All materials provided in this training, including the contents of linked pages, are provided for general informational purposes only. While we seek to provide links to current and authoritative information, neither UVM nor this office guarantees the accuracy of information accessible online; therefore, this information must not be relied upon as substitute for legal advice from a qualified attorney. Please contact the UVM Office of the General Counsel attorney to obtain current legal advice specifically responsive to your questions. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)
IRCA & the I-9 Form • Requires the employee and employer to certify identity and eligibility to work • I-9 must be signed by employee on first day of work • I-9 must be completed within 3 days of starting work • Signed by the employee and employer
IRCA & the I-9 Form • $250-$2000 for EACH hire 1st offense • $2000-$5000 for EACH hire 2nd offense • $3000-$10000 for more than two offenses
IRCA & the I-9 Form • $100- $1000 for each person hired without proper documentation • $3000 and/or jail time for engaging in a pattern or practice of violating the hiring/verification requirement