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The Prokaryotes: Domains Bacteria and Archaea

11. The Prokaryotes: Domains Bacteria and Archaea. The Prokaryotes. Domain Bacteria. Proteobacteria From the mythical Greek god, Proteus , who could assume many shapes Gram-negative Largest taxonomic group of bacteria. The Alphaproteobacteria. Have prosthecae

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The Prokaryotes: Domains Bacteria and Archaea

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  1. 11 The Prokaryotes:Domains Bacteria and Archaea

  2. The Prokaryotes

  3. Domain Bacteria • Proteobacteria • From the mythical Greek god, Proteus, who could assume many shapes • Gram-negative • Largest taxonomic group of bacteria

  4. The Alphaproteobacteria • Have prosthecae • Caulobacter: Stalked bacteria found in lakes • Hyphomicrobium: Budding bacteria found in lakes Figures 11.2b, 11.3

  5. The Alphaproteobacteria • Plant pathogen • Agrobacterium: Insert a plasmid into plant cells, inducing a tumor Figure 9.19

  6. The Alphaproteobacteria • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria • Azospirillum • Grow in soil, using nutrients excreted by plants • Fix nitrogen • Rhizobium • Fix nitrogen in the roots of plants Figure 27.5, step 5

  7. The Betaproteobacteria • Neisseria • Chemoheterotrophic, cocci • N. meningitidis • N. gonorrhoeae • Spirillum • Chemoheterotrophic, helical N. gonorrhoeae Figures 11.4, 11.6

  8. The Betaproteobacteria • Bordetella • Chemoheterotrophic, rods • B. pertussis - causes whooping caugh • Burkholderia: Nosocomial infections • Zoogloea: Slimy masses in aerobic sewage-treatment processes

  9. The Gammaproteobacteria • Pseudomonas • Opportunistic pathogens • Metabolically diverse • Polar flagella • Moraxella: Conjunctivitis Figure 11.7

  10. The Gammaproteobacteria • Legionellales • Legionella • Found in streams, warm-water pipes, cooling towers • L. pneumophilia Figure 24.15b

  11. The Gammaproteobacteria • Vibrionales • Found in coastal water • Vibrio cholerae causes cholera • V. parahaemolyticus causes gastroenteritis • Usually from undercooked shellfish Figure 11.8

  12. The Gammaproteobacteria • Enterobacteriales (enterics) • Peritrichous flagella, facultatively anaerobic • Enterobacter • Erwinia • Escherichia • Klebsiella • Proteus • Salmonella • Serratia • Shigella • Yersinia

  13. The Gammaproteobacteria Proteus mirabilis Figure 11.9

  14. The Gammaproteobacteria • Pasteurellales • Pasteurella multocida • Cause pneumonia and septicemia • Ex. Komodo dragon bite

  15. The Deltaproteobacteria • Bdellovibrio: Prey on other bacteria Figure 11.10

  16. The Deltaproteobacteria • Myxococcales • Gliding • Cells appregate to form myxospores. Figure 11.11b

  17. The Epsilonproteobacteria • Helicobacter • Multiple flagella • Peptic ulcers • Stomach cancer Figure 11.12

  18. The Nonproteobacteria Gram-Negative Bacteria

  19. Cyanobacteria • Oxygenic photosynthesis • Gliding motility • Fix nitrogen

  20. Purple and Green Photosynthetic Bacteria • Anoxygenic photosynthesis • Purple and green sulfur bacteria light 2H2O + CO2 (CH2O) + H2O + O2 light 2H2S + CO2 (CH2O) + H2O + 2S0 Figure 11.14

  21. Firmicutes • Low G + C • Gram-positive

  22. Clostridiales • Clostridium • Endospore-producing • Obligate anaerobes • Associated Diseases: • Tetanus C. tetani • Botulism C. botulinum • Gas Gangrene C. perfringens • Epulopiscium Clostridium tetani Figures 11.15, 11.16

  23. Bacillales • Bacillus • Endospore-producing rods • Human Pathogen: • B. anthracis • B. cereus Figure 11.17b

  24. Bacillales • Staphylococcus • Cocci • S. aureus – produced many toxins & yellow pigment • Common cause of food poisoning Figure 11.18

  25. Lactobacillales • Generally aerotolerant anaerobes, lack an electron-transport chain • Lactobacillus • Streptococcus • Enterococcus • Listeria Streptococcus Figure 11.19

  26. Mycoplasmatales • Wall-less, pleomorphic • 0.1 - 0.24 µm • M. pneumoniae Figure 11.20a–b

  27. Actinobacteria • Mycobacterium • M. tuberculosis • M. leprae • Propionibacterium acnes • Streptomyces – produce many antibiotics Figure 11.21b

  28. Chlamydias • Have unique life cycle • Chlamydia trachomatis • STD, urethritis

  29. Chlamydias Figure 11.23a

  30. Chlamydophila Figure 11.23b

  31. Spirochaetes • Borrelia – Lyme disease • Treponema pallidum - syphilis Figure 11.24

  32. Bacteroidetes • Anaerobic • Bacteroides are found in the mouth and large intestine • Up to 1 billion per gram of feces

  33. Domain Archaea • Hyperthermophiles • Pyrodictium • Sulfolobus • Methanogens • Methanobacterium • Extreme halophiles • Halobacterium Figure 11.26

  34. Microbial Diversity • PCR indicates up to 10,000 bacteria/gm of soil. Many bacteria have not been identified or characterized because they • Haven't been cultured • Need special nutrients • Are a part of complex food chains requiring the products of other bacteria • Need to be cultured to understand their metabolism and ecological role

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