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Discussion of Research Proposal and Expected outputs Benchmark PerformanceTITLE OF RESEARCH CONTRACT PROPOSAL:Experimental and theoretical investigations on prompt neutron spectra and their angular distributions for selected major and minor actinidesPart of new IAEA CRP:“Prompt fission neutron spectra of actinide nuclei”, IAEA-NDS By R.K. Choudhury (CSI), S. Ganesan, A. Saxena, B.K. Nayak, R.G. Thomas, Devesh Raj, Anek Kumar and H.Naik Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 INDIA 1st Research Coordination meeting on “Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides”,6-9 April 2010, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.
A new IAEA CRP:“Prompt fission neutron spectra of actinide nuclei”, IAEA-NDSTITLE OF RESEARCH CONTRACT PROPOSAL:Experimental and theoretical investigations on prompt neutron spectra and their angular distributions for selected major and minor actinides Discussion of Research Proposal and Expected outputs Benchmark Performance Presented by Prof. S. Ganesan Head, Nuclear Data Section, Reactor Physics Design Division & Professor, HomiBhabha National Institute, Mumbai, DAE 5th Floor, Central Complex, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 INDIA Email: ganesan@barc.gov.inganesan555@gmail.com 1st RCM Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, 6-9 April 2010, IAEA, Vienna
NUCLEAR DATA ACTIVITIES IN INDIA • Basic nuclear data physics measurements. FOTIA (BARC), BARC-TIFR Pelletron, PURNIMA (BARC) D-D, D-T sources), Photon induced reactions (Electron accelerator based bremstrahlung at Kharghar); Pune 14 MeV facility. IPR 14 MeV facility • New facilities for data measurements (being discussed) • EXFOR compilations. Three successful workshops thus far: 2006 (Mumbai) , 2007 (Mumbai) , 2009 (Jaipur) • Nuclear model based calculations. E.g., EMPIRE, TALYS • Processing of evaluated nuclear data files to produce plug-in libraries for discrete ordinates and Monte Carlo codes. NJOY (USA) equivalent to be developed • Efforts to digest the status of covariance error methodology in nuclear data and its applications. A beginning with a DAE-BRNS Project at Manipal • Preparation of integral Indian experimental criticality benchmarks for integral nuclear data validation studies. (KAMINI, PURNIMA-II benchmarks completed and accepted by the US-DOE). PURNIMA-I benchmarking in progress. Reactor sensitivity studies –AHWR, CHTR (RPDD, BARC)
Indian nuclear data mirror website at Mumbai http://www-nds.indcentre.org.in
IAEA NDS MIRROR SITE SET-UP Daily Updates 2Mbps Link INTERNET NDS Mirror Site in INDIA IAEA Main Server in Vienna www-nds.iaea.org www-nds.indcentre.org.in Public Client The online nuclear data services (http://www-nds.indcentre.org.in/) mirror the nuclear data website of the Nuclear Data Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (http://www-nds.iaea.org). The MOU between DAE/BARC and the IAEA is expected to be continued beyond 2010. Under this arrangement, online-updating every 12 hours is performed in the mirror with the IAEA website through a 2MB direct link. The server is being maintained by BARC Computer Division - with manpower and machinery. It offers 2-3 times faster downloads in BARC compared to the Vienna site. India offers to collaborate with other network of reaction data centres and help in promoting the online nuclear data services in the coming years.
In 2009, Director, BARC proposed the formation of a strong and sustainable Indian Nuclear Data Centre. This proposal has been accepted by Chairman, AEC. Recently, a month ago, the formation of a strong and sustainable Indian Nuclear Data Centre has been approved by the funding agency, DAE-BRNS, and funds are being provided. The Nuclear data Physics Centre of india (VIRTUAL) will be formally announced during this year any time. NATIONAL THEME WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR REACTION MECHANISM (NTWNRM-2010) , (March.17 - March 19, 2010) Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh
BETTER NUCLEAR DATA For safe operation of existing reactors: • A practical example: • An incident involving power rise took place in KAPS, Unit 1. Nat- UO2, D2O, PHWR 220 MWe unit. A public release dated April 22, 2004 by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board provides the details of this incident. • On March 10, 2004, KAPS-1 experienced an incident involving incapacitation of reactor regulating system, leading to an unintended rise in reactor powerfrom 73%FP to near 100%FP, with trip occurring on Steam Generator DELTA T High Level 2 on INES Scale.
