Jesus’ teaching was based in Proverbs 15:33; 16:18; 25:6-7; 29:23; Voluntary humility is godly and better than being proud and embarrassed

  13. Humility for HostsLuke 14:12-24 Jesus is speaking specifically to the host of the meal, but the lesson is for everyone Jesus is negating the practice of quid pro quo in social engagements Social climbing is a worse form of this

  14. Humility for HostsLuke 14:12-24 God’s blessings come to those who are humble and bless others that cannot pay them back in kind Blessed are those who will be at the banquet in God’s kingdom - Isaiah 25:6; Revelation 19:9

  15. Humility for HostsLuke 14:12-24 The blessed hope of Christ’s return motivates Christians to godly living in the present - Titus 2; James 5

  16. Humility & God’s InvitationLuke 14:16-24 The first invitation would be a “save the date” without time or location The second invitation announced everything was ready and it was time to come Like an RSVP, responses of regret should have been given well ahead of the date

  17. Humility & God’s InvitationLuke 14:16-24 Luke 14:16-24 – The slave went out with the second invitation and received many lame excuses The poor, crippled, blind and lame that were noted in Luke 14:13-14 are invited There is still room, so those out by the highways and hedge lanes are invited

  18. Humility & God’s InvitationLuke 14:16-24 The invitation first went to those considered worthy, the religious Jews, but they rejected it The invitation goes next to those considered unworthy, common Jews not meeting Pharisaical standards

  19. Humility & God’s InvitationLuke 14:16-24 The invitation goes next to obvious sinners and Gentiles Those invited who reject the invitation will be excluded once the feast is served: Luke 13:24-30; 34-35

  20. Conclusions Do not let opposition stop you from being compassionate toward others God’s invitation is currently open, and those that respond in faith will be welcomed

  21. Conclusions There are no legitimate excuses for rejecting God’s invitation to believe and follow Jesus Christ

  22. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  23. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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