8. Middle School Math Grades 6, 7, & 8
9. Homework Tips Homework is given EVERY Tuesday/Thursday for each grade level.
Algebra I has additional HW on Monday nights.
Tutorials are available:
*after-school… Mon-Thurs. (Be sure to have a ride home pre-arranged.)
*before school…beginning at 7:30.
*6th graders have a “Homework Hotline”…their teacher’s phone number is at the top of every HW page. They are able to call until 8:00 PM any night.
10. Math Basics Know your facts!!! +, -, x, ÷
6th Grade – every subject has a different color
1” notebook…Math is red. There should be two dividers within it…one for study guide sheets…the other for HW papers.
Want to know what assignments your child has? Check the agenda!
Want to know your child’s grades?
Check Family Access!
11. Glencoe Mathematics Our new textbook…
* May check one out, if needed.
* Many Internet options.
Contact a math teacher for further info:
Springer/Fankhauser – 6th Grade
McKee/Walker - 7th Grade
Hoeppner/Morse - 8th Grade
Harstrom/McKee - Pre-Algebra/Algebra I
Schauer – Resource Math
12. Internet Availability www.tx.msmath1.com (1- 6th, 2 – 7th, 3 – 8th)
www.tx.pre-alg.com (7th grade Honors)
www.tx.algebra1.com (8th grade Honors)
Many options:
self-check quizzes, a personal tutor, tests, games, review of lessons, worksheets, and much more!
Students may come to classrooms/labs beginning at 7:30 AM or stay after school.
(Be sure to make ride arrangements.)
6th Graders may also come to their teacher’s class at Channel One time.
13. Middle School Science Grade 6, 7, & 8
14. Homework Tips Good nights rest & nutritional breakfast
Take full advantages of library resources
Designated Quiet Study Area
Make sure glasses or contacts are worn during study time
Have teacher sign off on agenda
If possible, purchase a travel drive so computer work can be easily transported home if needed. Lab time can be difficult.
15. Parent Suggestion Take advantage of Family Access program
Stay informed with your child about their grades and assignments
Question them about what areas they are struggling with and keep close contact with teacher
Arrange before or after school tutoring times beforehand with teacher and make sure student has a ride
16. Resource Availability Science Textbooks may be checked out if needed.
Additional internet resources may be attained from Science teachers
6th- Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Brown
7th- Ms. Byford, Mr. Smith
8th-Mrs. Cheshier, Mrs. Cordtz
17. Middle School Reading Grades 6th, 7th, & 8th
Presented by: Elizabeth Ponder
Information Compiled within the MMS ELA/Reading Department
18. 5 Ways to Raise a Reader Read to your child everyday – It’s never too early or too late to start!
Continue reading with/to your child even after they become readers. Older children often like to listen to things being read.
Discuss what you read together – Ask your child questions and listen to their answers Encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes per day – whether with you or by themselves.
Take along your child’s favorite books wherever you go – on the bus, on a trip – whenever there is time – READ!
19. Remember… By encouraging your child to read, you help to ensure school success.
20. Ways to Succeed on Homework… Despite what many students think, most teachers really do care about you.
They want to see you succeed in their class, but most of all, they want to know that you are doing your best.
Here are some ways that you can show your teachers that YOU care too, and that you want to learn:
21. Homework Helps - 1. ALWAYS be prepared for class with materials and assignments.
2. Pay attention to the lesson.
3. Show interest – raise your hand and actively participate.
4. Go in for extra help when you are confused. Let your teacher know that you are trying and that you care about the class.
22. Tutorials… Okay, so you didn’t understand… now what?
Tutorials are offered at the following times for most teachers:
After school (Have a pre-arranged ride home)
Before school (7:30)
23. When your student has a reading passage… Find a quiet space with good lighting
Have them read the story – highlight when necessary
Look at the questions and make sure you understand what is being asked.