NRFCC, BRNS, DAE Meeting; HRD hall, 1st floor, Central Complex, BARC, Mumbai
The slow rise overpower transient on March 10, 2004, KAPS-1 could not be explained by the Design manual. The KAPS-1 overpower transient could be explained only with the use of new WIMSD multigroup nuclear libraries that give updated fuel temperature coefficients based upon improved basic nuclear data
The KAPS-1 overpower transient could be explained only with the use of new updated WLUP multigroup nuclear data libraries: Reference: Baltej Singh, S. Ganesan, P. D. Krishanani, R. Srivenkatesan, A.N. Kumar, M.V. Parikh, H. P. Rammohan, Sherly Ray, M. P. Fernando and S. S. Bajaj, “Analysis of Power Rise Transient in KAPS-1 and Power Co-efficient Evaluation,” IAEA International conference on Operational Safety performance in Nuclear Installations, Vienna, 30 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2005.
Three-Stage Indian Nuclear Programme Thorium in the centre stage PHWR FBTR AHWR Th 300 GWe-Year U fueled PHWRs 42000 GWe-Year Th Nat. U Electricity Dep. U Electricity 155000 GWe-Year Pu Fueled Fast Breeders Pu 233U Electricity 233U Fueled Breeders Pu 233U Power generation primarily by PHWR Building fissile inventory for stage 2 Expanding power programme Building 233Uinventory Thorium utilization for Sustainable power programme Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Three Stage Nuclear Power Programme- Present Status Globally Advanced Technology Globally Unique World class performance • Stage – I PHWRs • 17 - Operating • 3 - Under construction • Several others planned • Scaling to 700 MWe • Gestation period has been reduced • POWER POTENTIAL 10,000 MWe • LWRs • 2 BWRs Operating • 2 VVERs under • construction • Stage - III • Thorium Based Reactors • 30 kWth KAMINI- Operating • 300 MWe AHWR- Under Development • POWER POTENTIAL FOR STAGE-III IS VERY LARGE • Availability of ADS can enable early introduction of Thorium and enhance capacity growth rate. • Stage - II • Fast Breeder Reactors • 40 MWth FBTR - Operating since 1985, • Technology Objectives realized. • 500 MWe PFBR- • Under Construction , likley operation in 2011. • Stage-II POWER POTENTIAL : 530,000 MWe
Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) • Vertical pressure tube. • Boiling light water cooled. • Heavy water moderated. • Fuelled by 233U-Th MOX and Pu-Th MOX. Technology demonstration for large-scale thorium utilization • Currently under Pre-Licensing Safety Appraisal by AERB. • International recognition as an innovative design. • Major Design Objectives • Power output – 300 MWe with 500 m3/d of desalinated water. • Core heat removal by natural circulation • A large fraction (65%) of power from thorium. • Extensive deployment of passive safety features – 3 days grace period, and no need for planning off-site emergency measures. • Design life of 100 years. • Easily replaceable coolant channels.
Schematic of ADS- energy balance ~ 10 MWt ~ 280 MWe ~20 MWe ~ 1000 MWt @ keff= 0.98 ~ 300 MWe @ he= 0.33 • Uncertainties in PFNS will affect the design of ADSS.
Nuclear waste disposal byTransmutation Estimated • Accumulation ofspent fuel: a global issue. • Spent fuel requires > 100,000 years to decay. • Transuranic elements (TRUs: Np, Pu, Am & Cm) + a few long-lived fission products (FPs): decay very slowly. • Bulk of FPs decay to safe disposal levels in 3-5 centuries. • If TRUs transmuted into FPs by fission: bulk of FPs decay very fast.
Three Successful EXFOR workshops and sustainability by, for instance, by recruitment of RAs. International community (NRDC) highly appreciated and took note of India contributing more than 125 Indian EXFOR entries based upon Indian nuclear physics experiments since 2006. Increased visibility to India’s work in nuclear physics data generation Introduction of a new Experimental Nuclear Physics Database culture in India- A challenge. Van de Graaf seminar room, NPD.
India successfully contributed more than 120 EXFOR entries: • 10 new entries in 2006 Workshop (Faculty: Otto Schwerer Manual entries) • 31 new entries in 2007 Workshop (Faculty: Svetlana DUNAEVA, EXFOR editor) • 55 new entries in 2009 Workshop (Faculty: Svetlana DUNAEVA, EXFOR editor software used) • The details of new Indian EXFOR entries are, for instance, available in “Full EXFOR Compilation Statistics”, in the IAEA-NDS site: http:www-nds.iaea.org.exfor-master.x4compil.exfor_input.htm • Thus far, since 2006, in all more than 120 new Indian EXFOR entries based upon experimental data generated in Indian nuclear physics experiments have been successfully made into the IAEA-EXFOR database. The identification for coding into EXFOR of all the suitable Indian articles published in the literature was done by the IAEA-NDS staff.
