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Measuring Value: A Survey for Assessing Our Impact

Measuring Value: A Survey for Assessing Our Impact. Victoria H. Goode, MLIS Welch Medical Library Clinical Informationist vgoode1@jhmi.edu. About the Survey. Purpose: T o better understand the effect of information and informationist services on clinical and research decisions.

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Measuring Value: A Survey for Assessing Our Impact

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  1. Measuring Value: A Survey for Assessing Our Impact Victoria H. Goode, MLIS Welch Medical Library Clinical Informationist vgoode1@jhmi.edu

  2. About the Survey • Purpose: • To better understand the effect of information and informationist services on clinical and research decisions. • To understand the value of selected library services. • Population: • Faculty, fellows, housestaff & residents in the Johns Hopkins schools of medicine, nursing and public health. • Dates: • First two weeks in November 2011

  3. About the Survey • Used the Critical Incident Technique • Consisted of 22 questions and a rating scale of 12 items. • Distributed via email and an intranet site. • Coincided with other campus wide events/campaigns, and this may have limited participation. • Partners: Johns Hopkins Marketing and Communications and the Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center.

  4. Response Rate • Response rate: 10.8% • (809 completed surveys out of a possible 7,490)

  5. Information Needs

  6. Benefits to Research

  7. Patient Care

  8. Patient Care

  9. The Value of Library Services Library services were rated on a ten-point scale, with "1" meaning not valuable and "10" meaning very valuable

  10. The Value of Informationist Services 55% used the services of an informationist either recently or in the past. 91% of people who used informationist services would recommend it to others

  11. Comments • Many of the improvements we made following this survey came from the comments we received in open-ended questions. • A question regarding barriers to finding information provided important examples of access problems. • The informationist program received almost all positive results, but many people also commented on not knowing it existed.

  12. What Improvements Were Made as a Result of This Survey?

  13. Access • A large number of patrons access our resources from off-campus, so improving remote access to resources is vital. • A more streamlined access issue reporting structure was put in place so that problems can be resolved faster and tracked over time to see trends.

  14. Library Service Development • Based on comments, there is a high need for information on data/statistics. • Review and further develop library services in support of data. • We will continue to seek user input on new library services and resources. • Additionally, we will conduct periodic user reviews of key services.

  15. Marketing and Communication • We need to improve communication broadly with the community. • New methods of communication include manning information tables throughout the campus and a monthly podcast. • New and under-used resources are highlighted on the Welch homepage.

  16. New Informationist Collaborations • Evidence-based Medicine Rounds were implemented in August 2012 with the Junior Assistant Residents (JARs) in Internal Medicine. • We improved our information resource pages and added new information portals, like the Bioinformatics portal. • ICU pilot project to determine how providers answer questions that arise on an Intensive Care Unit.

  17. Models for the Survey • Grefsheim, S. F., Whitmore, S. C., Rapp, B. A., Rankin, J. A., Robison, R. R., & Canto, C. C. (2010). The informationist: Building evidence for an emerging health profession. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 98(2), 147-156. • Grefsheim, S. F., & Rankin, J. A. (2007). Information needs and information seeking in a biomedical research setting: A study of scientists and science administrators. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 95(4), 426-434. • Marshall, JG (Primary Investigator). Value of Library and Information Services in Patient Care Study. A partnership of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. http://nnlm.gov/mar/about/value.html • Association of College and Research Libraries. Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report.Researched by Megan Oakleaf. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2010 www.acrl.org/value

  18. Thank you Welch Library Value Survey Team Contact Information: Jaime Blanck Changxin (Jack) Chen Victoria Goode Nancy Roderer Lori Rosman Stella Seal Sue Woodson Rob Wright Victoria Goode Welch Medical Library vgoode1@jhmi.edu

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