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Harappan India

Harappan India. The Forgotten Civilization. Soojin Min Michelle Lie David Shannon. Brought to you buy:. Geography:. ☞ Covered most of Pakistan, in addition to the western states of India. ☞ A majority of the sites found were on or near river embankments.

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Harappan India

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  1. Harappan India The Forgotten Civilization

  2. Soojin Min Michelle Lie David Shannon Brought to you buy:

  3. Geography: • ☞ Covered most of Pakistan, in addition to the western states of India. • ☞ A majority of the sites found were on or near river embankments. • ☞ Located in the northeastern Pakistan Punjab province, on the left bank of the Indus River. (Possehl)

  4. (www.go.hrw.com) Map of Harappan India

  5. Trade: ☞ Imported perishable products such as oils, clothes, lumber, livestock, other major commodities, and more notably, cotton. ☞ They exported various exotic woods, fruits, and metals. ☞ Harappans traded along the Silk Routes with Mesopotamia’s civilizations. (Possehl)

  6. (www.orexca.com) Map of Trade Routes

  7. War: ☞ There is no evidence of a military or the use of warfare. ☞ If required they could protect their civilization. ☞ The city walls were guarded by armed watchmen. (Mohiuddin)

  8. Weaponry: ☞ The migration of Aryans assisted in the generation of more functional tools. ☞ They produced bronze weaponry. ☞ Consisted of arrow heads, spears, and daggers. (www.geocities.com)

  9. Agriculture: ☞ Harvested crops such as cotton, sesame, peas, wheat, barley, etc (www.geocities.com). ☞ There were two growing seasons (Kenoyer). ☞ Domesticated animals such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, etc (www.thenagain.com).

  10. Population: ☞ Three main phases: • Early Harappan 3300 BCE-2800 BCE • Mature Harappan 2800 BCE-1800 BCE • Late Harappan 1800 BCE-1000 BCE ☞ Multiplicity of reasons for decline: Climate change, political pressure, trade difficulties, invasion and/or migration. (Gale)

  11. Disease: ☞ Few signs of Disease. ☞ Malnourishment was the major cause of death. ☞ Not enough evidence or remains to actually come to a conclusion. (www.geocities.com)

  12. Migration: ☞ Early Harappans migrated around 3300 BCE. ☞ The Aryan’s pastoral cattle–herders migrated in the Late Harappan phase. ☞ Had effect on Harappan culture. (Gale)

  13. Social Structure: ☞ Farming and herding were common (Possehl). ☞ Cattle was a principal form of wealth (Possehl). ☞ Caste system between farmers and pastoralists often varied (Kenoyer). ☞ Had forms of social hierarchy (Possehl).

  14. Gender Structure: ☞ Most families were patriarchal. ☞ Women had occasional rights. ☞ True men-domination didn’t develop until later civilizations. (www.workmall.com)

  15. The Arts: ☞ Artwork was personal. ☞ Stone Seals were inscribed with Harappan writing. ☞ Carved stone sculptures of religious and symbolic meanings have been found. (www.thenagain.info.com)

  16. Writing System: ☞ Writing system has not yet been deciphered ☞ Three forms of writing: • Graphemes (distinct script signs) • Logo-Syllabic system (groupings of shapes) • Pictographs (stories drawn to portray stories) (Kenoyer)

  17. Literature/Sacred Writings: ☞ Harappa created the world’s first language. ☞ Ancient texts included the “Vedas” and the “Rosetta Stone”. ☞ Inscriptions were made on jars, pottery, seals, etc. (www.geocities.com)

  18. Government Structure: ☞ Not much can be certain because their language is yet to be deciphered (Mattingly). ☞ Some believe they were an evolved bureaucratic political power (Kenoyer).

  19. Family Organization: ☞ Lived in villages and tribal units. ☞ Monogamy, polygamy, and polyandry were all practiced. ☞ The birth of a son was welcomed but a daughter was not disgraced. (www.culturalindia.net)

  20. Religious Beliefs: ☞ No evidence in a place to worship. ☞ Believed in early Hinduism and had extensions of Animism. ☞ Believed in early forms of Shiva and godly women figures. ☞ They worshiped the Bull, Tiger, and Buffalo. (www.concise.britannica.com)

  21. Bibliography: • -2 Oct 2007 <http://go.hrw.com/venus_images/0596MC01.gif >. • 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.orexca.com/img/silk_road2.jpg>. • "Central Asia, Mesopotamia and Sarasvati Sindhu civilization." Sarasvati. 2003. The Hindu Universe is a HinduNet Inc.. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/sarasvati/ht ml/vedictech.htm>.

  22. Bibliography Con’d: • Frawley, David. "Migration Rather than Invasion." Myth of Aryan Invasion of India. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.indiaforum.org/india/hinduism/aryan/pa ge10.html>. • "Goddess Durga: the Female Form as the Supreme Being." Dolls of India. UnlimitiedFX. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.dollsofindia.com/read/devi_durga.htm>. • Gokhale, Balkrishana. Ancient India: History and Culture. India: Popular Prakashan, 1995.

  23. Bibliography Con’d: • Haywood, John. "Indus Valley Civilization."The Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations. 1st ed. 1997. • "INDIA and SOUTH EAST ASIA." INDIA and SOUTH EAST ASIA . 18 Aug 2006. M. Hoover and San Antonio College. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.accd.edu/sac/vat/arthistory/arts1303/Indi a1.htm>. • "Indus Valley Civilization." Cultural India. CulturalIndia.net. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.culturalindia.net/indian- history/ancient-india/indus-valley.html>.

  24. Bibliography Con’d: • "Indus Valley Civilization, 6000B.C-1000B.C."DISCovering World History. 2003. • Kenoyer, Jonathan. "Chalcolithic (Bronze) Age."Encyclopedia of India. 1st ed. 2006. • Kenoyer, Jonathan. "Indus Valley Civilization."Encyclopedia of India. 2nd ed. 2006. • Mattingly, Gerald. "Harappa."Encyclopedia of Anthropology. 3rd ed. 2006

  25. Bibliography Con’d: • Mohiuddin, Yasmeen. Pakistan. 1. Santa Barbara: ABC- CLIO, 2007. • Possehl, Gregory. "Harappan State and INdus Civilization."Berkshire ENcyclopedia of World History. 5th ed. 2005. • Possehl, Gregory. "Indus Valley."Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. 3rd ed. 2003.

  26. Bibliography Con’d: • Possehl, Gregory. The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. Armonk: Rowman Altamira, 2002. • Snell, Melissa. "Harappan Culture." About.com. 2 Oct 2007 <http://historymedren.about.com/library/text/bltxtindia2.htm>.

  27. Bibliography Con’d: • Swanson, Emily. "Harappan Civilization." India and Southern Asia Chronology. 14 Sep 1998. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.thenagain.info/webchron/india/ha rappa.html>. • "The fragments of pottery are about 5,500 years old." 'Earliest writing' found. 4 May 1999. BBC News Online. 2 Oct 2007 <http://www.geocities.com/pak_history/writing. html>.

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