Over 70 delegates worked from 9:30 AM to up to 8PM every day. There were in use 20 desktop computers and another 20 individual laptops brought by delegates. This Theme Meeting was not in the nature of a seminar or conference. During the Theme Meeting, the delegates had a lot of specialist discussions and EXFOR coding tasks in a focused manner for placing the Indian experimental nuclear physics data into the IAEA EXFOR database.
The International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) constitutes a worldwide cooperation of nuclear data centres under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Network was established in the early sixties to coordinate the world-wide collection, compilation and dissemination of nuclear reaction data. India was invited and admitted as a full member of NRDC in 2008. INDIA WILL ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN PFNS COMPILATIONS IN EXFOR, RELEVANT FORE THIS CRP
EXCITING SURROGATE TECHNIQUE EXFOR ENTRY IN PROGRESS EXFOR ENTRY NOS:33023 and D6075 Examples of other experiments and analysis in Progress: BARC (B. K. Nayak et al., ) working on using Li-7+232Th to measure 234Pa(n,f) reaction data. H. Naik et al., (neutron+ 234Pa) fission cross section in thermal spectrum
ENSDF Evaluation Activities The ENSDF evaluation activities and research work are being actively continued by Ashok Jain (IIT Rourkee), M. Gupta (Manipal), Gopal Mukherjee (VECC, Kolkata) and others. The Indian Nuclear Data Centre under formation will factor into account the continuation of these important nuclear data physics activities.
India is a participant in the ITER programme • The nuclear data needs for fusion system applications is receiving increased focus and attention in India. • Measurement of n, p and D induced activation cross sections in the MeV energy region. • Calculations using TALYS and EMPIRE codes • FENDL library of the IAEA: Use and QA studies • Fusion integral benchmark analysis. • Use of EASY-2007 package by Robin Forrest et al. • Uncertainties in PFNS will affect the design of hybrid fusion-fission systems.
Nuclear Data Reliability Issues in FENDL S. GanesanReactor Physics Design DivisionBhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085 India ganesan@barc.gov.in ganesan555@gmail.com Fusion Neutronics Workshop (FNW-2007) Date: 19-22 November 2007
INTEGRAL NUCLEAR DATA VALIDATION STUDIES • Indian experimental nuclear criticality benchmarks • History of previous benchmarking tasks: • For details, please visit the URL: http://icsbep.inl.gov/ • 2005: India contributed the KAMINI experimental benchmark • ( ICSBEP Reference: U233-MET-THERM-001 ) • 2008: India contributed the PURNIMA-II experimental benchmark • ( ICSBEP Reference: U233-SOL-THERM-007) • 2009: Work started on PURNIMA-I (PUO2 fast system) • 2010: PURNIMA-I (First draft completed; march 31, 2010). Internal peer-review started.
INDIA HAS JOINED SELECT BAND OF COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTING TO THE ICSBEP. The full report on KAMINI and PURNIMA-II benchmark s are available. See website of the ICSBEP: http://icsbep.inl.gov/ for details
BENCHMARKING KAMINI • The Kalpakkam Mini (KAMINI) is a U-233 fueled, low power (30kW) research reactor designed and built by the BARC and IGCAR joint venture. • One criticality configuration made on 29 Oct. 1996 has been evaluated and accepted as a benchmark. • Benchmarking an operating system is healthier as people are unlikely to have retired and feedback from fabricators are available. • Unique distinction being the only reactor operating with U-233 as fuel in the whole world now.
Power – 30 kW; • Fuel – U-233 (20 Wt % ) and Al alloy • Total Fuel Inventory - 600 g of U-233 • Reflector – BeO; • Moderator and Coolant – Demineralised light water • Core Cooling – By natural convection • Control Elements – Cd plates
1st RCM Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, 6-9 April 2010, IAEA, Vienna
1st RCM Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, 6-9 April 2010, IAEA, Vienna
INTEGRAL NUCLEAR DATA VALIDATION STUDIES • Indian experimental nuclear criticality benchmarks • History of previous benchmarking tasks: • For details, please visit the URL: http://icsbep.inl.gov/ • 2005: India contributed the KAMINI experimental benchmark • ( ICSBEP Reference: U233-MET-THERM-001 ) • 2008: India contributed the PURNIMA-II experimental benchmark • ( ICSBEP Reference: U233-SOL-THERM-007) • 2009: Work started on PURNIMA-I (PUO2 fast system) • 2010: PURNIMA-I (In Progress) 1st RCM Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of Actinides, 6-9 April 2010, IAEA, Vienna
The 232U issue in thorium systems; Role of high energy tail of the reactor spectra above the (n,2n) threshold. Here PFNS influences considerably as the initial fission neutron source. The high energy part is very small (total flux* 10-4) and is very sensitive to reactor lattice modeling approximations. So care has to be taken to have the transport calculation be rigorous. Use Monte Carlo for instance. Applicable to all high energy (> 4 MeV threshold ) activation cross sections
Example of EXFOR data retrieval from the Indian Mirror nuclear data website: The Figure above shows the cross section data for the nuclear reaction 232Th (n, 2n) 231Th. Next slide shows the same data with inclusion of data from evaluations BARC has initiated experimental campaigns to measure the data for 232Th (n, 2n) 231Th reaction in 6 to 10 MeV energy region.
