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Customer Service: The Basics

2. KCC Customer Service. Objectives:To introduce our Customer Service and Satisfaction Philosophy.To understand the Customer feedback programs.To review our commitment to the Customer Service Standards.To strengthen our Service Recovery skills.To review our Recognition Programs. To embra

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Customer Service: The Basics

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    1. 1

    2. 2 KCC Customer Service Objectives: To introduce our Customer Service and Satisfaction Philosophy. To understand the Customer feedback programs. To review our commitment to the Customer Service Standards. To strengthen our Service Recovery skills. To review our Recognition Programs. To embrace the four principles of FISH! To understand the FISH way of life. To incorporate FISH into our environment

    3. 3 KCC Customer Service Starting Thought: “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear…all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia

    4. 4 KCC Customer Service What does “satisfaction” mean? The dictionary defines “satisfaction” as meeting or exceeding an expectation. In our case, the expectations of our customers – internal and external…our patients, families, visitors…. AND our co-workers, multidisciplinary team members and staff members in other departments.

    5. 5 KCC Customer Service Traditionally, health care only included how the facility could provide good medical treatment. Now patient satisfaction, as an outcome of healthcare delivery,has been adopted as an indicator of quality care. Our report card will be posted on a public web-site for everyone to review, in Fall, 2008.

    6. 6 KCC Customer Service WHY is Customer Service Important? Our customers are knowledgeable & well-informed. They have high expectations and with every healthcare experience, their expectations increase. Our customers have a choice on where to get their medical needs met. They expect clinical competence but the service provided makes ‘the difference’. “Expectations are Directly Correlated to Satisfaction”.

    7. 7 KCC Customer Service Perception vs. Reality – The customer’s perception is all that matters for patient satisfaction. The customer may not always be right, but they are always our customers. The delivery of each patient’s care is under observation by many individuals (patient, family, visitors,other staff etc.), each with a possible different perception of the care given.

    8. 8 KCC Customer Service Did you know that? Each hospitalization causes a patient to increase their expectations. A satisfied customer tells 1-5 people about their experience, a dissatisfied customer tells 10 – 20 people about their experience. Keeping customers satisfied – keeps them and others coming back.

    9. 9 KCC Customer Service What do Customers Want: Customers want to feel important & respected - Address them formally, as they prefer. Treat them like they are your only patient. They want to have a sense of belonging. - They do not want to feel like they are a burden. They want to be seen as individuals. - They are not room 5210 or the person with pain in cubicle 2. They want to know that someone is coordinating their care. - They should sense that someone is in charge and that everyone knows their role while working together as a team for them. They want staff to be sensitive of their needs. - They come to us with fear and uncertainly.

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    11. 11 KCC Customer Service

    12. 12 KCC Customer Service Factors Contributing to Dissatisfaction: 1. Inappropriate or lack of communication. 2. Inadequate or lack of explanations for delays. 3. Not providing closure to complaints or problems. 4. Unprofessional attitudes 5. Indifference & unfriendliness. 6. Noisy environment.

    13. 13

    14. 14 KCC Customer Service The KCC Customer Service Strategy: Customer Service Standards ~ ‘Our Foundation’ Monitor Customer Satisfaction ~ ‘Feedback is Good’ Standing agenda item at all staff meetings Service recovery is everyone’s responsibility Accountable team members Actions plans/initiatives to address results Recognition Programs to celebrate success!

    15. 15 KCC Customer Service The KCC “Customer Service Standards” Our Foundation: behaviors that apply to every interaction with every individual, at all times. *Professionalism *Compassion *Respect *Courtesy *Communication *Teamwork We measure our success by the feedback provided by our patients, families & visitors. We are benchmarked against other health care organizations, locally and throughout the nation.

    16. 16 KCC Customer Service Professionalism I will maintain a professional behavior and dress to build customer confidence. Respect I will respect and protect the dignity of each person. I will assist customers to maintain a sense of control and feel valued. Communication I will communicate clearly and effectively.I will listen and respond in a prompt and timely manner.

    17. 17 KCC Customer Service Compassion I will convey kindness and compassion. I will promote a caring culture and strive to understand others. Courtesy I will treat others with courtesy at all times.I will be considerate, patient, helpful and supportive. Teamwork I will encourage cooperation and teamwork. I will value each member of the healthcare team and contribute to team spirit.

    18. 18 KCC Customer Service Satisfaction Monitors Feedback is good & we welcome all input from our customers. We want to know of their experience, so we can have the opportunity to improve our service. KCC has several feedback programs.

