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Resolutions. Resolution review. Final written results of the debate and negotiations Suggestions to address or resolve a specific problem or issue involved in the topic. Resolution or Draft Resolution ?.

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  1. Resolutions

  2. Resolutionreview • Final writtenresultsofthe debate andnegotiations • Suggestionstoaddressorresolve a specificproblemorissueinvolved in thetopic

  3. ResolutionorDraftResolution? • Resolution: a suggestionthat has beenpresentedtothecommittee, votedonandpassed • DraftResolution: a suggestionthat has beenwritten up by a sponsor andsigned by signatoriesbut has notyetbeenvotedonandagreedon

  4. ResolutionVocabReview • Sponsor • Mainauthorsofthedocumentwhoagreewitheverything in thedraftresolution • Signatory • Countrieswho may or may notagreewiththewholedraftresolutionbutwhowanttoseeitvotedon so they can talk aboutitandaddammendments

  5. VocabularyContinued • Ammendment • A proposedchangeto a draftresoltionduring debate overthedraftresolutions • Clauses • 2 necessarysectionsof a draftresolution

  6. Structureof a Resolution • Heading • CommitteeName • Sponsors • Signatories • Topic • PreambulatoryClauses (3-4) • Operative Clauses (3-4)

  7. Writing a PreambulatoryClause • PreambulatoryClause: Thisclauseshouldtellthereasonsthecommitteeisaddressingthetopic. Itshouldalsohighlightanypastinternationalactionontheissue. • Must beginwithanunderlinedpresentparticiple (preambulatoryphrase) followed by a comma.

  8. PreambulatoryPhrases AffirmingExpecting Alarmed by Fullyaware ApprovingHavingconsidered AwareofHavingexamined BelievingHavingheard ConsideringHavingstudied DesiringObserving EmphasizingSeeking

  9. ExampleofPreambulatoryClause The General Assembly, Remindingallnationsofthecelebrationofthe 50th anniversaryofthe Universal Declarationof Human Rights, whichrecognizestheinherentdignity, equalityandinalienable rightsofall global citizens, ReaffirmingitsResolution 33/1996 of 25 July 1996, whichencouragesGovernmentstoworkwith UN bodiesaimed at approvingthecoordinationandeffectivenessofhumanitarianassistance, Notingwithsatisfactionthepasteffortsofvariousrelevant UN bodiesandnongovernmentalorganizations, Stressingthefactthatthe UN facessignificantfinancialobstaclesandis in needofreform, particularly in thehumanitarianrealm,

  10. PreambulatoryClauses • Whatisthepurposeof a preambulatoryclause??? • In ordertomake a newrecommendation, youhavetoprovethatyouhavethoughtabouttheissue, researchedwhattheissuewaslike in thepast so show thatyouunderstandthecontext.

  11. Writingan Operative Clause • Operative Clause: Thisclausemustidentifytheactionsorrecommendations made in a resolution. Theyshould be putinto a logicalorderwithone idea orproposalperclause. Theseclausesshould be numbered. • Eachoperativeclauseneedstobeginwith a verb in thepresent active tense andshouldendwith a semicolon • Ifyouneedtoexplain a clause more, youneedto use bulletedlistswithletters • Afterthelastoperativeclauseyou can FINALLY add a period

  12. Operative Phrases AcceptsEncourages Affirms Endorses ApprovesExpressesitshope Authorizes Notes CallsuponProclaims CondemnsRecommends ConsidersRegrets Deplores Requests DesignatesSupports Emphasizes Trusts

  13. Exampleof Operative Clauses 1. Encouragesallrelevant agencies ofthe UN tocollaborate more closelywithcountries at thegrassrootsleveltoenhancethecarrying out ofreliefefforts; • Urgesmemberstatestocomplywiththegoalsofthe UN DepartmentofHumanitarianAffairstostreamlineeffortsofhumanitarianaid; and • Callsuponstatestorespondquicklyandgenerouslytoconsolidatedappealsforhumanitarianassistance.

  14. SampleResolution • http://bestdelegate.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Screen-Shot-2011-10-26-at-2.16.47-AM.png

  15. Nowitisyourturn!! • Workwithyourdelegationtowrite a sampleresolutionthatyoumight sponsor at theconference. • First, think back towhatsomeofyourresolutionswerethatyouwroteabout in yourpaper. • Then, use thesameformatthatwejustdiscussedtowrite a formal resolutionpresentingyour ideas. • REMEMBER, thisis JUST practicetogetthehangofwritingresolutions. Whenwritingthem at theconference, youwillworkwithotherdelegationsandAmnesty International will NOT be abletowritethem.

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