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Sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic…They are classified according to how they are formed.

Sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic…They are classified according to how they are formed. $100. What are rocks?. Bits of rock, sand, shells, or the remains of plants or animals. $100. What are sediments. They are made of chemicals, some are rare gems, their names end with “ite”. $100.

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Sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic…They are classified according to how they are formed.

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  1. Sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic…They are classified according to how they are formed. $100 What are rocks?

  2. Bits of rock, sand, shells, or the remains of plants or animals. $100 What are sediments

  3. They are made of chemicals, some are rare gems, their names end with “ite” $100 What are minerals?

  4. $100 The process directly responsible for the breaking down and the wearing away of rock. What is weathering?

  5. $100 Gravity, wind, moving water, and glaciers can transport or move sediments form one place to another.This process can change Earth’s landscape. What is erosion?

  6. $100 Earth’s crust is not one solid piece of rock, it is broken into huge pieces which are called. What are plates?

  7. $100 Fossils are generally found in this type of rock. What is sedimentary?

  8. $100 To test the resistance of a a rock’s surface to scratching What is the Moh’s Scale of Hardness?

  9. $100 It is a hard, solid part of the earth’s surface, most are made of combinations of minerals What are rocks?

  10. $100 Geologists believe the Earth was formed this long ago. What is 5 billion years ago?

  11. $100 I study rocks What is a Geologist?

  12. $100 This is the easiest property to observe on a rock or mineral What is color?

  13. $100 This term describes how a rock or mineral sample reflects light. What is luster?

  14. $100 What is acid? This liquid is used to test a rock or mineral for a base.

  15. What is bubbles when acid is placed on it.? $100 A chemical property is evident if the mineral...

  16. $200 The hard, solid crust of the Earth . The layer where we mine rocks and minerals. What is lithosphere?

  17. $200 The way some minerals naturally break into smaller pieces, rocks never do this! What is Cleave?

  18. $200 Geologists only look at this in formations of sedimentary rocks. What are layers?

  19. $200 The size of the pieces that make up the rock. What is texture?

  20. $200 The scientific names of minerals sometimes, but not always, end with this What is “ite”?

  21. $200 All rocks are composed of these. What are minerals

  22. $200 Another name for lithosphere. This is the rocky surface of the Earth where we live. What is crust

  23. $200 What is a 1-2? Rocks are given this rating when they can be scratched with a fingernail.

  24. I have a hardness of ten $300 What is a diamond?

  25. $300 The Earth’s huge crustal pieces are drifting and moving on this layer. What is mantle?

  26. $300 The electricity test is performed to discover if this substance is present in a rock What is metal?

  27. $300 This type of rock is made from hot, melted rock material as it cools and solidifies What is igneous rock?

  28. $300 A geologist named Alfred Wegener hypothesized that 200 million years ago the continents were joined together into this super continent. What is Pangea?

  29. $300 This rock has been changed by heat and pressure over a period of time What is metamorphic?

  30. $300 What information would probably be the most helpful in identifying a mineral sample? What is hardness and streak?

  31. $300 This part of the earth is made of solid nickel and iron What is the inner core?

  32. $300 What is the mantle? This surrounds the outer core and is made up mostly of hot, liquid rock called magma.

  33. $100The natural breakage of a mineral on 1, 2 or 3 planes $300 What is cleavage?

  34. $400 Only these have a consistent hardness because they are chemically the same What are minerals?

  35. $400 This mineral has cleavage in three directions, forming a cube What is salt?

  36. $400 We are the basic building blocks of all rocks, we are made up of 1 or more chemicals What are minerals?

  37. $400 The splitting of a mineral, the surface is usually very shiny when it does this What is cleave?

  38. $400 One or more chemicals, the basic building blocks of rocks, rare gems, “ite” What are minerals?

  39. $100$400Explain Mohs’ scale of hardness used to help identify minerals Daily Double!!!

  40. Explain how Igneous rocks are formed $500 Formed from hot, molten lava Which has cooled and hardened

  41. $500 Explain how sedimentary rocks are formed Formed when mud, sand, clay, or shells pile up in layers which are Pressed together over time.

  42. $100Explain how Metamorphic rocks are formed $500 Formed by heat and pressure in the Earth’s crust.

  43. $500 Explain how to test a rock or mineral for large amounts of iron What is the magnet test?

  44. $500 Explain how salt crystals are made Daily Double!!!

  45. $500 Explain how to safely conduct the acid test on a rock or mineral Daily Double!!!

  46. $500 Explain how sedimentary rocks are formed Layers of sediments(mud, clay, sand, the remains of dead plants and animals) are pressed and cemented together

  47. $500 When pieces of the Earth’s plates crash into each other There movement produces this. What are earthquakes.

  48. $500 What are plates? Huge pieces of the Earth’s crust

  49. Jeopardy

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