On words you don’t know – look for the context clues to help you figure it out!
Remember, if you can prove your answer, it increases your chances of getting it correct.
24. Sustained Silent Reading Every day, from 10:40-10:54, the entire school stops to do independent reading. EVERY CLASS DOES THIS.
Students should be reading their AR book and responding in their reading journals during this time.
All MMS Reading teachers require 10 points each six weeks.
This year’s due dates for AR are:
October 26
December 14
February 8
May 9
25. Resources The MMS Library website it a great resource for book information, all things AR, and a host of other research tools – Take advantage of it!
6th Grade Teachers – Elizabeth Ponder & Sue Powell
7th Grade Teachers – Kim Ferrell & Tuddy Ryan
8th Grade Teachers – Linda Engel & Dana Dowling
26. Middle School History Grades 6, 7 & 8
27. ORGANIZE YOUR TIME Be ready when you sit down to study. Have your materials in front of you and your assignment book open. Study your most difficult subject first, when you are fresh. If you feel sleepy or lose concentration, get up and take a short break. Do not let yourself fall behind in a subject.
28. Organize Yourself Always, always, always write each assignment down WHEN IT IS GIVEN in a central location. Weekly planners are helpful because you can see a whole week at once.
Take the time to put returned assignments, tests, and homework in the notebook or folder FOR THAT CLASS. Then you will know where your papers are at all times and nothing will get lost.
Choose notebooks and folders that are different colors for each class.
Clean out your backpack, locker, and desks (at home and school) of old unneeded papers and junk WEEKLY.
Plan for the next day before you go to bed at night. Put everything you need to take to school (books, lunch money, P.E. clothes, or whatever) together.
When you gather the books that you will take home in the afternoon, don’t just guess what you will need. Take the time to open your assignment book and look over your homework assignments for that night
29. INTERACTIVE STUDENT NOTEBOOK(Journals)This journal serves as an organizational anchor for class activities.These notebooks become a record of a student’s growth in writing, thinking, and organizational skills. It is a portfolio of individual learning.
30. These notebooks become a record of a student’s growth in writing, thinking, and organizational skills. It is a portfolio of individual learning.
This keeps assignments together and in a logical order.
Notes are reused to show the importance of good note taking skills, as well as, the importance of the information studied.
Students tend to be more responsible for their learning and their journal.
Students become more creative and more independent thinkers.
No two notebooks look the same. Not many are lost.
31. Helpful Tips: Teachers are here to help make you successful.
History textbooks may be checked out if needed.
Tutorials are available after school. (Always have a pre-arranged ride.)
Internet resources are found on the Mabank ISD website under Parent/Student.
Always ask for help!
8th grade – Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Purl
7th grade – Ms. Carney, Coach Scales, Coach Grider
6th grade – Coach Duncan, Coach Grider
32. Mabank ISD Online Resourcespresented by Nicole Gurley, Librarian at MMS As a district, we have selected quality online resources to help our students be successful. Through state funding and other resources, we are able to provide around $60,000 in online tools. These are available to all students and their families. All of them are accessible from home, work or any other computer with Internet access.
53. For more information or for help with these resources: Mrs. Nicole Gurley
903/880-1640 ext. 6040
54. Family and Student Access
55. Family Access Info Located on Home Page of Mabank ISD
Address of web site www.mabankisd.net
Allows parents to view grades, discipline, comments, special messages, and lunch account information for their children within the district
Parents and upper level children have their own separate logins and passwords
Parents can see the exact assignments, grades, high scores, low scores, and other pertinent information about their child’s grades.
56. Family Access Info Students can also check on their grades at home and at school
Helps students take an interactive role in keeping up with their grades and assignments
57. Points to Remember Do not give your passwords to your children
Students do not give your passwords to friends
Can access information 24/7 as long as you have access to the Internet
Change your password frequently
If you have not received a user name and login, please ask for a registration form at the registrar’s desk.