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Report on MIOT Projects in Sri Lanka & Moving Forward

7th Annual IMHO Convention Saturday, May 1 st , 2010 – Boston, USA. Report on MIOT Projects in Sri Lanka & Moving Forward Dr. Poolo , Trustee & Past President of MIOT, IMHO Intl. Coordinator Dr. Niranjan , MIOT Regional President, North Thames MIOT. வணக்கம்.

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Report on MIOT Projects in Sri Lanka & Moving Forward

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  1. 7th Annual IMHO Convention Saturday, May 1st, 2010 – Boston, USA Report on MIOT Projects in Sri Lanka & Moving Forward Dr. Poolo, Trustee & Past President of MIOT, IMHO Intl. Coordinator Dr. Niranjan, MIOT Regional President, North Thames MIOT

  2. வணக்கம் அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு. 'A' is the prime of all letters. The Source - the God is the prime of the world.

  3. MIOT IMHO Tamil Health Collaboration & Networking

  4. Supporting Tamil Community Diaspora Health and Wealth Projects • Establish self-sufficiency • Collaborative Medical Enhancements • Medical Student Exchange Programme • Establish Bilateral Teaching Collaborations

  5. Networking World Tamil Communities Past Examples Jewish community Uniting Community Concerted Effort Our Collaboration Diplomacy Through Friendship Think Tank TTT- T3 Tamil Think Tank Like the Skull & Bones…

  6. 1.0 What Has MIOT Achieved? IOFM – Institute of Family Medicine Established & Running IOFM Clinics Establishing Mobile Medical Units in the North & East CME / CPD programmes – Joint Venture: Online. Establishing the Visiting Professional from the West to teach the young and emerging medical professionals. Establishing the Eastern Province Primary Care and Educational links with universities.

  7. 2.0 What Has MIOT Achieved? Orphanage Mission • Well established and improving • Planning to establish more for those homeless children of the war • Increase funding through campaigns – and to establish Tamil Children Funds (like that of Christian Children Funds in the West).

  8. 3.0 What Has MIOT Achieved? • Medical Student Exchange Programmes • Linking the University of Jaffna – EU – NA – Asian - African Universities for Visiting Professor Programmes. • Giving accommodation for Foreign national exchange students to enhance the knowledge sharing.

  9. The Way Forward • Organise projects by individuals with similar interest • Organise projects through organisations they belong to. • Collaborate with Diaspora Organisations • Tap into international Govt / NGOs for funding and expertise

  10. Diaspora & Solidarities • Important & Vital for any Community • We must help those less afortúnate amoung us • Way forward is through non-profit NGO organisations. • One Must Help: Very 1st – Their Family  2nd -Their Community  3rd - Their Country  4th - Their Region  5th – Finally the World. Let Us Help Those Left Behind!

  11. IMHO E.U. *Establishment of IMHO European Union in collaboration with MIOT UK

  12. நன்றி - Thank You "Many failures happen because of people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."  - Thomas Edison 

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