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2002: Level-1 trigger (LHCb) 2003: High level trigger (ALICE) 2004: Tracking (CBM)

Collaboration LIT-KIP Status and future plans. L0. L1. L2. HLT. V. Ivanov, V. Lindenstruth. GRID. 2002: Level-1 trigger (LHCb) 2003: High level trigger (ALICE) 2004: Tracking (CBM) 2004: GRID computing 2004: Cluster RAID 2005 : Outlook. Volker Lindenstruth

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2002: Level-1 trigger (LHCb) 2003: High level trigger (ALICE) 2004: Tracking (CBM)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Collaboration LIT-KIP Status and future plans L0 L1 L2 HLT V. Ivanov, V. Lindenstruth GRID • 2002: Level-1 trigger (LHCb) • 2003: High level trigger (ALICE) • 2004: Tracking (CBM) • 2004: GRID computing • 2004: Cluster RAID • 2005: Outlook Volker Lindenstruth Kirchhoff Institute for PhysicsChair of Computer Science University Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 6221 54 4303 Fax: +49 6221 54 4345 Email: ti@kip.uni-heidelberg.de WWW: www.ti.uni-hd.de

  2. 2d tracks in a 45o sector: CPU (CA)  Events X,Y vtx Z vtx histogram 56mm 5 ms  time (ms) dzpv 2002: The LHCb Level-1 Trigger – Reconstruction • Find VELO 2D tracks (~70) and reconstruct 3D primary vertex • Reconstruct high-impact parameter tracks (~10%) in 3D • Extrapolate to TT through small magnetic field -> PT • Match tracks to L0 muon objects -> PT and PID • Select B-events using impact parameter and PT information • Use T1-3 data to improve further selection (5-10% of events)

  3. 2002: The LHCb Level-1 Trigger – Simulation

  4. 2003: The ALICE High Level Trigger – Simulation HL0 HL1 HL2

  5. 2004: The CBM Experiment DAQ Analysis/Development Stages L1/FPGA L1/CPU Level-1 Sub-Farm HLT

  6. STS Data RICH Data TRD Data Track Finder Ring Finder Track Finder Track Fit Track Fit Track Merger PV Finder Track Fit PV GeoFit SV GeoFit SV ConstrFit Performance Select/Discard Event 2004: The CBM Event Reconstruction – I

  7. 2004: The CBM Event Reconstruction – II KIP LIT KIP LIT LIT LIT KIP KIP KIP LIT LIT KIP LIT • Track finding • Hough transform • Cellular automaton • Conformal mapping • 3D track following • Track fitting • Kalman filter • Kalman filter (projections) • Parabolic approximation • Polynomial approximation • Orthogonal polynomial set • Primary vertex fitting • Minimization of impact parameters • Geometrical Kalman filter • Secondary vertex fitting • Geometrical Kalman filter • Mass and topological constrained fit • RICH ring finding • Track extrapolation • Hough transform • Elastic net • Robust fitter

  8. 2004: Online GRID Tromsø Bergen Dubna Heidelberg Successful deployment of „on-line GRID“ in Nov. 2004, where detector data was processed in real-time on-line. Capetown

  9. read enc cr_main cr_rs dec kcrsyncd kcrd krecoveryd 2004: Cluster RAID Architecture User Space Application crlib A Kernel control f(A^B) write cr driver Kernel data A Kernel B Remote Parity Disks Hardware Local Disk www.ti.uni-hd.de/clusterraid

  10. 2005 – … : Potential Future Plans • CBM Global Tracking • CBM Feature Extraction • CBM Sub-Farm Simulation • Cluster RAID, Fault Tolerance • 40 TB MSS @ JINR, 20 TB MSS @ University Dubna • GRID Computing • …

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