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STORK . STORK – 4 th Industry Worksho p Thursday 17 th March, 2011 Leuven, Belgium. Secure Identity Across Borders Linked Secure Electronic Identity Across Europe!. Agenda. Our aim is…. … to build a Pan European eID federated authentication infrastructure where:
STORK STORK – 4th Industry Workshop Thursday 17th March, 2011 Leuven, Belgium Secure Identity Across Borders Linked Secure Electronic Identity Across Europe!
Our aim is… • … to build a Pan European eID federated authentication infrastructure where: • Public Administrations utilize for eID authentication, enabling citizens to transact internally and for cross border services; • Industry and SMEs to generate economic activity and build value for themselves and the economy at large…
What STORK isn't… STORK is not • a new method of electronic identification or • a new competing company on the eID market. STORK does not • exclude any method of electronic identification or • restrict service providers to a given architecture.
Then, what is STORK? STORK is • a common framework for electronic identification • based on open source common building blocks. STORK does • connect all existing national infrastructures and • integrate different methods of electronic identification. STORK complements what’s already there !
The advantage… Advantages of using STORK • Secure and reliable identification of customers from all Europe • Fulfill regulatory requirements enabling new business models Convenient applications of using STORK • Tool to prevent duplicates in CRM systems • Recognizable anonymous authentication via sector specific identifier Business models related to STORK infrastructure • offering hosting services • implementing additional components • providing consultation
STORK today! The infrastructure works! Pilots are running!
STORK tomorrow… Most partner MS will continue enhancing STORK services… and add more!!!
Upcoming activities… Upcoming… Legal framework – Governance – all MS Commitment – Political support Current… Toolkit – manuals – training We have an Infrastructure that works
Your contribution… Please complete the questionnaire https://www.eid-stork.eu/pilots/questionnaires/index.php?sid=92571&lang=en or…
Our Commitment to sustainability… What our Industry partners said in our recent survey: • ... We intend to continue investments in STORK after 06/2011 assuming that the infrastructure and/or services remain in place; • ... And support and develop new applications related mostly to G2C (Government to Citizen) model of business on top of STORK interoperable infrastructure.
Extended usage of STORK… • (Centre des Technologies de l’Information de l’État - Luxembourg) : Since 2007, LU has deployedits « one stop shop » : http://www.guichet.lu . Wewouldlike to authenticateusers (citizens) using STORK for some online services • (NXP) : Secure log-in for returningcustomers. NXP has variousregisteredcustomer services related to orderingproducts, documentation, samples; submitting data for customizedproducts; checking commercial orderstatus etc. All of thesecouldbesimplified and made more secure by eID-based login. The STORK could help us to gain critical mass by supporting a whole range of eIDs at once whenintroducingsuch services. What are our Industry partners saying?
Extended usage of STORK… • (Indra): E.g. We'llbecolaboratingwith a local companyproducing an authenticatedVoIP solution. • (MULTICERT S.A) : The infrastructure canbeused as a whole to provide new open solutions based on the use of eID. The individual components (Identity Provider, Attribute Providers, ...) canalsobeused in new internal services provided by the public sector. Examples of potential applications for STORK know-how are: .development of strongauthenticationplatforms; development of solutions to certifyspecificattributes of citizens/users (professional associations, professionaldegrees, ...), - development of new cross-border interoperable services in specificsectors. E.g. bankingsector (new services based on the use of eID), multiID solutions, pan-Europeanelectronicprocurement solutions, etc. What are our Industry partners saying?
Extended usage of STORK… • (Infineon) : - eGovernment Services cross border - e-tax/social/pension services cross border - e-voting cross border • (Open Limit Sign Cubes GmbH) : As developer of the eID technology, OpenLimit equips companies and public authorities with the needed knowledge and facilities to create new high potential services. Thus, the usability and security of web applications can be significantly increased by the bidirectional authentication. Examples might be online citizen services provided by public authorities, registration and login at e-commerce platforms or closed communities. What are our Industry partners saying?
Other Large Scale Pilots… Building together…
Your contribution… Please complete the questionnaire https://www.eid-stork.eu/pilots/questionnaires/index.php?sid=92571&lang=en or…
Building together… Your Thoughts ???