    19. 19 KCC Customer Service Our feedback programs are: The Patient and Family Advisory Council Verbal feedback Karmanos Cares Program Press Ganey Satisfaction Program C4QI – Comprehensive Cancer Center Consortium for Quality Improvement

    20. 20 KCC Customer Service The Patient & Family Advisory Council This council is dedicated to promoting the delivery of the most comprehensive and compassionate health care for cancer patients, survivors, and their families. This council serves as advocates to the KCC leadership team. 18 members on the council meet monthly to provide input & direction for KCC and facilitate understanding of the customers perspectives. This is a voluntary role and their dedication is apparent with this monthly commitment.

    21. 21 KCC Customer Service Verbal feedback It is everyone’s responsibility to obtain verbal feedback and concerns. We must be responsive. Customer service recovery is best accomplished at ‘point-of-service’ by ‘front-line’ care providers. Once you know of a concern – “YOU OWN IT” regardless of who, or what department caused it. It is your responsibility to follow-through.

    22. 22 3. Karmanos Cares Program On-site, real-time customer feedback survey. Brochures are given to patients upon admission. Brochures and boxes are also available throughout KCC campus. Drop-off boxes are checked regularly. Customer concerns are followed-up by the Customer Service Department. Compliments are recognized in the Karmanos Starfish Program. KCC Customer Service

    23. 23 KCC Customer Service 4. Press Ganey Satisfaction Surveys National level survey. Benchmarked against hospitals throughout the USA, and our local market. Survey is mailed to patients within 10 days following their discharge, following their Outpatient visit (one survey is sent every 3 months for outpatients). Results are reported monthly to Unit Directors and Managers. Action plans & initiatives are developed to address unit-specific results.

    24. 24 KCC Customer Service Press Ganey Surveys Uses a series of specifically grouped questions Patients rate us on a 5 point scale: 1 / Very Poor = 0 points 2 / Poor = 25 points 3 / Fair = 50 points 4 / Good = 75 points 5 / Very Good = 100 points We strive for 5!!!

    25. 25 KCC Customer Service 5. C4QI The Comprehensive Cancer Center Consortium for Quality Improvement A group of Comprehensive Cancer Centers throughout the nation. Enables us to compare our patient satisfaction scores with other Cancer Centers in the U.S.A. Bi-annual reports provide a valuable benchmark that is specific to cancer care.

    26. 26 KCC Customer Service Service Recovery The art of fixing what went wrong for the customer and mending the damage or error the misstep caused and restoring trust in the relationship. Making the ‘recovery’ for an unexpected situation or experience. Means that everyone will be responsive to concerns that are shared by our customers. Customers don’t expect us to be perfect, but they do expect us to fix things when they go wrong. How we respond once we know about an issue can turn even a very unpleasant experience into a positive one.

    27. 27 KCC Customer Service

    28. 28 KCC Customer Service Service Recovery Service breakdowns happen, but what YOU do afterwards makes ‘the difference’. Each unit has a ‘Service Recovery Tool Box’ that provides materials that can be given to customers during service recovery. These include – valet parking passes, meal tickets and gifts cards.

    29. 29 KCC Customer Service Our goal with Service Recovery is to have our front line care providers resolve service concerns at the point-of-service Once concerns escalate to our Customer Service Representatives, it becomes a complaint and is managed through our formal process. We have strict regulatory guidelines that must be diligently followed in the complaint resolution process, following our ADM 019 Policy – Patient Complaint and Grievance Management

    30. 30 KCC Customer Service Recognizing the wrong and making it right through apology, action and closure all must occur immediately – on the front-line, by the person who has recognized the ‘oops’. This is the “moment of truth” where patients find out exactly who and what they are dealing with – a giant, impersonal, inflexible bureaucracy, or a group of people who really care about them. Nothing is more powerful than a sincere apology

    31. 31 KCC Customer Service If our customers can voice their complaints and we can resolve them quickly. WE RETAIN THEIR LOYALTY. When a service breakdown occurs, we have an opportunity to work with the upset patient to “recover” from that breakdown and retain a loyal customer.

    32. 32 KCC Customer Service Recognition Programs Karmanos Cares Coupons Karmanos Cares Starfish Program Team Recognition Award

    33. 33 KCC Customer Service Karmamos Cares Coupon Immediate recognition for outstanding service – ‘going above and beyond’. The $2.00 coupon is distributed to the KCC Leadership Team as requested. Everyone on campus is eligible to receive them. The coupon is redeemable in the Main Cafeteria, Main Campus Gift Shop, Quizno’s and the Midtown Deli Café.

