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CPQ Results Enhancement for S2P: Job Summary Report

CPQ Results Enhancement for S2P: Job Summary Report. August 1, 2009. Current Display: Job Summary Report Example: CPQ administered with Cognitive Index.

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CPQ Results Enhancement for S2P: Job Summary Report

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  1. CPQ Results Enhancement for S2P: Job Summary Report August 1, 2009

  2. Current Display: Job Summary ReportExample: CPQ administered with Cognitive Index Prior to the report enhancement, you clicked on the "Detail Report" icon in the Job Summary Report (JSR) to view CPQ scores and other detailed results

  3. Current Display: Job Detail ReportExample: CPQ administered with Cognitive Index • After clicking through to the Job Detail Report, you click: • "CPQ Report" icon to reach CPQ reports menu (shown below) • "Detail Report" link to view test-level detailed report for other tests, (e.g., Cognitive Index) • This workflow is staying the same

  4. Updated Display: Job Summary ReportExample: CPQ with Cognitive Index (Position Pre-selected) You will still click the "Detail Report" icon to view detailed results (as shown on the previous page), but more CPQ information is now available here, in the JSR

  5. Updated Display: Job Summary ReportExample: CPQ Administered Alone (Position Unspecified) If the CPQ position is not pre-specified when the job or library is created, "N/A" displays for Compatibility Score and Rating. All other information displays the same.

  6. Additional Info: Pre-Selecting a CPQ Position • CPQ position is selected when the library or job is created • CPQ position can also be added after job creation, as long as the tests have not yet been administered to any candidates • A future enhancement may allow CPQ position to be changed in a job that already has candidate activity • CPQ position can be added or changed in an existing library, but these changes will apply only to new jobs created after the library was updated • The following two slides will show how to pre-select the CPQ position for a library and for a job

  7. Select CPQ Position – Library Creation(Requires Library Admin Permissions) After selecting test(s) under the Test List tab, select the Options tab. Click to highlight the desired CPQ position, then click Add (or select additional library options).

  8. Select CPQ Position – Job Creation(Requires Library Admin Permissions) 1. After selecting test(s), click the "Advanced Options" button 2. Click to highlight the desired CPQ position/model, then click "Set Options" 3. Set any other needed job options; click "Save and Close" or "Administer Job"

  9. Questions? • If you have additional questions, please contact your PreVisor Account Representative • Click here for PreVisor contact information

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