The Figure above shows the cross section data for the nuclear reaction 232Th (n, 2n) 231Th with inclusion of data from evaluations. This nuclear data is crucial in predicting 232U production in thorium fuel. The high energy tail of the reactor spectra above the (n,2n) threshold should be known accurately.. Here PFNS (topic of this CRP) influences considerably the production rate of 232U as the initial fission neutron source.
THORIUM FUEL CYCLE NUCLEAR DATA http://www-nds.iaea.org/Th-U/ IAEA Nuclear Data Section CRP on “Evaluated nuclear data for thorium-uranium fuel cycle”. Data adopted in ENDF/B-VII.0 DURATION: 2002-2006 PARTICIPANTS: R. Capote (IAEA), M. Chadwick (USA), S. Ganesan (India), F.J. Hambsch (EU), O. Iwamoto (Japan), A. Ignatyuk (Russia), N. Janeva (Bulgaria), T. Kawano(USA), L. Leal (USA), Y.D. Lee (Korea), H. Leeb (Austria), P. Liu (China), V. Maslov (Belorussia), A. Plompen (EU), P. Schillebeeckx (EU), M. Sin (Romania) and A. Trkov (IAEA).
Thorium bundles were loaded in Indian PHWRs for initial flux flattening from KAPS Unit 1 onwards. Identical loading of thorium bundles also used in KAPP-2, KAIGA-1 and 2 and RAPS-3 and 4 to attain flux flattening in the initial core.
Thorium Fuel bundle is used for power flattening in 220MWe PHWR in India
Thorium loading in the initial core of KAPS-2 unit INDIA IS THE ONLY COUNTRY HAVING AN ON-GOING PROGRAMME OF THORIUM IRRADIATIONS IN ALL PHWRs FOR INITIAL POWER FLATTENING Thorium loading in the initial core of KAPS-2 unit The axial positions of the 35 bundles of thorium oxide bundles are indicated by Arabic numerals. The remaining (3025 in the active core +612 outside active core ) bundles are of natural uranium.
The formation of 232U in thorium mainly takes place by the following reactions: 232Th (n, 2n) 231Th (-) 231Pa(n, ) 232Pa (- ) 232U 232U is also formed in-situ with burn-up and thus 232U is also formed in small amounts through the breeding reaction from 232Th: 232Th (n, ) 233Th (-) 233Pa (- ) 233U(n, 2n) 232U. 233Pa (n, 2n) 232Pa (- ) 232U
S. Ganesan 3-January-2009 The Department of Physics, University of Rajathan, Jaipur
Core calculations Based Comparison of the Isotopic Contents in (J-11-9) Fuel Rod – 3rd Ring; KAPP-2 (PHWR) [Ref: V. Jagannathan, S. Ganesan and R. Srivenkatesan, “A Study on the Factors Influencing the Theoretical Estimation of 232U and Other UIsotopic Contents in Thoria Bundles Irradiated in PHWRs,” Paper submitted to INSAC-2003, 14TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF INDIAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY & 1ST BRNS CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLE,December 17-19, 2003, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam C/E values for weight percent. 232U 0.85 233U* 1.00 232U/233U(ppm) 0.86 234U 0.96 235U 0.92 236U 0.86 Sum (232U, 233U, 234U, 235U and 236U) 0.98 INDIAN CODES ARE USED: PHANTOM-CEMESH code system. Explicit treatment of (n, 2n) cross sections at Lattice LEVELLatticecell code module in PHANTOM: CLUB; *233Pa has been added.
The reasons for the expected low ppm (less than 10ppm) of 232U in Fast Breeder Test Reactor: • Nuclear data and physics considerations • Nickel reflector brings the neutrons below the threshold of (n, 2n) reaction in 232Th; • The effective 231Pa (n, γ) cross section is much lower in a fast spectrum as the capture cross section falls rapidly with increasing energy. • Thirdly, the accumulation potential of 233U produced is more in saturation in a fast spectrum making the ppm content of 232U in 233U much smaller • FACTOR OF 250 lower!!! Yet to be verified by PIE • Proposal to measure 231Pa (n, γ) cross section in Pelletron, TIFR at 0.5MeV.
A Multi-purpose Critical Facility (CF) • Several experiments involving thorium are in progress