    34. 34 KCC Customer Service Karmanos Cares Starfish Program When a Karmanos Cares coupon is given for exceptional behavior, the employee’s name may be forwarded for entry in the tracking database. When an employee is positively mentioned in any of our feedback programs, that name is entered in the tracking database. Annually, once 8 or more recognitions have been received, the awardee will be publicly recognized with an award. A celebration honoring the awardees is held. This Starfish Award recipient also received a paid day off!

    35. 35 KCC Customer Service Team Recognition Award Press Ganey results are celebrated! A bi-annual recognition award. The highest scoring unit based, on the Nursing questions results, are awarded the team recognition. Unit-based celebrations are scheduled for all three shifts and the award is presented.

    36. 36 KCC Customer Service What Can We Do: Start with the basics – know and demonstrate your KCC Customer Service Standards. Ask if assistance is needed – be proactive. “What can “I” do for you?” Remember, first impressions are very important. You may the the ONE person that makes the difference for a customer.

    37. 37 KCC Customer Service Our Goals: To “Exceed” our Customers’ Expectations. To understand why customer service is important to us. To welcome feedback because it is a valuable means to constantly improve our service. To manage Customer Service Recovery successfully at the point-of-service. Create “WOW” experiences for all KCC Customers’.

    38. 38 KCC Customer Service Closing Thought…. “I have learned that people will forget what you said; people will forget what you did; but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

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    40. 40 KCC Customer Service FISH! Is a way of life. It’s a set of simple, interconnected principles that you can tailor to your own life and work. When you choose to make these principles a part of your life, no matter what is going on around you….you will notice a positive difference in your relationships and within yourself.

    41. 41 KCC Customer Service FISH! Is old wisdom for each new day. It reminds us of what we often forget when we are busy, stressed-out and self-absorbed.

    42. 42 KCC Customer Service FISH! behavior often starts with one person, and attracts others. By embracing the FISH! Philosophy at KCI and committing to it, we can create a higher quality of life at work.

    43. 43 KCC Customer Service Why should we live FISH!???? Our patients will benefit, Our visitors will benefit, And the people we work with everyday will benefit.

    44. 44 KCC Customer Service The FISH! Philosophy made the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, Washington world famous. If they can do this at a fish market, we can do easily do this at KCC and also become world famous!

    45. 45 KCC Customer Service Principle #1: PLAY Play makes your job fun. It energizes the creativity and problem solving in you. It pleases customers and team members. It makes boring and difficult tasks easier to do.

    46. 46 KCC Customer Service PLAY can be a lighthearted approach you bring to a difficult day. People PLAY in their own way. Some PLAY quietly, some wear colorful lapel pins or socks. PLAY can be visible in wall decorations and fish toys.

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    49. 49 KCC Customer Service It’s up to you to know the difference: Observe or ask people what makes their day. Then, when they least expect it or when they need it the most make it happen!

    50. 50

    51. 51 KCC Customer Service Principle #3: BE THERE How can you BE THERE for someone? You give them your undivided attention You put away your agendas You listen from their perspective You feel what they are feeling You are connected

    52. 52 KCC Customer Service We need to be present for our patients and each other. To really BE THERE for another person, whether that person is a customer or coworker, is very POWERFUL. Do not get distracted by noises or other people around you; stop what you are doing and listen.

    53. 53 KCC Customer Service BE THERE for your coworkers by paying attention to what is going on around you. Ask others if they need help if they seem to be behind.

    54. 54 KCC Customer Service Principle #4: CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE We all have the power of choice. Choice means you are responsible for the way you act and react. No one else can make that choice for you.

    55. 55 KCC Customer Service When you Choose Your Attitude from moment to moment, it not only affects you, but everyone with whom you come in contact. Attitudes, whether they are helpful or hurtful, spread like viruses through our campus.

    56. 56 KCC Customer Service There are many things we can’t control: the weather, traffic, other people, management decisions. The only thing we can control is our response to these and other challenges. Sometimes it means standing up for what needs to change. Sometimes it means accepting what is.

    57. 57 KCC Customer Service Either way, it’s a simple choice. It takes effort to live this everyday, in every situation. You have to work on it and regenerate it everyday!

    58. 58 KCC Customer Service Don’t be a CRAB! No one wants to work with a crab. Your attitude affects the attitude of those around you so: Choose your attitude wisely.

    59. 59 KCC Customer Service At The Karmanos Cancer Institute, we may not be able to throw things around but we can throw ourselves into our roles and make a difference for everyone!

    60. 60 KCC Customer Service We hope this Computer Based Learning course has been both informative and helpful. Feel free to review this course until you are confident about your knowledge of the material presented. Click the Take Test button on the left side when you are ready to complete the requirements for this course. Click on the My Records button to return to your CBL Courses to Complete list. Click the Exit button on the left to close the Student Interface.

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